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ICT v Hamilton

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Interestingly enough on the subject of tactics.....I think Robbo called the game and the substitutions the same way as Brewster played them...so either Brewster had an earpiece in listening to the commentary or both he and Robbo got them wrong....and that includes starting off with the 4-5-1.

You said just before kick off, that you were glad we were going for 4-5-1, now your saying it was wrong? :rotflmao:

Do you take your laptop to the game caleyD?

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Interestingly enough on the subject of tactics.....I think Robbo called the game and the substitutions the same way as Brewster played them...so either Brewster had an earpiece in listening to the commentary or both he and Robbo got them wrong....and that includes starting off with the 4-5-1.

You said just before kick off, that you were glad we were going for 4-5-1, now your saying it was wrong? :rotflmao:

Do you take your laptop to the game caleyD?

Good old selective quoting....try taking my statement in context of the rest of the post and the post/s I was replying too and you might just pick up that I was being ironic. :thumb04:

And, no I don't take my laptop to games.....although what thathas to do with anything I have no idea.

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Sick of coming on here and reading the constant singling out of players. To give someone like tokely 1 /10 is nothing short of a disgrace. Think its about time sone of the posters on this site pull their heads out of their ar5es and wind their necks in.

I don't know what some fans expect from our team. In the last week we have seen exactly what our team has played like since joining the premier league and will continue to play like.

We are simply inconsistant. We will always be this way while we continue to sell our better players and take in players from lower leagues.

On our day we are a match for any team in the league, but we simply dont do it often enough. It doesn't help that our manager appears to be as clueless as my cat when it comes to tactics etc.

We lost today simply due to one unfortunate error. End of

Aside from that error -

our keeper did well when called upon, although his distribution of the ball is always suspect, defence looked reasonably solid and i felt the young lad coped well following his mistake. Midfield was simply non existent and created next to nothing, free kicks and the dreaded short corner were simply woeful. Barrowman only had one chance throughout the 90 mins and was unable to take it.

Much of this in my opinion is the fault of the manager. We were playing at home, against one of the teams tipped for relegation along with ourselves, and would have gone top of league had we one which should have been motivation in itself.if you can't send your team out in an attacking formation in this situation then when can you? Perhaps plying one striker is ok away from home when we're hoping to pinch a result.

We have a squad of players who can play well when the ball is played to feet, so why oh why do we insist on kicking it as high as we can? Why oh why have we never been able to get to grips with set pieces? We never ever look likely to score or even threaten from any of our corners, free kicks or long throw situations.

Barrowman will score goals in this league provided he gets the right service. He is a 6 yard poacher, if service is there he will score more than he misses. If service isnt there he will be branded lazy, out of his depth etc etc.

It seems like an eternity ago that we watched our heros actually having a go, playing attractive attacking flowing football. Come back pele, all is forgiven!! :rotflmao:

Someone posted that they cant believe that we lost to hamilton. Why not? Dundee utd did and so will others. We have no divine right to expect 3 points from any team in this league and to think otherwise is ridiculous. We have always been a team who will fluctuate between 5 star amazing results to utter pi5h and drivel which never makes it boring!!

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Good old selective quoting....try taking my statement in context of the rest of the post and the post/s I was replying too and you might just pick up that I was being ironic. :rotflmao:

And, no I don't take my laptop to games.....although what thathas to do with anything I have no idea.

Didn't seem that ironic to me.

Just cause, you post during the game, just wondering how your do it, laptop, mobile....

4-5-1 should never be played at home, unless your playing a far far better team.

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It really wasn't that bad guys. I wouldn't buy another season ticket on the back of it but the seeds of a decent season were there, and we already have three more points than we had this time last year.

Jamie made a complete arse-up and they scored. He also played pretty well. They had another few chances, but in the second half we had around the same number of openings. Rooney and Barrowman need to get inside each other's heads - when a centre forward puts a bending cross in towards the back post and his strike partner runs *back* there's something not quite right. Barrowman also needs to watch the line better, which may have been the problem.

Russell is struggling with a hamstring problem (and if you wanted a reason why Richie Hart should have been kept on there's it for you on a plate) so there was never going to be much driving through central midfield.

Losing to the Accies is no shame - and we didn't get pounded 3-1. I do wonder why we went with a lone striker at home, when the supposed replacement for Niculae has just been welcomed in, but he shook things up after half time and on another day we'd have had at least a point. If we're saying the same things in a couple of months, then I'll be worried.

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i still can't belive that we lost to hamilton.

attitudes like that are why we lost to Hamilton !!!

We get rightfully pissed off when someone has that attitude about us, and have given teams a doing on the basis that we would show them we werent there just to make up the numbers .... Hamilton have already shown they are no Gretna and in fact are a decent hardworking and well put together team so what divine right do we have to win.

We may have been rank rotten today, and despite my praise for them, Hamilton were not that much better. The only goal was the result of a mistake and unfortunately, thats just football. We do need to improve and I think Bronson is correct - consistency is one of our big problems (other than tactics that dictate a 4-5-1 at home) and initially I would like to see us do one simple thing, and one thing only, to help with that consistency ..... play the ball on the feckin deck !!!!! We ALWAYS play so much better when the ball is on the deck ... every supporter can see that, why can no-one else.

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Hi all

Just back from hols and dissapointed with yesterdays result after the great result against the Dons, how many times do you get that scenario in football, more dissapointed by the various reports on the display than the result (Brews quote "we were pedestrian") I cant imagine how that can be, whenever ive played football or any sport come to that Ive given it 100% Ive been up for it and Ive enjoy playing, competing, Brews comments worry me abit second league game of the season and some of the players lack the commitment that is required already, or could it be that some are not up to the required standard for SPL football?

Anyway roll on next Saturday and a chance to put a few things right for the home fans bring on the Hibbies lets hope we can get back on track.

Have faith.

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We over celebrated our win at Aberdeen.

We underestimated Hamilton.

We made one big mistake and lost.

We need to forget our home record against Hibs and work our butts off in training this week or we will have turned full circle in 12 months and be less prepared for grafting than we were 12 months ago when a major crisis erupted.

Let us not kid ourselves - the SPL is about graft with skill occasionally on top of that. We were flat yesterday after what appeared a good start.

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Agree that it is early days yet but disagree that we have to play 4-5-1 - Harped on fer ages about it but 4-5-1 at home only works against the likes of the Old Filth. Best to get the bad ones out of our system early doors and we should know how to beat Hibees tactically at home. And it is irritating that we are not straining a gut to get in a new dfeender - I fear that Brew continues to keep faith in what he has got - That is a BIG mistake.

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Guest Spectre

It really wasn't that bad guys.

Well I think it was 'that bad' in the first half. We just didn't put the effort in, let them have space and time on the ball and, although it was an unlucky goal to concede, deserved to be down at HT.

The second half was better, not just because of the formation change, but as others have said there was still way too much hopeful punting up the park which simply resulted in giving them the ball back.

The only bright point is that Rooney looks a good player.

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The descriptions I've read of Hamilton's style of play echo those of our own team in the past... Industrious, well-organised etc... We need to get back to that as it's the only way we're going to avoid relegation - I was hoping for top 6 this year but unless we do what we're best at then avoiding relegation is going to be our primary concern because I reckon this year will be closer than ever at the bottom.

I just wish we'd keep the ball on the deck!

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In reply to Mr Bronson's post (and what Scotty added too)

I agree with you entirley and long overdue that we practice corners and free kicks and keep the ball on the grass. Our dead ball stuff in threatening positions is woeful.

As we are a team who, generally does not score lots of goals, we absolutely must do something different or planned from the training ground when we have a corner, or a free kick near the opposition goal.

If we had a reharsed move and won 1-0 it would have been worth all the practice and preparation and three very valuable points.

Lets look at the positive things we should be doing rather than just criticise, often unconstructively.

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Pathetic performance in the first half although things did brighten up in the second but not by very much. Rooney the one bright spot in a dull and unimaginative team.

Barrowman needs to get his act together and show as if he's interested - it's not the likes of Berwick Rangers he's up against now.

Yet again - and we saw it plenty last season - our crossing and corner kicks were woeful. I've said it before - do they spend any time at all practising ? Does this side of the game not fit in with Brew's gym and pasta coaching approach ?

Must do better.


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Early days but the most worrying thing is that man for man we've probably got more skill than Hamilton, we've undoubtably got more experience but they seemed much more committed to the cause.

We've got to recapture the team spirit from our early seasons in the SPL if we want to avoid being sucked into a relegation dogfight.

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Interesting to see at the end of the half, Ryan Esson run 25 yards across the pitch to tell the inconsolable Duff that everything was to fine and to pick himself up.

Was very impressed, I remember Brewster mentioning he is an excellent player to have around the dressing room. With Barry Wilson the notable exception, we have previoulsy lacked anyone capable of lifting the others and being the type of player the othes can look to for support.

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Guest totalspl

After a great start to the season at Aberdeen this was really disappointing. They will have to pick themselves up fast for the next match.

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Having just watched the BBC highlights I think there's more than Duff at fault for the goal. Ok, he misses the ball and Offiong should never have had the opportunity to run at goal but what was that by Duncan? Not only was he just casually strolling back and never took off till Offiong was past Duff, bute should have slid in to that, not try to tickle Offiong off the ball and Hastings should have been running in behind the keeper to cover the shot to the back post.

Yeah, hindsight is a great thing, but that was slack play and should have been easily dealt with by any of the 3 of them.

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Sorry CaleyD, there is nobody else to blame but Duff, he completely missed the ball which allowed Offiong to run through on goal. No blame attached to Duncan who was never going to be powerful enough to outmuscle the big lad and Hastings also had no part to play in it. I am not apportioning blame, merely stating fact. That said Duff did play no worse than some of our regular guys if you remove that blip. Unfortunately it did happen and it cost us the goal which won the game. Offiong still had work to do, but he is powerful with a bit of pace and a composed finish was all that was needed.

Great to back Duff to the hilt, but that is where the buck stopped yesterday. Our ineptitude only added to the frustration of the whole day. Everyone including Duff and Offiong expected the defender to clear the ball or knock it into touch but he made the mistake and he shoulders the blame. I felt gutted for him, but thats life. He will come back a better player after these things. The man that never made a mistake has never been born.

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I was quite surprised how low the crowd was!!

I suppose some people are away on holiday and Hamilton aren't exactly glamorous opponents but there were 400-500 less people than usual. Anyone know how season tickets sales went? There seems to be a few new faces in and around where I sit

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