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Harry Chibber

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I would agree that Vigurs is worth a game at some point. When I have seen him he has always impressed and seems to have a bit of added quality when in possession.

I still think that without Duncan we will be the poorer.

Given some of Russell's recent performances, I'd agree with you: given some others, I'd disagree. It's too much toss-of-a-coin with  him, and it can vary from minute to minute, too. I much preferred Richie Hart to Duncan - in the days when you often saw one lose out to the other - for sheer effort and attack-minded football, let alone consistency (when Richie was crap he was consistently crap and you knew when he should be dropped).

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Duncan, aside from the missed tackle (for want of a better word), wasn't any worse than those around him yesterday...in fact I would have placed him above more than half the squad if I was pushed into putting the team in order of effort/effectiveness.

As I said on the match day thread...at one point he managed 4 consecutive forward passes that went to our own players whilst in the opposition half, but as everyone seemed scared to push forward the ball came back to him every time and on attempt 5 he put it straight into the path of a Hearts player.....que sera, he was being closed down and would have been caught in possession anyway.

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From the majority of games ive seen this season, his ball distribution has been woeful. He breaks up play as everyone says his best attribute, i agree, but as mentioned before more often than not his pass goes to an opposite jersey or puts a teammate in trouble. After this saga id suggest he can hop along to Falkirk or St mirren and get probably a lesser contract than what he is currently being tabled at ICT.(i only can assume btw)!!

I feel for him that a certain romanian player has come in and been given this or that as a contract and he feels he has offered the club a lot over the years, TRUE enough, but for him too think he is worth anywhere near that is mindblowing. The club GAVE russell his chance of first team football after Aberdeen dumped him as a youth and he has repaid that, but id tell him not too be hasty because a string of clubs lining up too sign him there will be not, i feel.

The way he has gone about this is poor form, sure he needs to get the best for his family, but hearts or hibs arent going to come in for him so what other clubs will give him what he is after? Not one more in this league id guess at. It's got to come to an end soon (ffs hurry up eh).


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Guest neksor

I think that we should not go out of our way to re-sign him.

He is a very negative player and for the most part only passes back towards his own goal!

Who do we have that can replace him and do a good positive job?


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*Strong Words From Bennet*

So Russell has to make up his mind by the end of the season whether he will stay or move on. I'm not too sure about this "timescale" Bennet has given him. Fair enough if he had said "next week" or "end of the month". If he does leave then will be doing so at the end of the season anyway and it simply makes ICT look like they will hang around as long as possible to get an answer from him.

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*Strong Words From Bennet*

So Russell has to make up his mind by the end of the season whether he will stay or move on. I'm not too sure about this "timescale" Bennet has given him. Fair enough if he had said "next week" or "end of the month". If he does leave then will be doing so at the end of the season anyway and it simply makes ICT look like they will hang around as long as possible to get an answer from him.

Just like they did wi dargo......only to end up looking like complete muppets!

Get a DOF in who has some balls. Ad be telling Duncan, end of next week or we will asume you are to be replaced and will get the ball rolling. I hate pussyfooting about :008:

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If Duncan thinks he can do better elsewhere then fair play to him, i dont see there will be that many clubs battering down his door trying to get his signature, if your staying russel, get on with it and sign, if not say now so the club can get on with finding a replacement. " holding " midfielders are not that hard to find to be honest.

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He's been saying the same thing every week for the past 2 months

And frankly it's pathetic. Huge feeling of deja vu with this one and other players in the past e.g. Black and Dargo.

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No-one is irreplaceable!!! Iain Stewart left and we got Wyness. Brown left and we now have Fraser. Bobby Mann left and we got Darren Dods. Dods then left and we now have McGuire. Dargo left and we got Niculae. the list is endless.... and you can do similar examples for every club in the world. (Cantona & Cole, Romario & Ronaldo, McAllister & Miller.....)

My point is, if Duncan wants more than he is worth then he should seek a new contract elsewhere. ICT have always, to my knowledge, offered the best than can for any player (even Niculae took a wage cut to play for us).

I said all this over a month ago, and find it incredable that Russell hasn't yet made his mind up, and dispicable that the club have not stuck their foot down harder on the matter. If the club truely feel they have made the best offer they can and he refuses, then thats RD's problem!

There's life after football Mr Duncan! not everyone has the luxury of retiring at the age of 30+ and have ?millions in the bank to live off... Even a certain former Aberdeen Assistant Manager and Scotland International is now a courier within the Highlands to make ends meet.

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There's life after football Mr Duncan! not everyone has the luxury of retiring at the age of 30+ and have £millions in the bank to live off... Even a certain former Aberdeen Assistant Manager and Scotland International is now a courier within the Highlands to make ends meet.

To be fair, I dont think any of ICT's players will ever retire at 30+ with Mi££ions in the bank. Most get what we would consider a decent or even good 'normal' wage for a working man or woman rather than the tens of thousands a week of bigger clubs. Its probably Duncan's last decent contract (as it is with Wyness and Tokely) and they have to weigh things up and get the best deal they can for themselves.

Having said that, its dragging on and I would agree that it should be brought to a close one way or another. either he signs in the next week or he is removed from the first team squad and the contract offer withdrawn ... and although there has been no paper talk about Wyness (funny that eh - wonder who his agent is) the same should apply

At the end of the day, if the club are making the best offer they can (or are prepared to) and are not going to sweeten the pot there is no point letting it drag on. No player is irreplaceable and if they dont like the club offer then they can go elsewhere. Once the player has reached "elsewhere" then maybe the other side of the story can come out. If the club have indeed made what the player believed to be a laughable offer then maybe the fans should know that it is not always the players' fault (I know for a fact that we have lost important players to bad contract offers in the past).

either way - GB / RD -- just get it sorted will ya !!!

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