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Russell Duncan & Grant Munro leaving


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im absolutely gutted that russell is leaving and i also feel that we are always better when he is in the team. But i'm going to go with terry on this one. i remember around about this time two years ago when the list of players being released/re-signed was announced and vigurs had been told he would be released the uproar it created on this forum. that seems to have worked out just fine..

That's an apples and oranges analogy. First of all, Vigurs was young player who had only been at the club for a relatively short time. Duncan has played consistently and consistently well for over a decade. ICT weren't always noticeably better or worse, whether Vigurs played or not. It is pretty much indisputable that ICT are a far superior team when Duncan plays. Questions were asked, and rumours surfaced in early 2009, that Vigurs in training was either late, didn't turn up, or simply came across as lazy and uninterested. No-one can doubt that passion and commitment that Duncan has and continues to have for ICT.

This'll be the same Vigurs who's too good to stay at county after this season. Good enough to play for Celtic but will likely sign for Hibs or Cheltenham Town. He is quoted as having told someone that.

Anyway whoever gets Russel is getting a bargain.

I was just suggesting that at the end of the day we are football fans, Terry is the manager. We can be gutted (which I am) but we have to trust Terry's decisions and so far on the whole we can't complain about what he has done for the club.. But anyway here's hoping this time next year we are speaking about the fantastic new squad we have rather than who is leaving..

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Every manager of any team has a right to pick his own players and, on the flipside, get rid of those that need to go. It's the same at every club, and TB oviously rates Cox higher than Duncan and must feel that Gillet & Shinnie are adequate in Granty's position. it's just a harsh reality. You can't say that decisions are "too decisive" or can you attach arbitary timeframes to them. Duncan has been in and out of the team all this year, which indicates a decision making process and Grant has aso missed a few games. That both players have been at the club for as long as they have also indicates loyalty - but you can't simply keep people you don't need on the wagebill because of sentiment. Look at the progress that Sutherland, Ross & Shinnie have made and the whole argument about not progressing through the ranks becomes tosh. I realise that people feel emotionally raw on this issue right now, but some of the arguments put forward for keeping them have been a bit flawed. I personally look forward to an new model ICT next year.

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Every manager of any team has a right to pick his own players and, on the flipside, get rid of those that need to go. It's the same at every club, and TB oviously rates Cox higher than Duncan and must feel that Gillet & Shinnie are adequate in Granty's position. it's just a harsh reality. You can't say that decisions are "too decisive" or can you attach arbitary timeframes to them. Duncan has been in and out of the team all this year, which indicates a decision making process and Grant has aso missed a few games. That both players have been at the club for as long as they have also indicates loyalty - but you can't simply keep people you don't need on the wagebill because of sentiment. Look at the progress that Sutherland, Ross & Shinnie have made and the whole argument about not progressing through the ranks becomes tosh. I realise that people feel emotionally raw on this issue right now, but some of the arguments put forward for keeping them have been a bit flawed. I personally look forward to an new model ICT next year.

I'm more concerned Butcher rates Duff higher than Duncan and Gillet/Shinnie are left backs whilst Munro is a centre back!!

As for the 3 young players you've mentioned I'm not sure how much progress they've actually made. Shinnie is definetly a battler but he's still very raw, Ross does have some potential but he still flatters to deceive and is still painfully lightweight whilst the more I see of Sutherland the more I think Rory McAllister II (although he deserves some games actually as a centre forward!!)

For every good player Butcher has signed there was been a turkey and whilst Duncan & Munro might be of limited ability they have at least experience, heart and passion for the club.

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A sad day for the club. I never thought Munro would be one of the players that would be leaving. As a 21 year old who has grown up watching ICT. It will be strange to see a teamsheet without Munro and Duncan on it. The club better have a good plan in place or let us know what the hell is going on.

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Gutted for Granty, was shocked when i heard he was shown the door. I just hope now that Butcher can justify this move to us, as well as Duncan.

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The Club statement tells us very little. Money may be tight but have we not been told that the money available for next year is the same as last? That being the case, it is surprising that someone who has started 35 times for the team this season is apparently not wanted next. Grant has also scored some important goals for the side and is 5th highest scorer with 4 (4 more than Nick Ross!). It may be that Grant is at that age where he is not going to get better but he still has a few years left in him and he has a wealth of experience. If retained, he might not start 35 times next season but he would be an extremely valuable cover player at the very least.

The number of starts he has had this season clearly indicated that Terry rates him so I guess there is something else going on here. Grant may well feel that he should have the captaincy back and may be unwilling to play another season under Foran's leadership on the park. Perhpas Terry is confident that he has a stronger central defence lined up for next season and there is simply no room anymore for Grant - time will tell.

Whilst I would be extremely sorry to see such a fantastic servant of the club as Grant Munro leave, I also accept there is no room for sentimentality in football if the club is to move onwards and upwards. As you step up to another level, it is inevitable that you have to ditch players who have bust a gut in getting you to where you are. But in this case it is surely not sentimentality to say that Grant can still do a useful job for the club. I don't accept this is about finance and I doubt that the club will come clean on the real reason. It's a sad day for the club IMHO.

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vive la revolution!!

Whilst all the players who are leaving the club have been fantastic servants, in my eyes the club are doing the right thing letting these players go. In my opinion none of them have been outstanting in the past season and will be among the higher earners at the club having been here for a good few years each. I feel especially sorry for Granty being an Inverness lad. But we don't owe anyone a living and I also wouldn't want the club to be paying big wages for a squad player. Really looking forward to seeing who we bring in and a new look ICT.

One thing you can say about Butcher is he has balls and isn't afraid to make a hard decision. Getting rid of these players may get him the sack, on the other hand this might take us to the next level. Next season will be very interesting indeed!

Edited by Sir C the 3rd
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If you consider form over the last 5 or so months, we are clearly one of the very bottom teams in the SPL.

So a relegation battle is very much on the cards for next season unless we:

A - bring in better players than the ones we've got, OR

B - get a better manager than the one we've got.

Whilst Butcher has made mistakes, very few people would suggest he should be sacked. Which, unfortunately, leaves major changes to the playing squad as the only realistic option if we want to improve.

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at least he has given these 4 quality players time to start looking for new clubs and become a valued member of other teams squads. they will be gone but i doubt they will be forgotten anytime soon!

i know the latter part of that makes it sound like they're dying but it's a shame they have to go but it means other teams can get 4 experienced SPL players and build their squad around youngsters like we have been doing.

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If you consider form over the last 5 or so months, we are clearly one of the very bottom teams in the SPL.

So a relegation battle is very much on the cards for next season unless we:

A - bring in better players than the ones we've got, OR

B - get a better manager than the one we've got.

Whilst Butcher has made mistakes, very few people would suggest he should be sacked. Which, unfortunately, leaves major changes to the playing squad as the only realistic option if we want to improve.

Or you could consider the 4-5 months before that, which would make us one of the very best teams in the SPL. Top six will be on the cards for us if we take option A.

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Yes--but with a tight budget how are you going to persuade "better players" to come all the way up to Inverness?

Especially players like Ian Black who left ICT to go to a "bigger " club at a considerably higher wage to advance his career. Pity for Ian that he is now sidelined but I will bet he will be very unwilling to come back to ICT for a much lower wage.

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Something that still puzzles me, nobody asked these sorts of players to be on 3-4 year deals, 2 years each would have been the norm,then reassess if they are good enough then, even as backup players they would do. A shift, it's more the fact that we never offered players like Hayes and Rooney 3-4 year deals earlier, even now Hayes has just over a year left.... Get him tied down! No player from down south will ever relocate there family here it's far too big a risk, if we give them a 2 year deal, they have to risk either moving their family again or hope county will take them at the end of that deal.

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Something that still puzzles me, nobody asked these sorts of players to be on 3-4 year deals, 2 years each would have been the norm,then reassess if they are good enough then, even as backup players they would do. A shift, it's more the fact that we never offered players like Hayes and Rooney 3-4 year deals earlier, even now Hayes has just over a year left.... Get him tied down! No player from down south will ever relocate there family here it's far too big a risk, if we give them a 2 year deal, they have to risk either moving their family again or hope county will take them at the end of that deal.

A club of our size can't really afford to throw out 3-4 year deals here, there and everywhere because there is no certainty that the money will be there in 3 years time. The club are being cautious with their money and quite frankly i support that. One thing they can be credited with is not plundering us into administration through overspending. So if 2 year deals is the best we can offer then thats just the way it is.

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Not here, there and everywhere but only for certain players, with caveats about relegation or minimum release fees.

I don't see how Black's been sidelined. He's even captained Hearts. And he was willing to stay if ICT had made him an offer. Likewise Rankin.

Oh, and there's a C - keep your best players, build a foundation and add to them with left-field signings. These may be a Hayes or a Stratford. I don't see that chucking out the building blocks will make the house stronger - not when they are still in their prime, like Munro especially.

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As said above I'm not talking about everyone. Hayes was proven, offering him. A long term deal would/should be no issue, even If he left we would get a good amount for him then. The only 3 year deal I hear off, over the past 3-4 years was barrowman, the biggest risk we could have taken!

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The news is a little deflating. End of an era to say the least.

It was entirely understandable and predictable that Roy and Golly were to leave. Neither are close to the 1st team and at 37 are close to winding up their careers. Both have a chance to continue their career but most likely at a significantly lower level.

As for the other 2, it's a bit of a shock. As it stands this is currently one of our most sucessful seasons ever in terms of position. Both of these players have played an integral part. We seem to play better when Russell is in the team hovering infront of the defence and Grant has played nearly every game. At 30 they are still well with the peak trend for their position and have alot left to offer surely. As much as sentiment plays a part with them being loyal servants and stalwarts I think what they offer would more than justify extending their stay.

I hope Terry has his targets sorted and backed up with sound choices. I hear that Sakho at PSG is a decent player and perhaps Hamsik at Napoli? They might just be able to replace those leaving.

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Butcher better be absolutely certain of keeping Hogg, or finding a new centre back from somewhere, as with Munro being told he can leave and Innes leaving (not that I was the biggest fan of him anyway), we only definitely have Tokely. I would still have considered Munro a good squad player as cover to Hogg and Tokely - just look at how many injuries and suspensions we have had in our back line this year.

A very sad day indeed which is definitely the end of an era. I can only wish the departing players good luck wherever they go, and I hope Butcher has new players lined up.

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Every season in SPL survival has been the priority. The general consensus was always that we finish eleventh and anything above that was a bonus. Butcher stated after we were promoted back up last season that he would take his team to the top end of the SPL within two years. Is that going to be the drive now? Does he have players in mind that could achieve that? Next season is when Butcher will sink or swim.

It is always sad when good players move on or are pushed out. Its happened in the past and it'll happen again. I'm sure those who are leaving will continue to play at a high level and be successful wherever they go and I wish them all the best.

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I see that the Inverness CT Fans Facebook group named Sanchez as also gone, but no source for this so BS for now.

Im sad like everyone else to see Munro et al going, but alas that is the nature of the game we have nowadays. I have trust in Butcher that his contacts across the football world are sounding out players he feels can surpass those going. Im sure County will be looking at Munro & Duncan as i type.

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Born Caley, the Inverness Ct page is run on bs text it seems randomly received n posted to get the scoop, I wouldn't bother to much with that.

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