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Options If Of Move To England

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Guest Muir-Jaggie

Cant see anything like happening.

Rangers & Celtic would prob fly down to the games and then theres alot more midweek games down there and then theres champ league and stuff like that

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You know what ... if they want to go and the English FA / Premiership are prepared to take them then so be it.

Yes, we would lose out on TV revenue, Yes, our league would probably drop down the UEFA co-efficient rankings, and Yes, clubs would lose out on (a minimum of) three opportunities a year to fill their stadium with OF supporters.

However, on the up-side, for the first time in decades, there would be a chance for other sides to realistically have title ambitions, there would be a chance that the league could become as entertaining as some of the other divisions we have been in as it would be more of a level playing field, there would be a chance that even with reduced TV revenue clubs would not be that much out of pocket as the top two teams wouldnt take the lion's share every year. Over time, the SPL and other divisions may actually become stronger if this were to happen.

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You know what ... if they want to go and the English FA / Premiership are prepared to take them then so be it.

Yes, we would lose out on TV revenue, Yes, our league would probably drop down the UEFA co-efficient rankings, and Yes, clubs would lose out on (a minimum of) three opportunities a year to fill their stadium with OF supporters.

However, on the up-side, for the first time in decades, there would be a chance for other sides to realistically have title ambitions, there would be a chance that the league could become as entertaining as some of the other divisions we have been in as it would be more of a level playing field, there would be a chance that even with reduced TV revenue clubs would not be that much out of pocket as the top two teams wouldnt take the lion's share every year. Over time, the SPL and other divisions may actually become stronger if this were to happen.

I agree with Scotty. For that reason I'm disappointed that there is no greater chance of this actually happening that the dozen or so times this increasingly tedious story has surfaced in the past.

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The other teams would lose out but so what it would become a much more exciting league. Instead of 2 teams competing for the title their would be many. Anyway Celtic and Rangers wouldnt last five minutes in the premiership. Lets take Kris Boyd for example theirs no way on this earth that lazy **** could hack it in the premiership. He could never compete with the likes of Upson let alone Vidic and Terry. They would be lucky to stay in the premiership. Celtic and Rangers are 2 of the most overrated teams in the world.

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While I seriously doubt it will ever happen, I don't think it would really benefit football in Scotland. We only have to look at the Welsh League to see that with the best teams in another FA's League there would be much less income for the remaining teams and the UEFA quotient would also be adversely affected.

Having said that, GET THEM TAE FECK! :rotflmao:

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Move Celtic and Rangers straight down to the 3rd Division and see who gets up first!

Its a minimum of 6 years without them. :rotflmao:

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I would expect a number of teams to try to follow, especially Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee/Dundee United. Basically a British league. That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself. I think the English bias would be lost rapidly and the leagues would be more exciting all round. That said, I'm also not overly for it. Basically I'm happy either way :rotflmao:)

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I would expect a number of teams to try to follow, especially Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee/Dundee United. Basically a British league. That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself. I think the English bias would be lost rapidly and the leagues would be more exciting all round. That said, I'm also not overly for it. Basically I'm happy either way :rotflmao: )

Are you "Rangers minded?" :thumb04:

There would need to be regional leagues under that scenario which in itself is anti-competitive. If not, the travelling costs would kill most smaller clubs like ourselves. We would not be in the top league so TV revenues would be far less.

We would lose all of our UEFA places completely.

The one plus would be playing other teams twice a season, once at home - once away.

Let the scum go, and leave us be.

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Nope, not Rangers minded. I'm both Scots and British (and Canadian as it happens, hell European as well!). I don't see that one diminishes the other. If there was to be a British league, I'd have no problem opening it up to an Irish league too.

I doubt in the age of Easyjet, traveling costs would necessarily kill that idea. It would just require forward planning.

Already the English Division 1 is richer than most Scottish clubs, so it would actually boost most incomes. Certainly, if you take Rangers and Celtic out of the SPL.

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Personnally I wouldn't care if the OF moved out of Scotland. Whether its the EPL, a European or Atlantic League, they are welcome to the disgrace that is the OF.

I believe it would then leave the SPL much more exciting. Maybe not in a skill level, but the league will be closer, more teams have a chance of winning cup competitions. Smaller teams crowds may even increase. If the OF fans can'y afford the silly ticket prices and travel costs to London, Birmingham, Stoke, etc 20+ times a year OF fans may visit their local team for a live game. My Rangers supporting brother who lives in Carrbridge goes to some ICT games already because of work and cost prevent him going to rangers games.

It probably will happen a few years down the road, but not when the OF want to join, the deciding factor will be SKY and when a EPL2 starts. That will give the Of a starting point that the other EPL teams will accept and Sky will cash in on the bigot brothers.

I would have concerns how it will affect our standing as a national team though. With Welsh, Scottish and english teams all playing in same leagues UEFA and FIFA may decide that there is a British league in all but name and try to knock the 4 national teams on the head.

Or I could be wrong and they will carry on in Scotland and we will get this story every couple of years and have to put up with the bitter bigoted brothers and all the nonsence that goes with them.

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While I seriously doubt it will ever happen, I don't think it would really benefit football in Scotland. We only have to look at the Welsh League to see that with the best teams in another FA's League there would be much less income for the remaining teams and the UEFA quotient would also be adversely affected.

I would reverse the question back on you and ask how their continued presence actually benefits football in Scotland? They already take the lion's share of the sponsor payments, they are guaranteed to win the SPL every year, they can veto virtually any idea the SPL might come up with, they monopolise the TV schedule for matches,and they effectively occupy two of our European places every year anyway so even if we lost two spots we wouldnt reduce the number of other teams in Europe ........

without them we would have a more competitive league that more teams could win, we would probably have some sensibility in wages, we might have a smaller TV deal but every team would get a more equal share than at present so money might not be that different, and although we might skip down the European rankings the same number of non OF teams might get to compete !

I would expect a number of teams to try to follow, especially Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee/Dundee United. Basically a British league. That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself. I think the English bias would be lost rapidly and the leagues would be more exciting all round. That said, I'm also not overly for it. Basically I'm happy either way :rotflmao: )

No disrespect to any of the teams mentioned but the English FA would laugh any and all of them out of any meeting

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No disrespect, and then say something disrespectful. :rotflmao:

A Brit league would be right up my street. We share the army, police force, royal family, language, T.V, a distrust of Muslims (Wow, you can't say that!!!) and Tesco. Why not football? UEFA will have the obvious questions from regions of Spain and Belgium as to why they can't have their own national teams if the home nations can but, why not make Galcian, or Flanders play qualification games, to qualify for the qualification groups for the big tournaments? They'll never get through but, if they did, it would be no worse than San Marino getting to play in these competitions.

Scots, just as much as the English and the Welsh, want to be independant but, I am only Scottish by history, not by current practicalities.

Caley would have much to gain from a British league. I reckon we would float between league 1 and the championship after spending our early years in League 2. Once we breed the Old Firm out of the Highlands (with them two regularly going to Old Trafford and getting beat, the glory hunters will have to go some where else!) the Ict support will start to average around 15'000. This is when, with Wayne Rooney in his first management job, we do a Bolton, and regularly confuse people with our Premiership satus....

It will never happen though. SPL 2 is about the most foward thinking Scottish football will be involved in.......

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I'd be sorry to see Rangers and Celtic quit the SPL....

Along with Aberdeen and Hibs they are just about the only teams we have taken any points off this season.

Oh... and St Midden of course.... mustn't forget we murdered them a couple of weeks ago.

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I would expect a number of teams to try to follow, especially Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee/Dundee United. Basically a British league. That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself. I think the English bias would be lost rapidly and the leagues would be more exciting all round. That said, I'm also not overly for it. Basically I'm happy either way :rotflmao: )

No disrespect to any of the teams mentioned but the English FA would laugh any and all of them out of any meeting

Edinburgh has the population and prestige to have a go at the English League. I could easily see an ambitious buyer seeing the potential and going for it. Aberdeen likewise. A united Dundee team? Well, it doesn't have the prestige of the capital city or the money of an oil city (along with transport links) but could I see them in a British league? Probably. Partly because of the history of Dundee United.

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While I seriously doubt it will ever happen, I don't think it would really benefit football in Scotland. We only have to look at the Welsh League to see that with the best teams in another FA's League there would be much less income for the remaining teams and the UEFA quotient would also be adversely affected.

I would reverse the question back on you and ask how their continued presence actually benefits football in Scotland? They already take the lion's share of the sponsor payments, they are guaranteed to win the SPL every year, they can veto virtually any idea the SPL might come up with, they monopolise the TV schedule for matches,and they effectively occupy two of our European places every year anyway so even if we lost two spots we wouldnt reduce the number of other teams in Europe ........

without them we would have a more competitive league that more teams could win, we would probably have some sensibility in wages, we might have a smaller TV deal but every team would get a more equal share than at present so money might not be that different, and although we might skip down the European rankings the same number of non OF teams might get to compete !

With the unwashed twins playing in the Premiership, we would lose a significant proportion of the ticket buying support for football in Scotland to the EPL. Sponsorship deals would be much less profitable and harder to come by (Homecoming Scottish Cup? ffs) TV revenue would shrink if indeed there was a TV deal (Setanta already trying to negotiate the deal down) Sensibility in wages? We are in the same market to sign players as the other British teams and if we find it hard to attract players now what would it be like with less cash on offer?

I would expect a number of teams to try to follow, especially Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee/Dundee United. Basically a British league. That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself. I think the English bias would be lost rapidly and the leagues would be more exciting all round. That said, I'm also not overly for it. Basically I'm happy either way :018: )

Follow, follow, we will follow Rangers.........

You can stick yer tartan army up yer erse, you can stick........

Hello, Hello..........[/codebox]

:rotflmao: :thumb04:

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Follow, follow, we will follow Rangers.........

You can stick yer tartan army up yer erse, you can stick........

Hello, Hello..........[/codebox]

:rotflmao: :thumb04:

Hmmm, second time you've accused me of that in the same thread. As you didn't seem to understand the first time:

1. I'm not a Rangers fan (this includes being a closet Rangers fan)

2. I support Scotland and have been to see a number of Scotland matches

3. I support Scotland above ICT and certainly above Rangers

4. I would support a British team, whether that be a one-off Olympics or as a permanent team, as I am British (that doesn't make me a royalist, a nationalist or a Rangers fan)

5. I also hope the Republic of Ireland do well in internationals, which wouldn't make me a very good member of the UVF (nor does it make me a Celtic supporter)

I presume this 'everyone is secretly a Rangers or Celtic fan' is a reflection of your own green-eyed leanings?

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Hmmm, second time you've accused me of that in the same thread. As you didn't seem to understand the first time:

1. I'm not a Rangers fan (this includes being a closet Rangers fan) Are you in the order?

2. I support Scotland and have been to see a number of Scotland matches So do and have Rangers fans

3. I support Scotland above ICT and certainly above Rangers (quote: That would then lead to the demise of the national team. I know some people will hate it but I'm not too against it myself.) You support Scotland over ICT and Rangers but don't care if Scotland were to be swallowed up by a national British team?

4. I would support a British team, whether that be a one-off Olympics or as a permanent team, as I am British (that doesn't make me a royalist, a nationalist or a Rangers fan) maybe a loyalist?

5. I also hope the Republic of Ireland do well in internationals, which wouldn't make me a very good member of the UVF (nor does it make me a Celtic supporter)

I presume this 'everyone is secretly a Rangers or Celtic fan' is a reflection of your own green-eyed leanings?

I don't think you've really given this a lot of thought and are more politically motivated than emotionally motivated.

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So politically motivated that I started with the statement that I didn't mind one way or another.

I presume it's an attempt at humour as I doubt anyone could be so dim. Certainly, the conversation with you is boring me and almost certainly others, so I'll retire from it.

(although I did notice no protest at the 'green-eyed leanings' comment, which I think says it all)

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So politically motivated that I started with the statement that I didn't mind one way or another.

I presume it's an attempt at humour as I doubt anyone could be so dim. Certainly, the conversation with you is boring me and almost certainly others, so I'll retire from it.

(although I did notice no protest at the 'green-eyed leanings' comment, which I think says it all)

I worship the green that ICT play on if that's what you're getting at?

Prior to the CT merger I followed Hibs (note: I very rarely actually spent any cash on them) Post merger I immediately dropped Hibs as I knew in my heart that CT would reach the top flight. I note that some posters still have a soft spot for their "big team" and suugest that if their "big team" beggars off to guffy land that the follow. I mean that with the utmost respect. :rotflmao:

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