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Disabled Prices


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Playing Devils advocate here...but why should people with a disability and on DLA get FREE entry (for two people) instead of just a reduced price?

I would be curious to hear the reasoning behind it. (bearing in mind, i qualify for it)

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Their is no perfect system!!.... I get peed off going with my father in law to matches, he's a pensioner so gets reduced prices. But he's go far more disposable income than me...

Why should he get a discount just cos he's older than me. It's discrimination!

Edited by kiltarlity
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It's discrimination!

Well, i agree. I thought we were all to be treated as equals in this country. We are always hearing about how disabled people want to be treated as equals

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Perhaps only fair way to do is is to means test everyone.... alternatively we could just become a perfect communist society, redistribute the wealth, pay everyone the same and give no discounts at all !

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It's all a matter of personal conscience.

People shouldn't necessarily be taking advantage of a concession just because they fall into a certain demographic...but they do.

For some it is a concious thing (i.e. they're just tight) and others don't even stop to give it a second thought, accept their "pigeon hole" and purchase accordingly.

Provided there's more "genuine" people claiming concessions than we have chancers claiming it then it's a situation we just have to accept as the only alternative is to means test every applicant, and that's not exactly practical.

Those who opt for the cheaper option simply because they can, and who could afford the full price, are only cheating their own club out of much needed revenue.

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so why should oap and students get in on the cheap and Disabled dont

the question there should be why should they get in cheaper, Disabled people (the ones i know) do not like being treated different (they arent different) they just want the ability to lead the same life as us able body people, if TCS didnt have the area for Disabled acces then I'd be on your side, the guys i know are happy with paying the same as us and not beening treated different, OAP and Students getting in cheap is due to the amount of money they earn...

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It's all a matter of personal conscience.

People shouldn't necessarily be taking advantage of a concession just because they fall into a certain demographic...but they do.

For some it is a concious thing (i.e. they're just tight) and others don't even stop to give it a second thought, accept their "pigeon hole" and purchase accordingly.

Provided there's more "genuine" people claiming concessions than we have chancers claiming it then it's a situation we just have to accept as the only alternative is to means test every applicant, and that's not exactly practical.

Those who opt for the cheaper option simply because they can, and who could afford the full price, are only cheating their own club out of much needed revenue.

As i have said...ONLY those on DLA can claim the concession. ONLY those with Disabilities get DLA. So, it should only be "genuine" people getting the concession.

Why shouldnt I make use of the concession? Unlike the majority of the ICT support, I had been regurarly financially contributing to Inverness football since late 70s, right up until we made it into the SPL, which coincided with a change in my circumstance, although my health issues are life long! I chose not to take the offer up while we were in the SPL, as i had lost my appetite for football (along with life in general). So i feel like trying to inject a little excitement into my life again, through football, so I intend to make use of the concession, for two reasons:

1: I qualify for it

2: Financially, I cant really afford to pay at the gate coz of my low income

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Smee I think you should take advantage off it and any other concessions elsewhere you can. I identify with your situation, in that due to my depessive illlness I chose to go part time because I realised that at the time I was not strong enough to work full time (I also wanted to aid my own recovery)

I am sure if I had battled on trying to work full time, I would have ended up in a much worse state, healthwise and would have become unemployable and probably would have lost my wife and child

The flipside of this is whilst my health has dramatically improved (taken 2-3years) and I'm now looking to re-train for a full time career, my debt situation has gotten much worse. Which also is a negative factor in my fight to attain mental health wellness.


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It's all a matter of personal conscience.

People shouldn't necessarily be taking advantage of a concession just because they fall into a certain demographic...but they do.

For some it is a concious thing (i.e. they're just tight) and others don't even stop to give it a second thought, accept their "pigeon hole" and purchase accordingly.

Provided there's more "genuine" people claiming concessions than we have chancers claiming it then it's a situation we just have to accept as the only alternative is to means test every applicant, and that's not exactly practical.

Those who opt for the cheaper option simply because they can, and who could afford the full price, are only cheating their own club out of much needed revenue.

As i have said...ONLY those on DLA can claim the concession. ONLY those with Disabilities get DLA. So, it should only be "genuine" people getting the concession.

Why shouldnt I make use of the concession? Unlike the majority of the ICT support, I had been regurarly financially contributing to Inverness football since late 70s, right up until we made it into the SPL, which coincided with a change in my circumstance, although my health issues are life long! I chose not to take the offer up while we were in the SPL, as i had lost my appetite for football (along with life in general). So i feel like trying to inject a little excitement into my life again, through football, so I intend to make use of the concession, for two reasons:

1: I qualify for it

2: Financially, I cant really afford to pay at the gate coz of my low income

I think you'll find that's what I was saying.

If people qualify and have a genuine financial need to make use of concessions then that's what they are there for and they SHOULD be using them.

It's not for me to judge who has genuine need.....as I said, that's all a matter for personal conscience.

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"It's not for me to judge who has genuine need.....as I said, that's all a matter for personal conscience"

Well said CaleyD !

Please people don't judge people by how they look.. I worked for a while in a renal unit, the younger patients on the whole looked fit and healthy, yet they were very very ill. They had to come to hospital 3 times a week for 6 hours to be attached to a machine to have their blood cleaned or they would die.

Time and time again, they told me how embarrising it was parking in a disabled space and having other disabled and well people look at them and sometimes challenge them and tell them they were at it..

The same is true of many other physical & mental illnesses. You can be really ill but look ok to the casual observer. Nobody should judge need apart from those with the knowledge to do so.. Doctors etc.

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"It's not for me to judge who has genuine need.....as I said, that's all a matter for personal conscience"

Well said CaleyD !

Please people don't judge people by how they look.. I worked for a while in a renal unit, the younger patients on the whole looked fit and healthy, yet they were very very ill. They had to come to hospital 3 times a week for 6 hours to be attached to a machine to have their blood cleaned or they would die.

Time and time again, they told me how embarrising it was parking in a disabled space and having other disabled and well people look at them and sometimes challenge them and tell them they were at it..

The same is true of many other physical & mental illnesses. You can be really ill but look ok to the casual observer. Nobody should judge need apart from those with the knowledge to do so.. Doctors etc.

well said that men!! not in a daft way but looking at my own problems no one in work really knows how bad I get, i chose not to show it, and thus would really use the badge unless I needed to at the time, as with ICT, I'll always take my seat in the stand and pay most of my way depending on finance, but to everyone who knows me or meets me other than my need to sit down quickly you would never know!!!

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so why should oap and students get in on the cheap and Disabled dont

the question there should be why should they get in cheaper, Disabled people (the ones i know) do not like being treated different (they arent different) they just want the ability to lead the same life as us able body people, if TCS didnt have the area for Disabled acces then I'd be on your side, the guys i know are happy with paying the same as us and not beening treated different, OAP and Students getting in cheap is due to the amount of money they earn...

I'm lost? You say students and OAPs get in cheap due to the amount of money they earn. Is this not the case and why people with disabilities get in free? If they need a carer it 9 times out of 10 means they cannot work??

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This is going round and round, they get in free if they have a carer......... and in recipt of DLA.. the ones that dont need the carer dont get if free.. end off.

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I'm lost? You say students and OAPs get in cheap due to the amount of money they earn. Is this not the case and why people with disabilities get in free? If they need a carer it 9 times out of 10 means they cannot work??

U could have a carer, but not get DLA. if that was the case, its FULL price at the gate for you. (Not fair)

You can be in reciept of DLA but be fully employed, but not need a carer, so pay full price (fair enuff)

You can be in reciept of DLA, Not be able to work, but have no carer, Technically, its full price at the gate (not fair)

If you are not working, and on DLA.....chances are at minimum, you are on at least DOUBLE the income of those on jobseekers allowance. Those on Jobseekers allowance arent catered for by ICT. I find that unfair! Seems to be the only section of society that is overlooked.

Edited by SMEE
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Having attended many games home and away for a number of seasons with a person who had mobility difficulties, the last thing on their mind is the cost of the ticket.

It is the crap facilities that the football clubs lay on. The areas at the front of the North stand are poor in the respect of watching the game. You are sitting at ground level and with the curve of the pitch it is very difficult to see the other end of the ground. Try it sometime to see if you would like to watch the game from there everyweek.

All any fan wants and "your disabled" fan is no different is to be able to see the game in comfort.

Dunfermline is probably the best ground I have been to. The small things, any helper get in free thus not patronising some one less fortunate that the rest of us. At half time a cup of tea and pie on the club. Saves the dilemma of the helper having to leave the person they are with to go and get any refreshment.

Every person who I have ever met who is "disabled" all have one thing in common, to be treated the same as everyone else.

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Where wheelchair users are located and the quality of their matchday experience/view of the game is something that the Supporters Trust have had ongoing conversations with the club over for quite some time now and as I understand it the club are to reintroduce the area in front of the main stand which, I am led to believe, offers a better view of the match than being in front of the North Stand.

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The areas at the front of the North stand are poor in the respect of watching the game. You are sitting at ground level and with the curve of the pitch it is very difficult to see the other end of the ground. Try it sometime to see if you would like to watch the game from there everyweek.

All any fan wants and "your disabled" fan is no different is to be able to see the game in comfort.

Dunfermline is probably the best ground I have been to. The small things, any helper get in free thus not patronising some one less fortunate that the rest of us. At half time a cup of tea and pie on the club. Saves the dilemma of the helper having to leave the person they are with to go and get any refreshment.

Every person who I have ever met who is "disabled" all have one thing in common, to be treated the same as everyone else.

Not only is the viewing area poor but the morons/non thinkers that decide to leave their seats 10 mins before the game finishes and then stand in front of this area ready to make a hasty move to the exit. OK for them, they are watching the play but the less fortunates are left watching the rear ends of the said morons/non thinkers - wishing they could land a size ten thereon!!

What a super idea re the tea and pie provision! Maybe, now that we are aware of it, this can also be persued.

Where wheelchair users are located and the quality of their matchday experience/view of the game is something that the Supporters Trust have had ongoing conversations with the club over for quite some time now and as I understand it the club are to reintroduce the area in front of the main stand which, I am led to believe, offers a better view of the match than being in front of the North Stand.

This is indeed better news and will provide additional enjoyment to all concerned. Well done to the Trust if this comes off.

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It is difficult to come to a consensus as there are too many factors. The way i see it...

People with mobility issues should be able to access the stadium the same as anyone. Many people with mobility issues can and do work and do not need any financial assistance, in which case the club aren't expected to discount their ticket, but any carer should be let in for free, regardless of income. (If their mobility prevents them from gaining an income then a large discount is fair) I don't agree with the free pie and drink however. Certainly, it can be arranged for catering to deliver, but I can't see any reason why freebies are necessary.

For people without mobility issues, who are unable to work because of health conditions, and are on income support of some sort, a large discount should be available.

I think offering over and above (free pies etc) is actually condescending. Equality can be breached both ways.

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For people without mobility issues, who are unable to work because of health conditions, and are on income support of some sort, a large discount should be available.

Why just those with mobility issues? What about other health conditions? are they less deserving? What about those who are out of work? Arent they every bit as deserving of a lil understanding?

Edited by SMEE
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For people without mobility issues, who are unable to work because of health conditions, and are on income support of some sort, a large discount should be available.

Why just those with mobility issues? What about other health conditions? are they less deserving? What about those who are out of work? Arent they every bit as deserving of a lil understanding?

I think if you read it again he's saying disabled people WITHOUT mobility issues who have financial need SHOULD get a concession.

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I'm sure the vast majority of people could come up with a legitimate claim/reason why they should get in cheaper than some others, but ICT isn't a charity and you have to draw the line somewhere. It doesn't matter where you draw that line you'll always get those who will complain and claim it should be moved more in their favour.

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