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It's all Christie's fault...

Harry Chibber

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Well Hairy its not all CC's fault but he certainly has to shoulder a fair degree of the blame. How McSwegan got a start after his dire Killie performance beats me. It is not as if he is going to be around next season is it!! He could have played Rory or gone fer a 4-5-1. I also take it that Rankin is the CC "target" at the moment. And why wasnt Rosscoe hooked-how many times has he been booked.

And as fer Dods - well some posters said we need to keep playing him to get as high a position as possible. If he plays next game at Castle Greyskull - it will mean that Caff is dropped or Granty benched - then I will be looking fer CC's head.  

We have a nucleus of good players - this season the personnel, the system and the tactics have been constantly changed - and who's fault is that? I really do not think that the standard of our players is that low BUT there are evidently personality clashes and "favourites". Many of the "old school" remain and prosper whilst the new kids on the block are treated like children. CC is not a motivator - he is creating a split in the camp. I am reliably informed that this is detracting some from signing contracts.I agree with Bonzo - Charlie Clueless = SFL.

I wish some posters would realise the "danger" that we are in.

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I've got a brass neck to make any comment. I've never been back up the A9 since we got mugged by the tic, still depressed about it, and no mates have been available to pass the journey with. When the weather improves I'm usually looking for the season to end so I can get on with my life but this year the feeling has come early, even if spring hasn't.

So bear in mind I've not really seen Patti play apart from about 10 mins as sub.

However it seems really simple to me. We've got no strikers. When we played Dennis and Dargs we had 2 intelligent forwards who terrified defences into mistakes and fouls with their movement. Players with skill and pace (well Dargs anyway) who could turn a poor pass from the midfield into a good one. Round about the new year we were starting to look a good side and I was really optimistic before we got the two shoulder injuries back to back.

When Rory/Bayne/Sweggy play, the midfield get fed up with the forwards not showing or making intelligent runs. They panic in case they lose possession and get the crowd on their back, so they just lump it forward, pronto. The forwards just run about (or stroll if you're Rory) like headless chickens, lose the ball and our midfield are back under pressure. Guys like Duncan and Roy and Barry and Blackie have to work twice as hard as they should and get burned out and frustrated. They're no less able than the midfielders at some other clubs who have a half decent striker playing ahead of them.

I'm sure CC has tried to get strikers in so you can argue it's his fault he hasn't...

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The game today was similar to the St Mirren match at new year. We were so on top for spells in the first half we should have buried them (Gary McSwegan was instrumental, whenever he got the ball he made good use of it, he was reminscent of Brewster with his first time flicks and sweeping crossfield passes to our wide men) - but we didn't capitalize, and we let them come back into it.

'Russeldinho' looked like a Highland league player today (in fact he was so bad, Highland league fans would probably be offended by the comparison) and he deserved to be hooked. But Charlies decision to take Rankin on in the centre shows he hasn't learned the lessons from earlier on in the season. JR just doesn't cut the mustard as a central midfielder, but for some reason he keeps getting lumbered with that role. I'd have preferred to have seen Richie Hart in there.

Graeme Bayne was also very poor. He just isn't dangerous enough. He missed an absolute sitter in the first half, and he had another good chance in the second half when the ball was played through to him in behind the Paraletic defenders, but instead of driving into the middle and having a go - he meekly drifted out to the right and ended up putting in a cross. How often does he do that?! Defenders must love playing against him.

At the end of the day, football is a simple game. It's getting the basics right that wins or loses you games. At the moment, we're haemoraging soft goals, our passing and moving is sloppy, and we're not putting the ball into the back of the net.

To be fair, it wasn't all about Caley being sh*te today; Dunfermline are a much improved side under Stephen Kenny and played some decent stuff. But nobody (McSwegan and Black apart) really impressed. Our lacklustre performance may perhaps in part be attributable to mental fatigue; a malaise may have come over some of the players following their Scottish cup / Top six dissapointments. Things need to be freshed up. Zander Sutherland, Richie Hart and Alan Morgan should all be given the chance to show what they can do.

I'd like to see Charlie be bold with his starting line ups for the remainder of the season.

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I think Charlie has set himself up to some extent as he has several times been quoted as saying that "no-one can dispute that we have moved up a level from last season." In what way exactly? We finished seventh last season, and that is the very best we can now hope for this season - and it doesn't look very likely at the moment. Dodds has already signed elsewhere, Dargo almost certainly will too, Hastings has yet to commit himself............ :024:

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What exactly is it about that quote that you find funny IHE? :shrug01:

Charlie may have a point when he says we've moved up a level from last season. The trouble is, so have most of the other SPL teams. (Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hibs and Kilmarnock - basically every team that reached the top 6 apart from Hearts - has improved). Falkirk have improved, Dundee Utd have improved. In fact, every SPL team apart from Hearts and Motherwell has improved this season. Even Dunfermline are starting to get their sh*t together with their new manager. It's all relative.

Thats par for the course. It's a competitive world. We need to keep improving just to tread water.

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What exactly is it about that quote that you find funny IHE? :shrug01:

Charlie may have a point when he says we've moved up a level from last season. The trouble is, so have most of the other SPL teams. (Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hibs and Kilmarnock - basically every team that reached the top 6 apart from Hearts - has improved). Falkirk have improved, Dundee Utd have improved. In fact, every SPL team apart from Hearts and Motherwell has improved this season. Even Dunfermline are starting to get their sh*t together with their new manager. It's all relative.

Thats par for the course. It's a competitive world. We need to keep improving just to tread water.

Sorry but CC has been "bold" with a lot of his selections this year - or at least some would term it as Bold - some Inane.

IMHO the standard has dropped on the whole. Falkirk prospered with Stokes, the Arabs have restructured just in time - Our fitness levels have clearly dropped and there has been too much chopping and changing this season. To be fair injuries have not helped - especially with Dargo and Wyness - but the togetherness "aura" and spirit is simply not as evident. We have been Jekyll and Hyde but the mad professor is to blame.

We need a "name" at the helm to survive and bring back the Brew discipline.

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That was utter utter ****e once again.  I rarely post on here but feel compelled after yet another embarassing performance.  Its not just today as well,  take out the games against Rangers and Celtic we've but rubbish all season and have been very lucky to get where we are.

A last minute goal against DUNF and United to win games when we didn't deserve it.  The 3-2 game v Falkirk was pathetic for 70 mins.    Today we were playing the worst team in the league at home and they embarrased us.  That was utter garbage and we just look like a mess on the pitch.

I'll be amazed if were not in the bottom 3 this season and perhaps even bottom of the table next season.  People are debating wether McSweagan had a good game or not today.  He shouldn't even be at the club!!! A 36 year old 1st div player who was past it for that level!!!    I mean if we constantly keep signing lower division players we'll become a lower division club.

Also,  what the **** is going on with Dargo's contract,  why hasn't he signed it yet???   But at least if he goes, we might get in Buchanan from Cowdenbeath, fantastic.    In my opinion we look in dire straits just now and really need someone to sort this mess out.

Even though Charlie rams it down our throat we are not a small club and hearing him say that every week is teeth grinding,   if you keep saying it Charlie everyone starts to believe it,  no wonder we can't attract any good players. "We're a really small club with the lowest wages in the league"  Great sales pitch Charlie!

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But Charlies decision to take Rankin on in the centre shows he hasn't learned the lessons from earlier on in the season. JR just doesn't cut the mustard as a central midfielder, but for some reason he keeps getting lumbered with that role. I'd have preferred to have seen Richie Hart in there.

I'm sorry but that's the biggest pile of pish I've heard on here for a long, long time. Rankin is a central midfielder. He was the 1st divison player of the year in that position and scored 13 goals. Ritchie Hart has started maybe 12 league games in the last 2 years. Get a grip  :023:

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Buchanan from Cowdenbeath is certainly NOT the answer. We need a manager who can attract players. I am so glad that we are getting the comments about McSwegan. I CANNOT believe that some people actually rate him. Johnboy - I have said it before - there is nowt like the experienced old head - We have had Mann, Ritchie, Bingham and Brewster...even Juanjo - Players who could influence and change a game with a flash of genius.

Charlie's consistent whingeing is damaging the club - Small club mentality.

As fer Rankin - give him a feckin run - with Black - in central midfield. BE FECKIN CONSISTENT.

NOW is the time to look at the potential first X1 fer next feckin season - and feckin play it fer the next 7 games.

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Is it the manager thats not able to attract players or is it the club. We pay them peanuts so they dont want to stay. Mark Brown, Darren Dods, Craig Dargo. They came here because their careers were on a downward spiral and this club, getting where we had, was a place to ressurrect and showcase themselves. Now they can move on to better money. Others in the squad see they can earn more elsewhere so hold out on signing new contracts. Unrest about terms and conditions brings unrest on the field. The players who tend to perform reasonably well on a consistant basis are the few who have ICT in their vains and no intention of moving on. We will not attract good players unless we can pay them more.

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Trying to be positive about today's game against Dunfermline, this was a far better game than the one against Dundee United at home 2 weeks ago - we won that game but it was dreadful to watch. Barry played really well today - as usual. Patelainen was good but I'd like to see him skin his man on the wing a bit more often. We lacked real cutting edge up front but that was helped by bringing on Rankin and Dargo. Good subs Charlie but why leave Richie Hart on the bench? We needed his pace today. Young Fraser is a good goalie but I've yet to be convinced that he is taking charge of his box like Broonie did.

Today's game wasn't really that bad to watch. Usual goal drought at the home end but there were quite a few things to cheer about. We got gubbed but not without more than a little help from the Referee!!

Finally - the part-time supporters. Why not stay in your seats and support your team to the final whistle? It must demoralise players to see their fans pour out in droves with 5-10 minutes to go!!

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Finally - the part-time supporters. Why not stay in your seats and support your team to the final whistle? It must demoralise players to see their fans pour out in droves with 5-10 minutes to go!!

For the first time I can remember I left early today...with about 3 mins to go. If the game had carried on for another 3 hours we'd still not have scored!!! :008: It was embarassing.

Demoralise the players !!!........aye right...... It was the fans who were demoralised having to watch the most inept second 45mins performance of football ever witnessed from an ICT side !!! :008: :008: :008: :008:

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Trying to be positive about today's game against Dunfermline, this was a far better game than the one against Dundee United at home 2 weeks ago - we won that game but it was dreadful to watch. Barry played really well today - as usual. Patelainen was good but I'd like to see him skin his man on the wing a bit more often. We lacked real cutting edge up front but that was helped by bringing on Rankin and Dargo. Good subs Charlie but why leave Richie Hart on the bench? We needed his pace today. Young Fraser is a good goalie but I've yet to be convinced that he is taking charge of his box like Broonie did.

Today's game wasn't really that bad to watch. Usual goal drought at the home end but there were quite a few things to cheer about. We got gubbed but not without more than a little help from the Referee!!

Finally - the part-time supporters. Why not stay in your seats and support your team to the final whistle? It must demoralise players to see their fans pour out in droves with 5-10 minutes to go!!

I'm sorry A96 but Wilson was not great. He looked well off the pace after he took the knock in the first half and should have been subbed early in the second half. His passing was very poor and less said about the penalty challenge (even if it was outside the box) the better

Why was Ritchie Hart left on the bench? probably because he was done nothing in the last couple of seasons to merit a starting place!?

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Guest CaleyJaggy

Caley Jaggy ,just a quick question what  is it when ' Bayne does his usual thing' ? :024: :024:

Runs around tries hard but overall doesnt do much.  In the first half he won us alot of fouls with his "Juping into defenders" but didn't get many in the 2nd.  I prefer Bayne to be on the bench and coming on at a tirein defence he's much more effective that way.

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I, like many people, thought that was our worse performance of the season.

utter shee-ite!!!

Caff made a few good tackles, but I dont consider him to be a regular in our side for next season. He's been out the startig line up for a long time in football terms, and I just dont think he can cut it in the SPL.

Dods - never rated him in 99% of games this season. He seemed to tire earlier than usual, and he wasnt exactly strong in the dunfirmline box (whenever we got that far)

I thought Hastings was our best defender today. Rossco was ok, but his passing seemed to lack accuracy - especially in the second half.

Bayne and McSweagan couldn't do alot, as the 'hoof it and see where it goes tactic' just didnt work. Bayne scores his best goals with his feet, he should have to hold up play and set up, he should be forward waiting deliveries.

the only players I would rate on that park, would be Wilson, Paatelinen, and Black. Good service from them all, and Marcus seemed to enjoy the left, even if noone moved up with him.

I say credit to dunfirmline. They had the desire and fair play to them - even if they did play dirty in parts.

The ref was shocking, and his linemen were utter pish. I certainly need to see some replays of that match to see alot of his offside decistions, and the Wilson Penalty claim.

Charlie was raging when the second went in, and instantly called over dargo and rankin. at least he made the change with plenty of time to spare, instead of trying to keep the same 11 on the park start to finish like he has done most the season.

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Guest Bonzo

I, like many people, thought that was our worse performance of the season.

utter shee-ite!!!

Sadly, I don't agree .......... It was absolutely dire but I have seen much worse from us this season. The overall standard of the SPL is dropping, but our standards are dropping far quicker.

Out discipline, our tactics and our levels of fitness get worse week by week.

Christie has never been an SPL player. His mentality is stuck in the past. Training sessions have shortened, snooker is seen as a good exercise for a professional footballer, the Highland League drinking culture is creeping back in.

It pains me to see the way Christie is leading ICT - particularly when the man genuinely believes

he is the best manager we have had and that we are playing the best football ever.

It pains me that he cannot seem to differentiate between a good footballer and a bad one.

Rory McAllister, Gary McSwegan and Michael Fraser spring to mind.

Christie has the arrogance to criticise his support for being a bit quiet when they are served up dreadful football - and yet it is quite acceptable for him to stand in silence during a game.

Christie has NO standing in the game. we know it is difficult to attract new players to the Highlands. Difficult but NOT impossible, with the right manager.

With Christie it will not happen.

With Christie we will be favourites to go down next season.

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Have to practically agree with Bonzo there apart from a couple of things. Fraser and Rory are mere babes who have been taken from the nursery and thrown into Secondary school. I feel that Rory has potential. I have to say that he actually looked better last season and that must be down to the fact that he has been hurried. I would put Mike into the same category. They both should have been loaned out this season. I could not believe that CC let Brown go. At first I blamed Brown but I am led to believe that the Cellic move had been on the cards fer weeks. I fear more fer Mikey's confidence. It was clear at Killie that it was dwindling. It may only get worse.

It is actually more of a worry fer me that posts are flying in saying the kind of things I have been pilloried fer saying fer weeks. I am 100% ICT and always will be. My criticism is borne out of real concern. We are heading fer the SFL if we do not change the management structure and get somebody in to attract names.

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Five league defeats in the last six does not read well.

Yesterday I felt that Charlie should have started with Dargo up front and then sub him after about 60 minutes if he was knackered, by which time we might have been 3 up. Instead the lack of pace up front limited our effectiveness. It was no surprise that at only one goal down The Pars came out after half time all guns blazing.

There were many occasions in the game when both Caff and Dods were outjumped by their opposite number and when neither knew which player to pick up. Russell Duncan kept giving the ball away.  JR was anonymous in the midfield engine room in terms of tackling back and winning the ball - I agree that Richie Hart would have been a better choice.   

In saying all that though we never got the rub of the green from the ref, especially in the second half.  For the The Pars' penalty Hammell was outside the box when Hastings tripped him.  Then Barry was inside the box when he got what looked like a forearm smash in the face, but a free kick outside.

Over the next few weeks we are going to have to grind out some results from the teams below us, who will all be scrapping to keep The Pars at bay.  Let's hope Charlie can guide the team through that.

P.S. Tam McManus is a F*d

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Also somthing i forgot to add on to my earlier rant.  Why oh why when looking for a new goalkeeper have we turned to the Highland league.  Ally Ridgers is a good goalkeeper no question.  But his first game on the bench was against Celtic.  Could you imagine if it was Fraser that got the dislocated shoulder and not Wyness in the 1st minute.  It would have been Ridgers to come on.  I believe that he hasn't even played a league game before let alone an SPL match and certainly not against a team in the Champions league 2nd phase.  Throwing him straight in against Celtic would have been madness.

Also against Celtic in the cup,  everybody saying its so harsh and everything.  Why on earth did we have 3 strikers on at the end and Stuart McCaffrey on the bench???  I'm not saying that Celtic still wouldn't have scored but another stupid mistake.

Believe it or not I actually quite like Christie and he's only learning.  But if we play like this next season and don't get some luck we could very well be in Dunfermlines position.  This is a massive pre season for us and we have to get it right and get the right players in.  Stop signing the lower division players,  keep the good ones we have,  please don't go down the mooted eastern european route  and please trim the squad down.    Charlie is the manager and if he's not going to play the likes of Morgan and Hart, get rid of them.

I can accept the garbage we've been producing for 1 season but not next season.

But I suppose if we get relegated we've at least got somthing to play for in Scottish Football other than avoiding relegation.

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