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Inverness CT -V- St Mirren


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It seems to be that those posters who did not want Hughes are seeking any and every opportunity to be negative

Nonsense.  Everyone negative (such as myself) would loved to have Hughes to succeed.  But it hasn't and his background suggests nothing better.  It's either accept that or want a change before the damage is permanent.


Had anyone suggested the current scenario for ICT at the start of the season, Top 6 and reaching a cup final, we would all have grabbed that with both hands. Yes it has gone a bit pear shaped

But it's not the start of the season.  How has Yogi done since he came in?  We wouldn't be in the top six based on those results. His record also suggests that we will struggle next season too.  This is on the basis of keeping our current squad - you know, the one we were desperate to re-sign as they got us to second.  Next year, I expect a struggle with relegation, purely down to tactics.  Not the squad's ability.


we have been punching above our weight and it is now coming home to roost.

Why did we hire a manager then if he has no effect on the team? If it's some natural up and down, then save the salary.  The fact is, manager are supposed to improve the team.  Otherwise, it's pointless having one.

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hislopsoffsideagain, I hope you have the necessary badges and experience to manage an SPL team. If you have, did you apply in November? If you have, why was Yogi chosen ahead of you?

Secondly, I'm certainly not a friend of Willie Collum, but he's not to blame for this Red Card. While Shinnie may have a point, 49 out of 50 refs opt for red in this situation.

Thirdly, I agree with those who say that Billy Mckay needs a rest. The alternatives: A false 9, as we say in Germany, played by Christie, Foran (if fit) or even Tansey, or give Adam Evans a chance.


Of course, as I imagine you have guessed, I don't have any coaching badges or experience of managing an SPL team.  I didn't realize this was a prerequisite for having an opinion.  I imagine you don't have either of these things either, so why are you allowed to give us your views?


Frankly, if a complete moron like me can spot all these problems quite easily, then it doesn't reflect very well on the management team that they can't.


I was trying to think of any team which had been successful with so many central midfielders playing at once.  I guess Spain would be one.  Unfortunately, they have Xavi, Xabi Alonso, Busquets and Iniesta.  We have "guid honest laddies".


Can anyone think of another team who have played with four central midfielders at the same time and been consistently successful?  If not, then clearly we are lucky to have such a visionary in charge...

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starchief I am glad you admit you are  negative, there might be some hope for you.

Your replies to Huisdean :-


1      would loved to have Hughes succeed............(.past tense, written off )

        his background suggests nothing better,  accept that or want a change before the damage is permanent........( obviously you have no faith in his appointment you want him out no quarter given,........................................................ (don't give him time to sort things out and put his stamp on the Team.)


2        not the start of the season / on the basis of keeping our squad,................................. (no it is nearing the start of the top six battle and he has inherited a fantastic Team.  a team disastrously let down  by a manager who deserted them when he bottled out of trying to keep the success going when he new in his heart the squad was already beginning to suffer and the games were piling up)

Will struggle next season too....................( So little faith in a squad of players still learning the ropes in the SPFL and do you really believe they are so fickle to take the first opportunity to leave the club)


3        Why was he hired or words to that effect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(He put his case to the Chairman the Chairman liked what he heard and is now awaiting fruition of what he outlined in his plans, he is the person who has the right to pass sentence. ...........not us..............We can state whatever we like about what we feel but it should be constructive not damning if we are going to be of any benefit to the situation ). 

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Almost correct, except...


I have faith in the players but not the management.  I've written him off, as you rightly say.  His stamp will be damaging.  I'd rather not give him time to do that.  However, be gladdened.  Yogi will be here for a long time.  Then we can look back and say, what a disaster!




The Chairman can have his opinion, as can I.  He has no more right than me and blindly cheering every successive failure will not help ICT.  After all, were you glad ICT waited so long to get rid of Brewster when it was so obvious he wasn't the man for the job?

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Hope you are not up for Jury service too often the cells, I believe, are too full as it is.


You have as much right to an opinion as the Chairman but that is as far as it goes....... :laugh: ,


Never wanted Brewster in the first place didn't mean I had to lam-bast him though he had plenty of time to prove whether or not he could do the job for us and the Board took the right action when it was required.

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Why are people getting so het up about next season. Who knows how we will do next season and yes under Yogi so far it has been far from perfect but that doesnt mean we will be fighting relegation next season. It seems that we have all become a little bit over the top when it comes to the exception of where the club should be, it is good to have higher expectations but we get small crowds, have one of the if not the lowest budget in the top flight and one of the smallest squads. this falling off near the end isnt new as it happened last season and this season it looks worse because we are further down although we have to factor in a resurgent Aberdeen and Dundee Utd to the equation. Yogi is making mistakes and people are perfectly in there own right to complain but we still have to give him time to see what he can do. The squad is signed up for next season but need a few more faces to help. Billy is our only trusted striker at this level so we need competition. Yes on the form he has shown it would be hard for other to get in to the team but he may be burnt out now or we need to find a way to support him better but maybe he lacks a little bit of competition as well and maybe with the tiredness he has lost that edge. I like how Yogi is trying to make us adaptable to different formations but i agree with everyone that Vincent just isnt a wide man and we need to bring him back into the middle. There is a parallel to Man Utd in the fact that Mata and Kagawa get played out wide and they want to come in and play in the number 10 role well Vincent is the same. At the cup final when Vincent was on the ball he looked more dangerous in the middle but then we look unbalanced then by losing the width on that side so for me it isnt a hard decision. It is a flat ending after promising so much but i think it was always going to be a tough ask playing all those games in such a short time scale when other teams have had a week to prepare. Hopefully we will win a few more games as we have seen some really good games like Aberdeen, County and Dundee Utd away but the consistency is not there but all in all this season has been another build on last season.   

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Saw the highlights - unfortunately can't defend Meekings in the red card event: Shinnie was close, but not close enough, so no point in appealing.

Felt sorry for Mckay - thought it was a horror miss on the day, but seeing it on telly, the ball took a horrible bobble as he hit it - who knows what would have happened if that had gone in....

Let's get the team selection right for midweek (that would make a change!) and see where we get to. I've got to say, I think the Tuesday/Friday fixture schedule is an absolute farce!

Edited by PerfICT
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A game we could have won, but were lucky not to lose.


Completely failed to adapt to St Mirren putting Goodwin into midfield. I guess we must have been sort of midfielders to put up against him. Before that we looked in control.and the more likely team to score.


And Collum. How many games is this trumpet going to be allowed to ruin? Haven't seen the replay of Meeking's red card yet, so not going to comment. But what about the St Mirren player diving in at the touchline. On the basis of the Utd cup tie that should surely have been a red card - or do those standards only apply to us?

Edited by HawkeyeTheGnu
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It's just a pity the St Mirren keeper didn't pick up an unfortunate injury early in the game, as all they had on the bench was Paul Mathers - age 44, retired 7 years ago, and hasn't played at this sort of level since the 1990s at Falkirk. 

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