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Killie Cup Tie 10thMarch


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That was a great night. I feared the worst when we conceded early on but it seemed to motivate our players even more and we were on top for most of the game.

We deservedly won, and that should give us confidence if, approached with the right attitude and tactics, we can pull back the deficit on a play off place.

Every player played their part and on a different night we’d have won more comfortably. Two off the woodwork, one excellent save and a couple of one on ones we couldn’t finish.

Hard to pick a MoM, but it’s Welsh for me. His calmness in midfield and winning goal sneaked it.

A shout out for some of the players who have had mixed reviews. Shaw’s confidence seems high and he is taking players on and creating now. Harper had a strong performance at left back. Duffy was really up for it at right back.

We seemed to know Killie’s weaknesses and exploited them, whilst we did not let them exploit our weaknesses.

Just one complaint. Section 94 need to stop having flares. We don’t need that, and to see Duffy and Henderson having to clear the pitch to allow the delayed kick off could have resulted in us losing that early goal as the players were all having to hang around in the cold. Keep giving the great support guys but cut out that nonsense please  

Well done to all the players and backroom staff.

Roll on Hampden, and I’d love it if we draw Ayr or Falkirk. 

Edited by Robert
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6 hours ago, Robert said:

I went 2-1 for us and Billy Mckay to get our first on NPL….

Me too. 😇

Watched the game on council TV and like everyone else felt the worse after conceding that early goal. I think we got lucky with the pen but we took the gift gladly. We were on top at that point and deserved to be level. 

Brilliant result and a great confidence booster for the team and the fans. Great noise from the support too who hardly stopped throughout the game. Well done lads.

It now looks like I'll be dragging my dusty ICT scarf out of the cupboard and take it on a trip to Glasgow. I'll look forward to the draw on Monday night and would like to avoid one of them

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Next day now and I still can't quite get my head round it, but it's true - ICT shall go to the Hampden Ball!

Yaaaaaaaaaaay!  🏆 :ictscarf:

So happy for Aaron that his testimonial will be an altogether jollier occasion tonight, because of the result - wish I was going. Congrats Aaron and have fun - you deserve it.

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9 hours ago, Yngwie said:

Kilmarnock haven’t reached the Scottish cup semi finals since 1997.. This is our 5th in 20 years! 4 of them when we were in the 2nd flight!

Can we not count the one in Aberdeen to bulk it up a bit more ? 

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Let’s come down to earth and consider the rubbish talked in the post match TV interviews. Dodds talking garbage again - He actually thinks that injuries to important players has ruined our season. The need to playing reserves has affected tactics and led to vital mistakes being made. He then suggests that the spirit is still there- well listening to and simply looking at the non verbal presentations of McKay and Welsh it is clear that the dressing room is lost and there is no togetherness. Last night was simply a fluke and a total one off. I am sure that many others will concur with my views. I also feel that the players were hoodwinked into playing better purely because it was the CEO’s birthday and there was a threat to cancel Doran’s testimonial dinner. REAL fans will not be taken in 🙄


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11 hours ago, CELTIC1CALEY3 said:

 However Mark looked pretty confident when it looked like he had dropped it maybe 6 inches over the line. 

I recorded that off iPlayer and played it back frame by frame.  Difficult to tell because the camera is in the back corner of the goal, and not on the line.  But it looks to me as though it could have been OK.

But is it me, or is Ridgers having more "wobbly moments" than he used to?

I also had a look at the Killie goal. Both Ridgers and Carson appealed immediately for handball, and I think they may have had a case.  Can't get a clear frame, but from the camera behind the goal it looks as though the ball deflects upwards off Carson, and then suddenly downwards off the Killie player and into the net.  That could only have been off his hand or arm.

But, in the end, it doesn't matter.

At least the ref knew the rules better than the BBC commentary muppets - "That can't have been a penalty because it came off his leg".  They corrected that at half-time, but the muppets still went on about it into the second half  :rules:

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I get uneasy when the dissenters go all quiet. It's a bit like an olde western when you can't hear the Red Indians at night just before they attack. Quick, form a circle.....

Too late as a burning arrow sets one of the wagons on fire and the horse bites the dust. Women and children first.... Where's the Duke when you need him?

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4 hours ago, ICTPAISLEY said:

Can we not count the one in Aberdeen to bulk it up a bit more ? 

Yes of course - so we’ve played 5 Sc Cup semi- final matches. Only won one of them, but we were underdogs in every one of them, famously beating Celtic (again) and being unsuccessful in the ones that were against teams a league above us.

We do of course have a 100% win rate in Scottish Cup Finals.

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13 hours ago, Robert said:

Agree with all of that (as usual) other than Carson’s booking. He deserved it and his annoyance at it was as he knew he’d messed up rather than being upset with a harsh award. 

Having now seen it on TV, tm4tj got it spot on. From my seat, I thought there was contact and Carson’s reaction was as he knew he’d got it wrong. Seeing it again from a better angle, there was no contact and it should not have been a yellow.


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3 hours ago, tm4tj said:

Did you check Carson's booking. Telly view looks like minimum contact, if any.

Carson's booking was exceptionally harsh. Armstrong (I think) threw himself to the ground as he did on multiple occasions last night.

I thought Sean Welsh turned in one of his best ever performances for us. He was everywhere and when he went forward he was a real creative spark with a nice flicked pass to Mckay (which he should have scored from) as well as hitting the bar and almost bagging another goal when he just missed a low cross from Shaw. obviously he scored a goal but he could easily have had a hat trick and an assist or two. He was magnificent.

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An outstanding performance from all but Welsh and Allardice particularly shone for me. We absolutely dominated the middle of the pitch thanks to them. Welsh is so reliable in possession and as RiG pointed out was really effective going forward. Allardice was also good on the ball but defensively he was like having a brick wall in front of the centre-backs. I find it hard to believe he won't be playing in the top flight next season.

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4 hours ago, tm4tj said:

I get uneasy when the dissenters go all quiet. It's a bit like an olde western when you can't hear the Red Indians at night just before they attack. Quick, form a circle.....

Too late as a burning arrow sets one of the wagons on fire and the horse bites the dust. Women and children first.... Where's the Duke when you need him?

I don’t understand the premise of your point here. Most comments, I believe, of the people that contribute to the forum are ICT fans, turn up and pay their money. From the comments I have read, the bulk appear sincere in the support for the team, but want to be able to comment (for good or bad) on what they see, hear or read regarding the club/match performance and experience. That’s a healthy position I would suggest!! Maybe you don’t and you’re entitled to your view!

Just to cemented my point, I have attended all the home matches this season and with few exceptions the team performance has been a hard watch to say the least!
I wrote previously in this forum prior to the Killie match, that to date, I saw no evidence on past performances to see how we could prevail, however we knew on football there was always a chance. (Which we took on the night).

So unlike a few on this topic, I attending on what was a bitterly cold night to support my team. I was delighted and cheering with the rest of the die-hard fans as we matched Killie in energy, effort and no small bit of guile. We should have secured a 3-1 victory but I don’t loose sight of a fantastic result! - Just wish we had applied some of the same attitude in the past games. Spare me trotting out the tired old injuries excuse!! 

Just to pare back a little of the good feel of last nights result, this was at best an average Killie team. The good thing for me was our boys didn’t shrink back to believe they were inferior to a top league team and went on the attack. Dare I suggest the reduction in our usual habit of playing the ball backward from an attacking position helped!! 

Anyway - out with the team and manager on the night, credit from me goes to :-

# the young team - awakened and stirred the corpses in the north stand. More flares, tapes upsetting the gentry and general mischief (great),  - crucial on the night I suspect.

# Killie fans - announcer says 2950ish attendance for the match. They brought up over 600 fans in my opinion. (Where were our faithful)? 
On one of Scotland’s coldest days they travelled in numbers at a rotten time, watched and noisily supported their team in defeat to then travel another 3 hours to arrive in Ayrshire around 01:00 Here’s to you Killie fans.

So in conclusion - I turned up and supported and cheered my team onto a fine result! Well done.

I will continue however to express my views on where and when I consider the team, manager, CEO, board or facilities fall short! Unless of course that type of criticism is not allowed here?? 



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