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I heard that Eagles can play on any wing !!

I watched him at the Forres game, played on the left first half and the right in the second so he was on my side the whole 90 mins, watching him he didnt seem to have much in the way of a right foot.... first and last touch always on the left foot... Keep an eye on it IHE you'll see it yourself, his goal at forres was taken down the right side but he had to turn it and bring it in on his left to shoot.

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I heard that Eagles can play on any wing !!

I watched him at the Forres game, played on the left first half and the right in the second so he was on my side the whole 90 mins, watching him he didnt seem to have much in the way of a right foot.... first and last touch always on the left foot... Keep an eye on it IHE you'll see it yourself, his goal at forres was taken down the right side but he had to turn it and bring it in on his left to shoot.

he is very left footed but can still play on either wing, just like Imrie

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oh yeh i get that and if given the choice of where id like to see him play DI has a stronger right foot is all im saying, I liked it the other day when they kept swapping sides, bamboozle style!

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Injuries and suspensions are going to make it tough for TB & co on Saturday, and the Pars tails are up at the moment...

Sanchez and Rooney up front on their own won't get much change out the big guys in the Pars central defence.... Especially if our usual suspects will be attempting to punt long, high balls up to them.

First league game of the season, and already it's assuming the proportions of a 6 pointer. If we finish the day 3 points ahead of the Pars, it would be a fantastic achievement for ICT...

I think TB should go for broke here with this line up :

Esson (Got a funny feeling TB will pick Allison)

Proctor Bulvitis Munro Hastings or McBain

Imrie Stratford Cox Eagle



Controversial I know, but think about it....even if Lionel makes the odd mistake in an up front position it's unlikely to lead to a goal for the opposition. He's got a bit of pace, and he's very comfortable on the ball. He would be able to create so much more than Rooney in that area, who for me, is just too lightweight at this level.

Saturday might just be the day when Lionel makes a name for himself in a positive sense for ICT!

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Esson (Got a funny feeling TB will pick Allison)

If Esson is still carrying an injury (the reason he was on bench last week) then there's every chance we'll have Allison in goal.

is there a thrid choice at the club? or would Esson be listed as a sub even though he is injured (ive seen this happen before with clubs where an injured player is listed amongst subs)

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Esson (Got a funny feeling TB will pick Allison)

If Esson is still carrying an injury (the reason he was on bench last week) then there's every chance we'll have Allison in goal.

is there a thrid choice at the club? or would Esson be listed as a sub even though he is injured (ive seen this happen before with clubs where an injured player is listed amongst subs)

I suspect CD's explanation will be the official line, Libero - better not question it - although I would be inclined to ask what happens if Allison picks up a serious injury inside the first minute and has to go off?

Would Esson be fit enough to take his place?

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I wouldn't imagine we'd have Esson on the bench if his participation was altogether impossible. Think it was reported that he had a mild groin strain....which is probably something he could play through if needed, but not worth aggravating for the sake of it.

Allison, I believe, was only thought of as 3rd choice....but he's had a good pre-season and a couple of solid performances which might have pushed him up the pecking order a bit and removed the need to bring someone in as a #2.

Not sure if we have any other young keepers who could be though of as the possible #3 or if we could still be looking to bring another one in....perhaps even a loan deal.

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I wouldn't imagine we'd have Esson on the bench if his participation was altogether impossible. Think it was reported that he had a mild groin strain....which is probably something he could play through if needed, but not worth aggravating for the sake of it.

I heard it said a while ago that some big guy wearing a baseball cap had kicked him in the groin area.

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Certainly tempted to advise the Annan Manager that the reason the referee failed to give a foul against Eagles was that he was a raptor.

What is certain is that Dunfermline will be out like a pack of vultures ready to devour our carcass after we sent them through the trapdoor. Hopefully someone will warn the lads that in our first SPL1 game which co-incidentally if my memory serves me right was away to the Parrs when Andrew Allan and co lost 4-0. Let's hope the management team do not chicken out this time.

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Its nearly time... who has a squeaky bum? Me me me,

I don?t know how i feel about tmrw, I won?t sleep tonight!!

Am I excited.... yes

Am I scared....... yes

Am I nervous.....oh yes!!!!

But that?s why we watch and love the football....

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You have to embrace the ethics of a Tartan Army foot soldier when you watch ICT way - enjoy the feckin day - get as merry as feck before the game, enjoy some pre match banter, sing yer feckin heart out fer 90 minutes - irrespective of what the feckers are doing on the pitch - hopefully win, celebrate and get ratersed, draw, take heart with an away point and get ratersed or lose, sulk fer a minute ot two and get ratersed.

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Never mind Eagle on the right, Butcher says today in the P&J "Lionel has played at centre back !!!!"

I only hope, he's winding us up..!!

I hope this wont bite us....

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I've just remembered something from about 10 years ago.

Last time we entered Division 1, we kicked off the season with a 4-0 defeat at Dunfermline.

your right, however... Im not saying a word!!

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I heard that Eagles can play on any wing !!

Let's hope he soars to the heights today, gets his claws firmly stuck into the Pars, and gives us some golden moments.

he'll be free as a bird on the wings and will fly through their defence to score and then flip the bird to the pars

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You have to embrace the ethics of a Tartan Army foot soldier when you watch ICT way - enjoy the feckin day - get as merry as feck before the game, enjoy some pre match banter, sing yer feckin heart out fer 90 minutes - irrespective of what the feckers are doing on the pitch - hopefully win, celebrate and get ratersed, draw, take heart with an away point and get ratersed or lose, sulk fer a minute ot two and get ratersed.

:lol: Nice to see that between 50-100 peeples took ma advice. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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