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Marius Niculae


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Well they say that statitics never lie.  :017: I am actually not too surprised by the assists as his touch, as I have always stated, is class. I am so glad that we got Brew cos if anyone is going to sort Marius out then it is Brew - oh and Brew's shoulder has helped as well.  :001:

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Guest Big_Vinnie

I would have thought that the Black report in the press this week, where he hailed MN as a team player, dressing room joker, etc - should put all the rubbish about dressing room strife due to his inflated income, to rest!!

Some of my best mates are ICT players & none of them, not a single player has a bad word to say about Marius.

I can also confirm that Marious has a deal/bet in place with EVERY Inverness player. If he sets up a goal for them then the scoring player has to buy dinner for Marius & his Mrs at night. Might explain why he try's to make so many assists  :rotflmao:

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From what i have seen of marius, he seems to be cuasing defenses trouble and even though he has not scored in the league yet he has set up a few. Give him a few more games to get proberly used to scottish football and i bet the goals will come, have some patience

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Our record goalscorer, a certain Mr Wyness also took forever to get his first. Marius will come good, and when he does I get the feeling he will score regularly.

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Frank Kelly speaking ,I would like the broken record turfed out.

He sounds like a very talented player so why not just say...."C.mon Marius, you can do it" and give the man a reasonable chance to get a goal or two.

I suppose if ICT continue to win, no matter who scores, the naysayers will quieten down anyway. :023:

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Why not continue ? Mike Fraser has four feckin pages so why not Niculae ? As usual with this forum it is one rule for one and one rule for another.  :001:

I really cannot believe some of the posts extolling him. Here is my account from the Smiley report and I gave him THREE -  :001: :001: :001:

A lot of people around me were having a go at him but I actually thought that he had improved - but he is still only an average albeit good player. His positioning is class, his ball control is class, his passing is class, his touch is more than class. But as the better players pass and move he passes, admires and watches. He makes great space and feeds back to our midfield but he doesnt move forward afterwards. He has no pace and no forward movement. He may well be an asset at home but should not figure from the start away.

There was one off the ball move in the first half that took Killie defenders with him and left a hole fer Black. (That was sheer class) There was a supreme flick to Denzil in the second half which wasnt read and if Rosscoe had struck the cross rather than flighting it Marius may have finally got the goal he needs.

He is a good signing - he is an above average player in regard to technique - but he is hampered by old injuries and he has suffered from being overhyped. But he will play his part but more as an experienced extra than a Messiah.

As fer the subs - I thought Bayne fer Marius was a good move but it made little difference. Bayne needs more matches. Now if only we could clone Bayne and Marius !!

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I saw Marius for the first time on Saturday and my first reaction was one of shock at how slow and immobile he looked. His touches were nice and he'll score a good few headers for us once his luck turns. But it looks like his problems amount to more than just bad luck.

He really seems to lack sharpness and eight games into the season we can't afford to start him every week without getting a decent return.

Maybe the psycholgy has to enter a new phase and Brew should leave him out for a couple of weeks. 

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Guest TinCanFan

Niculae's contract states that he has to start every league game if fit and he must have been playing differently on Saturday as he is pretty quick at times from all the times I've seen him.

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Marius is known in footballing terms as a "Striker" not a 'Set up and watch'

He has to start scoring some goals, sorry but I'm not gonna pussyfoot around him or any other player regardless of who they are or where they come from in-case I'm offending them, I couldn't give a feck if he came from the moon or was bleeding Thierry Henry.

The harsh reality is people are seeing the same thing he is slow and immobile. Yes his touches are good and his passes are excellent, so what we saying here folks, he should be a midfielder and have roles like the crabs, Barry Ferguson and Neil Lennon ?.

His current position is a striker he should be scoring goals and given his past "illustrious history" should be earning his ?4000 a week or whatever he is getting. Wyness, Bayne and Brewster can all do it for far much less money and can set players up as can our Midfielders.

I'm not going to look for the stats but he must have played nearly 10 games now ? and his only goals have come against Arbroath in the cup. That is not international class.

As IHE has said there are four pages about whether Mike Fraser should be dropped, Theres plenty of threads slating Rory McAllister for not scoring goals, Why is Marius being left out and instead being defended by the majority ? Surely people are not scared of having an opinion on him in-case it gets misunderstood for racism  :029:

Marius is a footballer and like all others will probably gladly take any praise but if he cant take the criticism of his weak points he should not be playing the game.

I'll give him credit where its due when he starts doing what he's paid for, Scoring goals.

Was he or was he not brought here to replace Dargo ?

?4,000 a week (i dont give a toss how it adds up to that amount it his is approx weekly earning) for no goals, Alan Savage Sir - it looks like you are a mug and are being taken for a ride!. :029:

Brewster drop Marius and give Bayne a couple of games please. :021:

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Wot a load of cobblers!  you have a short memory me man, how long did Dargo go before he started getting goals, more than 9 league games, and he never got cup goals in that time, Wyness was even worse, Pele got to the stage of putting Denzil up for free transfer.

He will need some more time, like all strikers he will get a goal or two and hopefully be of and running (slowly mind you).

If however, after 25 games and he aint scored.....

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Guest Glen Mhor

Marius needs to be a bit fitter and quicker. I think Brew requires to do some work on the fitness front. I'm sure he's a class player but could do with being just a bit sharper. The header he had in the second half against Killie on Saturday which just went over the bar was as close as I've seen without actually scoring. It was powerfully struck too.

We must give him time and like Denzil he'll come onto a good vein of form, I'm sure of that. 

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:clapping03:  Well done everyone,  lets hound the guy out of the club.

This is pathetic,  in the last 4 games we've scored 11 goals and have looked very good in every game bar maybe the Kilmarnock game.  Marius has played his part in these games as much as everyone else in the team has.    Ok he's no god and no "messiah" but who is saying that he is one? 

He has contributed as much in attack as Dennis Wyness,  Wyness has had the luck as 2 of his goals (against hearts and Gretna)  have been from a yard out!

The fact is you have to pay money to get good players,  i'm sick to death of us signing players from the lower leagues who could develop.  The fact is we've stuck our necks out with this guy,  paid him a reasonable wage for a striker in the SPL and he's come in and looked an SPL player.    Everyone seems to think we're paying him astronomical money,  but the fact is if he went to any other SPL team he could get more except from Gretna.  He's no Rooney thats for sure but he's done enough to look a good SPL player! 

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