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Songs for Tomorrow Night


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Anyone got any ideas for songs to get the crowd going tomorrow night?

What about this to the tune of"We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel -

Craig Brewster had his day

All the rumours is he that way?

Richie Foran, Ryan Esson, a big punt from Grant Munro

Adam Rooney, Russell Duncan, Robert Eagle, where's the action?

Juanjo, he never said goodbye, he came back briefly but he never said hi

Djebi-Zadi, the best we've ever seen, Hayes is as good as good as he's ever been

Odhiambo, Tokely, we're geting sued by Niculae!


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Danni Sanchez, Reedee hears a shot

Stuart Golabek, Maureen in the club shop

No mates has SMEE, Snecky has a winning team

Boardroom Banter, swept aside

The team tried hard but couldn't survive

Another season of Butcher and Mal-pas

Is Marius gonna sue us?


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Graham Bayne, McAllister, Whatever happened to Zander?

Dargo, he never re-signed, Charlie Christie, Filipe Morais

The game goes on with the round ball but Dundee are set to fall

Bad weather stopped the game with a Queens side, but Dodds and Chisholm just wanted to hide

Ross Tokely, Howden Ender, Flybe, laPaglia

We beat the hoops, muppets, "Design the Shirt" was a no show

Who put the O and Y in County? Video shows Sutherland like a Nazi

Terry goes psycho, Aussie press says he dresses like a hobo


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Savage, Orion, who owns the stadium land?

Hastings at Hamilton, the Dingwall caravan invasion

Where is Davide Xausa? We all supported Romania

We all miss our old king - Bring Back Steve Paterson!

Derek Adams' own players he decks! Who knows what'll happen next?

Stadium announcer blown away! What else do I have to say!?


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Brewster's tactics were always the same, Butcher hates The World Game

Baltacha, five years at the top, Butcher loves Hard Rock

Deano, Bully, will we be fine, Richie Hart give us a line

At Christmas we were in the can, can we win it? Yes We Can!

It's just like when we beat Clyde, are we in financial suicide?

Foreign debts, still a test, JB thinks, the ICT job he thinks is the best

We're nearly there, we've done it before, Tokely knocks Higdon to the floor

Terry Butcher - he's at war! I can't take it anymore!


We didn't start the fire

But when we are gone

Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on...

Quite an easy one to learn there...

Edited by Renegade
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To Family Ness:

You can knock it,

You can rock it,

You can come to Inverness,

But you'll never find County in the SPL.

You may see Caley, or Dundee and Queens,

But you'll never see County in the SPL.....

To Que sera sera

When we were just in 6th place

I asked Terry, what will we be

Will we be promoted, will we be rich

Here's what he said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be

County are Sh&*!, you see

Que Sera, Sera

2-4-6-8 Motorway

2-4-6-8 ain't never too late

County and Brewster *uckin' it up on the night

3-5-7-9 top of the league on time

SPL football coming up with the morning light

Edited by Kirishima
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To Family Ness:

You can knock it,

You can rock it,

You can come to Inverness,

But you'll never find County in the SPL.

You may see Caley, or Dundee and Queens,

But you'll never see County in the SPL.....

Love it.

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Anyone got any ideas for songs to get the crowd going tomorrow night?

What about this to the tune of"We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel -

Craig Brewster had his day

All the rumours is he that way?

Richie Foran, Ryan Esson, a big punt from Grant Munro

Adam Rooney, Russell Duncan, Robert Eagle, where's the action?

Juanjo, he never said goodbye, he came back briefly but he never said hi

Djebi-Zadi, the best we've ever seen, Hayes is as good as good as he's ever been

Odhiambo, Tokely, we're geting sued by Niculae!


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Danni Sanchez, Reedee hears a shot

Stuart Golabek, Maureen in the club shop

No mates has SMEE, Snecky has a winning team

Boardroom Banter, swept aside

The team tried hard but couldn't survive

Another season of Butcher and Mal-pas

Is Marius gonna sue us?


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Graham Bayne, McAllister, Whatever happened to Zander?

Dargo, he never re-signed, Charlie Christie, Filipe Morais

The game goes on with the round ball but Dundee are set to fall

Bad weather stopped the game with a Queens side, but Dodds and Chisholm just wanted to hide

Ross Tokely, Howden Ender, Flybe, laPaglia

We beat the hoops, muppets, "Design the Shirt" was a no show

Who put the O and Y in County? Video shows Sutherland like a Nazi

Terry goes psycho, Aussie press says he dresses like a hobo


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Savage, Orion, who owns the stadium land?

Hastings at Hamilton, the Dingwall caravan invasion

Where is Davide Xausa? We all supported Romania

We all miss our old king - Bring Back Steve Paterson!

Derek Adams' own players he decks! Who knows what'll happen next?

Stadium announcer blown away! What else do I have to say!?


We didn't start the fire

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning

We didn't start the fire

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it

Brewster's tactics were always the same, Butcher hates The World Game

Baltacha, five years at the top, Butcher loves Hard Rock

Deano, Bully, will we be fine, Richie Hart give us a line

At Christmas we were in the can, can we win it? Yes We Can!

It's just like when we beat Clyde, are we in financial suicide?

Foreign debts, still a test, JB thinks, the ICT job he thinks is the best

We're nearly there, we've done it before, Tokely knocks Higdon to the floor

Terry Butcher - he's at war! I can't take it anymore!


We didn't start the fire

But when we are gone

Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on...

Quite an easy one to learn there...

Too much :021:

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To Family Ness:

You can knock it,

You can rock it,

You can come to Inverness,

But you'll never find County in the SPL.

You may see Caley, or Dundee and Queens,

But you'll never see County in the SPL.....

To Que sera sera

When we were just in 6th place

I asked Terry, what will we be

Will we be promoted, will we be rich

Here's what he said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,

Whatever will be, will be

County are Sh&*!, you see

Que Sera, Sera

2-4-6-8 Motorway

2-4-6-8 ain't never too late

County and Brewster *uckin' it up on the night

3-5-7-9 top of the league on time

SPL football coming up with the morning light

Now i like the Que Sera one, thats quality ! :021: :lol::rotflmao:

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Here's a quickie ditty,

they'll be comin',

they'll be comin',

they'll be comin down the road

You can hear the squeal,

of the caravan wheels,

when the are comin' down the road

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To Family Ness:

You can knock it,

You can rock it,

You can come to Inverness,

But you'll never find County in the SPL.

You may see Caley, or Dundee and Queens,

But you'll never see County in the SPL.....

Good one love it :P

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To Family Ness:

You can knock it,

You can rock it,

You can come to Inverness,

But you'll never find County in the SPL.

You may see Caley, or Dundee and Queens,

But you'll never see County in the SPL.....

Good one love it :P

Seems like your trying to force out to many words in the 'But you'll never find County in the SPL' and dont have enough for next line!

Maybe change it to But you'll never see County at the top? You may see the Caley Thistle, the Dundee or the Queens?

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Here's a quickie ditty,

they'll be comin',

they'll be comin',

they'll be comin down the road

You can hear the squeal,

of the caravan wheels,

when the are comin' down the road

like that one :)

OK, just the starting bits of the song and a couple of verses rather than the full thing .... a full version would be way too long (nice effort Renegade but too long for the average football crowd who wont sing anything at all !!!) .....

to the tune of P!nk's "So What"

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na

I guess dun-dee are n-o-t top

We dont know where they went

So we're gonna enjoy the party

Now that their challenge is spent

We got a brand new attitude

And we're gonna wear it tonight

Ross County will be in trouble

Cos we all know they're s****

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na

We all know they're s****

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na

We all know they're s****

So, so what, we're still a good team

We got a run going, and we don't n-ee---d you

And guess what, we're having more fun

And now that we're one, we're gonna show you tonight

.... more? or should I get me coat :lol:

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Plan B,

to the Nessie Family tune,

They can mend it,

They can fix it,

They can sell a peg or two,

But never let a Dingwallian sit with you,

You may see them steal a transit,

You can smell the horses pooh,

But never let a a Dingwallian sit with you. :lol:

Edit to delete "offensive" (to Plod) word implying people from dungwall live the life of a travelling person.

Edited by Dewsburydude
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Hate to be a party pooper but can I just point out that despite the banter that has existed between County and ICT fans for 16+ years now, we have previously been told through official channels that "gypsy" references in songs which are directed at County or their fans may be construed as offensive and be put into the same bracket as sectarian songs.

This information was in the days of Mike Smith, but he was only the messenger in that case ... the actual clarification came from the Police so if you want to go there with these words in the songs, just be aware there could be consequences if the police and/or stewards want to be overly officious about this matter.

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