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Heard from a very reliable source that Marcella is going to stay until the end of the season and then will move to another club (not Hibs).  This outcome will be the same regardless if Butcher goes or stays.


As for Mo taking on the manager's job, I'm coming round to the idea but it will be interesting to see the other candidates.

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In my opinion, if he wants to stay he should be given the opportunity as he deserves it.


The length of contract he would be offerred/accept would by my only concern and my conclusion would be to allow him to apply and see who else is interested.

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Terry Butcher wasn't exactly a success to begin with and seems to have done alright for himself. I would certainly give Maurice the opportunity as it would ensure continuity and he has been very much involved with the players unlike a completely new manager who would have to start from scratch. There should definitely be a place for Foran in some role as he has been an integral part of our recent successes.

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I certainly support Maurice as Terry's replacement as Manager. He is definitely staying because Hibs would have to pay double compensation for his services:




Joking apart, he probably realises that Terry wants a couple of years sampling the best restaurants and wine bars in Edinburgh before continuing his media work. For Terry to end his managerial career as the next sacked Manager of Hibs is as predictable as the Duke of Edinburgh remarrying again. Maurice still wants a future as a Manager or Coach and he certainly created real freshness in the team yesterday. We do not know the full facts behind his managerial career at Motherwell and Swindon but in the Highlands he, right now, is the safest bet. I am sure he can operate without Butcher. 

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i would say Mo would be a hot favorite with steve as his assistant then esson will become new goalkeeping coach 


We wouldn't need a new goalkeeping coach if Steve Marcella was still at the club


I said that steve would be Mo's assistant so esson would be the goalkeeping coach  



We are not a massive giant of a club like say Hibernian. Marcella could easily fill both roles.


not really when an assistant takes charge of training in general where as a goal keeping coach just does goal keeping 

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I'm afraid Malpas is NOT the answer, as an assistant he's fine but no way should he be risked as the successor

You only have to look at what he did with Motherwell in his short spell in charge there to see that the guy can't cut it as the main man

With the club sitting where it is at present as the second best club in Scotland I would have thought there would be some pretty big names filling in applications when the post becomes vacant

Its vitally important we get the right guy in for the club to keep progressing so its laughable that some people think that Malpas or Christie should take the reigns


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I'm afraid Malpas is NOT the answer, as an assistant he's fine but no way should he be risked as the successor

You only have to look at what he did with Motherwell in his short spell in charge there to see that the guy can't cut it as the main man

With the club sitting where it is at present as the second best club in Scotland I would have thought there would be some pretty big names filling in applications when the post becomes vacant

Its vitally important we get the right guy in for the club to keep progressing so its laughable that some people think that Malpas or Christie should take the reigns



Maybe what we need is some kind of merger.   :hiding02:

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Im at a real crossroads over Mo. I really want to support him for being loyal but he has bombed in his own managerial jobs. If the board decided to give him a chance then I would support him though. 

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Many folk seem to be puting Foran forward for some role but is he qualified? Has he done any of the coaching badges?

As for dougals point about Maurice. I have to agree with him. I know that when Butcher was being suggested for ICT many on here were vocal on the fact that his only success was at Motherwell. Obviously the guy learned a lot between then and coming to us because he has proved us all wrong. Maurice, on the other hand, strikes me as someone only destined for one role and thats the one he's doing. He is a very good coach but has failed as a manager. I dont even get the impression that he'd want the job, regardless of what the sunday ranger says. He excels in what he does but put added pressure in his path and he crumbles.

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I think our Board will look at what Malpas has done here and not what his record was elsewhere.  He will have learnt a lot in the last few years and I am sure he has the respect of the players and the backroom staff.  I am sure he could do a good job.


However, with the current position of the club and it's increasingly high profile, there will be an understable option of going for a more high profile manager.  If so, where does that leave Malpas?  It seems to me that whilst he could do a good job here as manager, his personality may be more suited to staying a bit out of the limelight as assistant manager.  Assuming Butcher is away and Malpas does not go with him, then I would imagine Malpas will be wanting an assurance from the Board that either he will take over or the person who does so will do so on the condition that Malpas remains as assistant. 


One assumes that Butcher wants Malpas to join him at Hibs (perhaps not) but it may be that Hibs don't want him or Malpas does not want to go.  Either way, despite having done a great job here, Malpas could be well and truly shafted in all of this.  Personally I have a sneaking feeling that with the backing of the wider team at ICT, Mo could quietly go about his work and do a very good job. 


One Maurice Malpas, there's only one Maurice Malpas  :ictscarf:




Cue Malpas announcing tomorrow morning that he's heading Leith way with Butcher.

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i would say Mo would be a hot favorite with steve as his assistant then esson will become new goalkeeping coach 


We wouldn't need a new goalkeeping coach if Steve Marcella was still at the club


I said that steve would be Mo's assistant so esson would be the goalkeeping coach  



We are not a massive giant of a club like say Hibernian. Marcella could easily fill both roles.


not really when an assistant takes charge of training in general where as a goal keeping coach just does goal keeping 




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