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Since Yogi's taken over I have been really impressed by his use of substitutions.  Both the players he switches and any formational or shape changes this implements but also the timing of his subs has been really good.  That 3-4 aberdeen game was when I think I first noticed the way he'd try and alter things with subs.


I don't want this thread to be yet another Yogi bashing thread for his detractors but compared to the previous manager this is one area I feel he is much better in.

Last night he puts on Watkins, within less than 2 minutes he's scored our third.  Also putting on Nick Ross surely kept us in the semi final and thus got us to the final (or helped at least).


Anyone agree/disagree?

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Agree with comments above.  With the performance yesterday he didn't need to make any substitutions.  I thought it was great how he separately took off our leading goals scorer and then our two best players on the night so that they could all get standing ovations.  At the same time it was a bit of a "fingers to you" gesture to County to say we don't need those three on the park.

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I'm certain taking Billy off last night was a bit of mind games on Yogi's part. 'Game's over so we can take our main goal threat off'. Obviously with Marley scoring within 2 minutes it made it look like an inspired change.

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Have to agree about substitutions since Yogi has arrived. We seem to be rotating it a lot more and giving players some game time more so than we did when Butcher was here. I thought yesterday Yogi got it spot on, we were starting to lack up front in the second half and sit back which Yogi brings on a fresh Marley Watkins and we go 3 up which could've been more to be honest. Nick Ross and Carl Tremarco coming on too was a great move especially Tremarco going to LB keeping the back four fresh to see the game out. It just makes me wonder what would have happened if Toby Agdestein stayed just that wee bit longer.

I have to agree with the statement about Daniel Devine getting game time before the final.

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He has used his bench to full effect on several occasions since coming here. Butcher never used his bench nearly enough. Its been quite refreshing to see Yogi put it to full effect with last night and the semi final being prime examples. 

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I agree that they're great substitutions but I do think that Latapy has more of a role in making these subs than you think.

Yeah, not doubting that for a minute.  It was more the contrast to the previous regime that I was meaning rather than singling out Yogi.

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