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Boycott the Gypo Game


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With all the Rule enforcements by the Stewards and decisions being made about some words not being used, the stop standing in case you block someone's view in the back row and the general dislike for some of the things being banded about, Lets show this by hitting the "Board" where it hurts, its games like this they hope for, for the big pay days so lets not pay them a penny!!!

Im not singling out the stewards, they are just doing there job at the end of the day, and it is a thankless task but I'd like to try and make a point on the way things are just now??

Me, I'm not paying my money to watch IMO sub standards, and to be told to stop enjoying myself, whos with me??

My reasons for this is IMO I support my club, do they Support me?

Edited by Georgeios
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It hits the board, but it also hits the players too. Not up for it even though i cant get up to it. Id love to see nothing more than us beat the gypos and get to the final with dundee...apart from see us win the league obviously!!

PS. Worst font ever.

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Its just a thought is all, get our point across, Mike Smith is already MIA, I'll leave this up untill the Mod team stamp it out if it is seen as the wrong move, the team need out support..... How are we to give this if standing and most of the banter style moral building songs are deemed as naughty...

How does the club support us?

Edited by Georgeios
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Aye, what to do is post ?15 to the club and watch from the A9, that way the club gets yer money and you get to see the game without hindrance from the Stewards.. :)

Dont take pics though...

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Calling for a boycott is not something that should be taken lightly or on a whim. It's also something which should not be considered until all other avenues have been exhausted, nothing improves and fans feel they have no other options available to them.

Also, it's easy to sit at a screen and deride others for having an opinion and calling for action....any idiot can do that, but having the ability to type means nothing if you're not willing to offer up alternatives or get off your erse and do something other than having a go at those who are willing to at least try.

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Im just saying how i feel due to the restrictions now being brourgt to the front reducing the moral for me in the section threat of the police for having fun..., im not having a go at any one thats not going to boycott, I feel that me not going wont make any difference but to me i'll be a few quid better off, not so pee'd off at having to sit and listen to the steward telling the lads of the rules and threats of the police, my seat will be sat in im sure anyway... My reason is because i am not a member of the supporters club or the likes, I am a member of this forum and am using it to get my views read. end off, judge me, slate me, i think as this is a discussion lead forum it should be discussed...

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Lets show this by hitting the "Board" where it hurts, its games like this they hope for, for the big pay days so lets not pay them a penny!!!

And then presumibly moan like hell when the board then hasn't got the money to pay for the quality of player you expect to see at the club. Quite frankly I find it difficult to concieve of a more feeble minded half arsed load of nonsense than has been sugested at the top of this thread.

Also, look at the action that has been taken by the club on this Section G business. Maybe quite a large number of fans are actually quite glad to see something being done about a bunch of foul mouthed thoughtless adolesents whose obsenities are spoiling the enjoyment of the game for the majority of decent people, some of whom feel reluctant to bring along there kids or even themselves to have there afternoon spoiled by nonsense like this.

If you really want to shout "dirty gypsy b******s" why do so from the safety of the north stand? Why not go 100 yards along the road and shout it outside the travelling people's site?

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Mainstander, its not about the quality of the team im pee'd about, its the whole gypo thing, the lads in the singing section being muzzled, told to stop with all the banter/moral stuff, I couldnt care less if we were a 3rd div team, the cracks been awsome the last few games ive been to, not the moral police have cottened on and are trying to stop it with threats of the police..... pish

Oh and mainstander, i am doing my best not to improve my warning % so im just going to ignore you high and almighty attitude to this, and im not going to drag this off topic, I sit in Section G for the banter.... you sit in the mainstand as you dont like to hear bad language at a football match... your right i guess.

no where in my OP did i say harm the team, or anything about the team, just the board trying to restrict the banter.

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Mainstander, its not about the quality of the team im pee'd about, its the whole gypo thing, the lads in the singing section being muzzled, told to stop with all the banter/moral stuff, I couldnt care less if we were a 3rd div team, the cracks been awsome the last few games ive been to, not the moral police have cottened on and are trying to stop it with threats of the police..... pish

Oh and mainstander, i am doing my best not to improve my warning % so im just going to ignore you high and almighty attitude to this, and im not going to drag this off topic, I sit in Section G for the banter.... you sit in the mainstand as you dont like to hear bad language at a football match... your right i guess.

no where in my OP did i say harm the team, or anything about the team, just the board trying to restrict the banter.

Let me explain this to you in a few easy steps.

1) You boycott the game and persuade others to do the same.

2) This costs the club money.

3) This is money they dont therfore have to spend on players.

4) You then complain that the club arent bringing in good enough players.

Get it now?

Maybe I could now respond to the rest of your last post where you examin the general issue of some of the obsenities being spoken about (you may not realise this, but you do.) This kind of thing simply isnt acceptable in a civilised society. That is why our democraticaly elected bodies have time and again and over a long period of years passed legislation ranging from breach of the peace to the more recent racial and secterian stuff to stop the thoughtless minoraty causing distress and offense to the responsable majority.

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see what you're trying to say, but dont think it would work. Best solution would probably be for you to pocket the cash and settle in in front of Jeff and the boys

Jeff and the boys dont do a sunday but if the did it would probably be the best sunday ever

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There is obviously a large agreement that certain aspects of the current running of the club is not what it should be or even what it used to be.

Instead of having a boycott why not write a letter to the club from the fans that outlines the problems being faced at the moment. To accompany the letter to show the proof of the discontent maybe a list in petition format could be started for people in agreement to add their name, email or season ticket no. etc. It's just a thought. This is a good opportunity for everybody to have an opinion felt and views put forward as a "whole support" rather than just section G or one or two people here and there. I don't know if the Trust has tried anything like this before or would be involved in representation etc? Like I said it is just an idea and might not be the solution but thought I would put it forward anyway.

It's about time that games were enjoyable to go to again without wondering what sort of problems are going to be encountered on a weekly basis.

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There is obviously a large agreement that certain aspects of the current running of the club is not what it should be or even what it used to be.

Instead of having a boycott why not write a letter to the club from the fans that outlines the problems being faced at the moment. To accompany the letter to show the proof of the discontent maybe a list in petition format could be started for people in agreement to add their name, email or season ticket no. etc. It's just a thought. This is a good opportunity for everybody to have an opinion felt and views put forward as a "whole support" rather than just section G or one or two people here and there. I don't know if the Trust has tried anything like this before or would be involved in representation etc? Like I said it is just an idea and might not be the solution but thought I would put it forward anyway.

It's about time that games were enjoyable to go to again without wondering what sort of problems are going to be encountered on a weekly basis.

Thats a fair comment, you might be on to somthing there, however the letter writing takes to long and as i found myself writing RE Rooster, got me no where.

Mainstander, if you are unhappy with the supporters of the club you are free to find a club with non swearing non standing fans, China National Squads maybe your best bet..

Dan, thanks for your words dude,

Anyway, It looks like its just me, but hey ho, I'll be a few quid better off and not so pissed off come sunday night at being told by stewards to stop enjoying myself, i can get updated on here and enjoy the banter here...

Edited by Georgeios
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I'm with the OP to a great extent here, but on this ocassion I won't be boycotting the game. It does seem strange the way in which green and blue huns can stand in the south stand for the duration of a game yet not told to sit down or be ejected. This thread reminds me about a thread I posted regarding increasing crowds and the way ICT fans are treated (or not treated) by the club. Take the bottom six game Away to Killie toward the end of last season. Killie fans were standing for the game, while the young ICT fans who were trying to create an atmosphere were simply moved to the back so they could stand and sign.

These Caley stewards are a bit ott to be honest - especially as WE pay their wages. I'm sure there are people put off from going to games with steawrding being a factor. I had hospitailty tickets to a game last season where a supporter of the opposition team ( a young girl) was told by a steward to take hef scarf off! This was despite her wearing the scarf through lunch.

On a final note I won't be going back to tannadump. Their stewards are shocking.

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