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Butcher & Malpas


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I think most supporters are realistic enough to accept we are a bottom 6 SPL side with avoiding relegation being the main priority. Some folk got over excited with the early season form and I think others are over reacting to our recent dip as well. Overall it's been a pretty decent campaign so far.

Reading the Courier today it would seem there has been a big clear-the-air talk between the management and players so I'm expecting hoping to see a reaction out on the pitch tomorrow

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I posted this on the United post maybe it should be here

I would say that overexpectationitus epidemic has hit the highlands.It first appeared in Dingwall with County reaching the cup final and the overexpectationitus started to spread with the belief they would win the league the following year. Derek Adams became infected and moved on as his team weren't going to win every game, the fans caught the overexpectationitus believing that their team would do no wrong, the team caught overexpectationitus believing that they were so good they didnt have to try as hard (also known as Barrowman syndrome).

The epidemic has now spread to Invernessshire with overexpectationitus affecting large proportions of the ICT fan base with ICT slowly climbing the league, getting closer to 4th place and thoughts of a place in Europe next season.I caught overexpectationitus but I'm on the mend now so will be glad to get back to normal and cheer on ICT against Motherwell. Hopefully the Barrowman syndrome isn't affecting the players too much, maybe a bit more is required that just clearing the zone and booting it up the park,maybe your team mate needs a bit more help,maybe you have to be a wee bit closer for a more accurate pass, maybe you have to think more of whats going on in the game and not the league table.Well I'm almost over it.


Back to being underdogs again we usually seem to do well with that mentality. Come on the Caley.

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I think your lack of home games is preventing you from seeing/understanding exactly what is going on at TCS. We're suffering because players are not out there playing to their full potential and all the tactics in the world counts for nothing if you have a team unable to string more than two passes together and who spend the game hoofing the ball up the park and putting themselves under constant pressure as a result. It's clear from the instructions coming from the bench and the frustration of Terry and Mo that this is far from the game plan the players have been asked to execute and I fail to see why he should be shouldering the blame for that.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the players are not putting in the effort as they clearly are, but for some reason they just can't pull it together at home and it's not because we are being tactically outwitted.

IMO Terry calls it as it is and I don't think he's been afraid to admit when he's made mistakes.

Fair comment but the malaise is travelling away from home and performances have steadily deteriorated. As I alluded to players may not be playing to their full potentials when they are played out of position, playing with different partners and systems week to week and on the field and on the bench the next. That is confidence sapping and demoralising - and there is that feel recently.

Of course Terry and Mo are frustrated but they are also reactive - they could be trying to hard - surely ya hook a hoofer ? As fer yer second paragraph Eric fits the bill but keeps on coming back.

The last line is spot on and really what I am tying to put across.

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Al I hope is that the niggly comments on here don't infect the players because the team does not need that if it wants to get up off the floor.

When I had a service business I hired a good-looking boy who said all the right things. Shortly after I had personlly trained him and obtained his agreement that he fully understood the work before I let him "go out" on his own, I was appalled to find out shortly afterwards that said lad was not even making the slightest attempt to do the simple work assigned to him. So on the same evening I fired him, accompanied by some pointed comments, and his retort was "you know ,Scarlet,you will get more with honey than with vinegar" which took the wind out of my sails because I then realised that his appearance and assurances had fooled me. And I should have kept a close eye on ho\im from the beginning.

The moral of the story is ....you can lead a horse to water but if his heart isn't in it, or he does not have a highly developed character or a very good and responsible attitude, then you had better cut your losses.

Terry does not have that option, no matter how much he jiggles the contents of the pot, he needs the players he has to do the work and this is not a big club with a big budget.

Not saying that any, or all, of the players fall into the type of category I mention but many injuries have totally disrupted the team, repeat losses have undermined the confidence of these players and, as mentioned above, probably this team is no longer fresh and think in their hearts that relegation will not now regardless.

The question is ...Is the team now off the boil and , if so , what lies ahead for Terry and Mo?

Fine analogy SP - but why didnt you simply put the lad in to another position and see how he got on ? Or why didnt you put him in the front line, put him back in the office boy position - if he failed again - for a couple of weeks and then restore him ? Or why did you not consider that if he has good looks ya persevere, despite protestations, as you had taken the chance on him in the first instance ? Why didnt you try him out withn a different member of staff than he was usually used to work with ?

The moral of the story as James Joyce once whispered in my ear is ?A man's errors are his portals of discovery.?

When the team is off the boil - ya check out the kettle and the instructions - ya then fill it up again and keep a closer eye on it as it comes to the boil - if it falters ya have more idea of what is going wrong - ya either replace a faulty part or adjust the settings.

What lies ahead fer Terry and Mo - realisation of what has been going wrong - getting everybody together and sorting it out -moving on again, staying around for a bit longer and proving that they can take an "average" club to a higher level - and then proving themselves as managers / coaches and moving on to higher heights - or preferably retiring to a Highland retreat.

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Feck me Scarlet - " AlL I hope is that the niggly comments on here don't infect the players because the team does not need that if it wants to get up off the floor."

CALEY Thistle players have given assurances they are determined to rediscover their passion and spirit after manager Terry Butcher held crunch talks with the squad.

The 45-minute group forum was the first time Butcher had given his men a chance to speak frankly about where the campaign has gone wrong in light of the side dropping out of the SPL top six earlier this week.

Following the 2-0 loss at home to Dundee United on Tuesday night, the Inverness manager cancelled the players' day off on Wednesday in favour of extra training.

He also gave them a chance to voice their opinions on the recent form and the season as a whole.

"It was looking at everything," Butcher said. "We talked about what happened at the start of the season and what has happened in the last few months.

"It was them that chatted to us more than us to them, which was really good.

"We threw it open to them and they came back with some very forthright honest views and opinions and it cleared the air.

"It made us really refocus on what we have to do and get back to what we do best and I'm very pleased about that.

"I think sometimes you need a bit of feedback and need to let the players have their say because we are all in this together."

Butcher usually holds shorter review meetings with the squad every couple of weeks, allowing them to express their views but not in such an manner.

"This time it was deliberately thrown open to everybody and I haven't done it before like this but we felt it was the right thing to do," explained Butcher, who normally carries out wider assessments with assistant manager Maurice Malpas rather than the squad.

"If you have been in this game as long as Maurice and I have been you know there are times during the season where you reach a stage like this and think where are we going to go now? It's not a crossroads, but it's like putting the season on pause, assessing it to see where we are before we hit the play button again, then we're off.

"They needed a bit of reassurance and we needed a bit of reassurance that we are on the right track and that we are doing things how we want to do them, but I think there is a real collective unit even more so now to be strong for each other and there was a real reassessment of their spirit and how we can move on.

Do ya think my psychic powers have worked or was it this thread ?

RESPECT :thumbup:

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I was in the pub last weekend discussing the concerns over recent performances and whether Terry had any fault in it. I can remember Harry Truman said "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." and then Carl Bach pondered and added "According to my principles, every master has his true and certain value. Praise and criticism cannot change any of that. Only the work itself praises and criticizes the master, and therefore I leave to everyone his own value."

I suspect he was in his usual existential spliff mode but Leslie Fiedler rather poignantly added that "All good criticism should be judged the way art is. You shouldn't read it the way you read history or science".

Then Paula Abdul, evidently being on the pisshh all day, slurred out "Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique of what really went on."

On the road back to the Govan Hilton with some prawn crackers wee Lao Tzu put his arms around my shoulders and said "Theses clackers are rubbery but you tell yer friend Telly from mee that a good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.

I think I then went on Face Book and contacted TelBoy.

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I was in the pub last weekend discussing the concerns over recent performances and whether Terry had any fault in it. I can remember Harry Truman said "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." and then Carl Bach pondered and added "According to my principles, every master has his true and certain value. Praise and criticism cannot change any of that. Only the work itself praises and criticizes the master, and therefore I leave to everyone his own value."

I suspect he was in his usual existential spliff mode but Leslie Fiedler rather poignantly added that "All good criticism should be judged the way art is. You shouldn't read it the way you read history or science".

Then Paula Abdul, evidently being on the pisshh all day, slurred out "Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique of what really went on."

On the road back to the Govan Hilton with some prawn crackers wee Lao Tzu put his arms around my shoulders and said "Theses clackers are rubbery but you tell yer friend Telly from mee that a good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.

I think I then went on Face Book and contacted TelBoy.

I haven't lol'd on this forum for a while - that is feckin' priceless!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I was in the pub last weekend discussing the concerns over recent performances and whether Terry had any fault in it. I can remember Harry Truman said "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." and then Carl Bach pondered and added "According to my principles, every master has his true and certain value. Praise and criticism cannot change any of that. Only the work itself praises and criticizes the master, and therefore I leave to everyone his own value."

I suspect he was in his usual existential spliff mode but Leslie Fiedler rather poignantly added that "All good criticism should be judged the way art is. You shouldn't read it the way you read history or science".

Then Paula Abdul, evidently being on the pisshh all day, slurred out "Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique of what really went on."

On the road back to the Govan Hilton with some prawn crackers wee Lao Tzu put his arms around my shoulders and said "Theses clackers are rubbery but you tell yer friend Telly from mee that a good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.

I think I then went on Face Book and contacted TelBoy.

I haven't lol'd on this forum for a while - that is feckin' priceless!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolutely. Feckin. Priceless.

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I'm bitterly dissapointed not because of the result as United were the better team but it was the way we lost, I lost count how many hoof up the parks were played tonight by Tokely and Munro

There was very little football played on the deck, there was no passion and to be honest very little if any entertainment

Our home performances have been nothing short of an embarrassment this season and I now really have doubts about our management duo and the tactics they seem to be deploying

I am in no way calling for their heads(not yet anyway) in this thread but I believe its about time they tried something new tactic wise because if they don't they are going to see dramatic reductions in attendance at the Caledonian Stadium for the remainder of the season

I shudder to think where we would be if we hadn't had such a good start and picked up all the points we got on the road

C'mon Terry & Mo i'm afraid what we are having to endure from November time isn't good enough


Do you want to stop spamming at some point? That would be nice.

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Not quite sure that we should be thinking in terms of being satisfied with 11th place at all. There are quite a few teams that have greater resources than Caley thistle--e.g. Dundee United, Hibs,Kilmarnock --- who have played goodd football in the past but started this season very poorly and could have been in a very bad position now had things continued as they were doing. All these teams have had a resurgence and higher ambitions than just avoiding relelgation.

With the right training (bring back Brewster..eh?), the right motivation (Terry seems to do that job very well), the right enthusiasm and very few injuries this team is just as good aS MANY ANOTHER AND FURTHERMORE THE SPIRIT THAT THEY HAVE DISPLAYED IN THE PAST 2 YERAS HAS BEEN IMPRESSIVE AND A DEFINITE FACTOR IN THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE TEAM .



P.S. Sorry about the capitals--totally inadvertent.Mea Culpa. :tongue:

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It looks like this thread and the meeting Terry and Mo had with the players midweek had the desired effect going by yesterdays much improved performance

Sometimes a little bit of reverse psychology works wonders and it certainly appears to have come up trumps on this occasion

We can now go into the Septic game full of confidence after a solid display and we should have nothing to fear

Well done Terry and Mo :twothumbsup:


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Thank you fer the professional compliment - coming from a character like yourself makes it all the more pleasing to receive -I always do my best to subtly encourage Mr Butcher. My apologies fer completing taking over yer thread but I now appreciate that Caley D was cleverly changing the context of the thread and allowing a more skilled angle to be employed.

From a psychological perspective I can also assure you that your poster name / piccy / personality are a perfect match for yon dug on the roundabout.

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Thank you fer the professional compliment - coming from a character like yourself makes it all the more pleasing to receive -I always do my best to subtly encourage Mr Butcher. My apologies fer completing taking over yer thread but I now appreciate that Caley D was cleverly changing the context of the thread and allowing a more skilled angle to be employed.

From a psychological perspective I can also assure you that your poster name / piccy / personality are a perfect match for yon dug on the roundabout.

Here's a website for you IHE, if you order today it should arrive by Sunday and it would be ideal for covering up all your offending tatoos :rolleyes:



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Here's a website for you IHE, if you order today it should arrive by Sunday and it would be ideal for covering up all your offending tatoos :rolleyes:



Tread carefully here, Dougal...

What's underneath IHE's tattoos is even more offensive than the tattoos themselves.


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A Canadian what IHE? You had me worried there for a moment .

At first take I thought it was something about prepubescentCanadianpeniledropsy -- forced out of you by my your awareness of my advancing years but not aware of the Pimple's fitness programme designed to keep these years at bay. However, when the brain dementia inevitably kicks in I have your number dear boy. :wave:

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