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If you were our Manager!!!


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Everyone on this forum has their own Ideas of starting line-ups, formations and substitutions, yet CB still fields the same players, changes the formation and dosent seem to make subs until too late on... So who would you field if you were our manager?

Here's what I would do...

4-4-2 formation.





BENCH - Zibi, Hastings, Hart, McAllister, Sutherland

This may seem a weird set up, and you'll note the absence of one player I seriously don't rate. But here's the reason behind my setup.

Proc has performed better than Rossco in the games he has played and is certainly someone who could replace Ross long term. He can also play left or right, and even in midfield. McGuire and Munro have paired well at centre back, and McBain would be left-back. He has better (closer) man-marking capabilities than hastings and has good distribution. He would also run the wing and link well with Marcus down the left. Cowie on the right (makes sence) and Marcus Paatelinen on the left. Both can take on opposition and score vital goals. Take players on down the wing and swing the ball in the box more regular. (Create the new Tokely-Wilson and Hastings-Sheerin combo's down the wings). Ian black can take on players through the centre and keeps the aggressive stance in the centre of the park. I replace Duncan for Wyness in the Holding Midfield role. Wyness has far superior distributions of the ball, can read the game far better and would be able to push forward and score more regular. He's starting to lack the pace up front, and could provide a 3rd striker up front should we need to change things during the game. He would in turn link well with Niculae and Bayne, who would give our final 3rd the pace, height and more importantly the finishing touch!!!

I would get rid of the big punt up the park attitude and play passing football. One-touch linking play. It's definately better to watch, and if you look at the teams that constantly finish top 6, they all play flowing, passing football. You look at the likes of St Mirren and Gretna - Both punt the ball up the park!!!

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I would make sure that everyone had decent win bonuses, especially for cup games

Players would make the teamsheet on merit rather than any other reason, except Blackie whose name would be set in stone

I would play 4-4-2 against everyone, maybe except the OF and maybe even then only away

I would have the vision to see when my game plan wasn't working and try to change it with tactical subs, and I wouldn't be scared to make subs in the first half!

I would make sure that fans abroad were able to get live commentary online

I wouldnt drink in the Heathmount or play golf

I would make the chief execs life so fecking difficult he would go back to basketball(?) with his tail between his legs

Ticket prices would have to be dropped by at least a fiver

Reserve games would be scheduled so that kids could get along to them


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Guest TinCanFan

I'd try to play exciting and attacking football and do awat with this rubbish one up front thing.  My formation/line-up would be between these two:


            Proctor        Munro       Hastings

  Cowie           Black          Hart          McBain

            Bayne          Niculae     McAllister   




             Proctor       Munro        Hastings   

Cowie      Hart         Black         McBain     Imrie

             Niculae                        Bayne

I believe that these two formations would mean a more attacking style of play.  My may even consider something like this too:


Proctor         Watt            Munro        Hastings

                      Black           McBain

Tokely           Bayne          Niculae       McAllister/Imrie

Yes that's right, Tokely up front.  The reason why I think that he should play here is that I believe that Proctor is a far better player at right back, Tokely seems to play up front a lot of the time anyway and can get caught out and not able to run back so quick when he goes forward so if he were play as a forward this wouldn't happen so much.

Something else I would do is play Steven Watt on a more regular basis.  When I saw him against Arbroath I thought he was pretty good and far better than McGuire and maybe even Munro. 

I would actively encourage the fans to make a lot of noise and to encourage more fans, tickets would would ?5 at the very most.  I would also put the power hungry stewards in their place.   


Reserve games would be put on at better times to encourage a larger support.

A west stand would be built double the height of the current one and would run down the whole side of the pitch.

I would also learn from my mistakes, not constantly repeat them.

I'd bring back Angus the Stag and try to get more creative and flair players into the team.

I'd take advice from this website as to what to do and for new ideas.

The Direstor of Football's job would be elected by the fans.

I wouldn't be a puppet to the men above.

Away fans deliberatly sitting in the wrong end would be banned for life.

I'd put a roof (or if that is too expensive a giant tend) over the ground on games in bad weather.

Things like scarves would be very cheap and season tickets for under 16s would be less than ?100 to encourage a big following in the future.

I'd try to do what IK Start do and make the whole team move constantly in formation.

All the adverts would be taken out of the programme and replaced with good stuff and the programmes themselves would cost 50p.

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I would like to see our younger players eg. Vigurs, Gillespie getting some run outs in the team.

I would NEVER play 4-5-1 at home and would only use it away to OF and if it was 1 up top I would have someone willing to go beyond the striker, something we don't have.

I would tell Granty that the ball can be played on the deck from time to time.

I would remind Tokely that he plays on the right side of DEFENCE and not 60 yards further up the pitch.

I would stop this continually swapping of McBain and Cowie from left to right.

I would make proper use of my substitutions.

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We need to get Proctor into the back 4 asap. IMHO he is our best defender, he reads the game beautifully and wins almost everything. His distribution is also a class above the others. The only question is who do you drop? I would play him in place of Tokely, who should be pushed further up the park as he is arguably our most penetrating attacking player. When he gets forward things happen - why don't we just leave him up there????  :029:

I'd also stop playing Marius as a striker, he'd be far more effective as an attacking midfielder with the game in front of him, rather than with his back to goal. He's a playmaker not a poacher. And he would still provide a goalscoring threat, as most of his goals come from outside the box, or from getting on the end of set pieces - both of which he could still do. So who should partner Wyness? Bayne is not good enough to take us to the next level. Andy Barrowman is the obvious solution. A target man like Bayne, but who also has pace, is comfortable with the ball at his feet - and most importantly scores goals!

Drop the underperforming Russel Duncan and play Blackie in the anchor man role. He is just as good as, perhaps even better than Duncan at closing down and challenging opponents. I think this is his forte, more so than his attacking play. And he'd contribute far more to our fluency than Duncan when we have the ball. Play Niculae in Blacks attacking midfield position.


      Proctor      McGuire      Munro    Hastings


            Tokely                              Sutherland



              Bannerman                Wyness               

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Guest TinCanFan

Where's Cowie?  Have to agree about Tokely though and I can't think of a single reason as to play him more at the back but quite a few to play him further forward.

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Although rossco gets forward, he has no longer got the support of wilson down the wings.

For Tokely to get back to his best, he needs someone he can link play with, and his crosses into the box are no longer what they used to be.

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I would tell Savage and his "yes man" to feck aff - give Grasser a nice and deserved pay off - I would get my own sugar daddy - install Gough and Hendry as the management - Rosscoe and Bazza fer the reserves and the yoof - grab Craig Brown as the Director of Football and assume the Chief Executive post maself. I would say cheerio to Niculae and his wages -and  buy an out and out centre forward and a "foil" with pace. I would play Cowie and Zander wide with Black and a seasoned old pro in the hole. I would also seek out a central defender who could pass.

But I wouldnt take the job this season as it is quite obvious that the manager has little say with the current regime and you cant do yer own thing.

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I would tell Savage and his "yes man" to feck aff - give Grasser a nice and deserved pay off - I would get my own sugar daddy - Yes

install Gough and Hendry as the management - No

Rosscoe and Bazza fer the reserves and the yoof - Yes

grab Craig Brown as the Director of Football and assume the Chief Executive post maself. No

I would say cheerio to Niculae and his wages -and  buy an out and out centre forward and a "foil" with pace. I would play Cowie and Zander wide with Black and a seasoned old pro in the hole. I would also seek out a central defender who could pass. Yes

3/5 ain't bad. Job's yours

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