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Well done Dargs

Alex MacLeod

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Guest Atholl

Must have been disappointed to be taken off but chances few and far between 2nd half anyway... although our goal to chances ration is pretty good looking at the last two home matches.

Thought Put a line on had another good game although his attempt at being in the close proximity of a cross second half in the box might indicate he's an eyes shut kinda header of a ball  .. a good pre season with a full time club should see more improvement for next season from him though and I think he's another good find giving us natural balance that side of the pitch.. had a shout at MoM with another decent shift although  I thought Dods probably deserved it, if only for dribbling in ever decreasing circes on the centre circle..  :015: reads the game superbly and will be hard to replace. Crucial though as Rangers found out any team will struggle without a leader in the centre of defense.

The Motherwell fans waited 3 minutes before berating our support... all 100 or so of them... irony...such irony.....

Some slick one touch stuff today in tight situations and the team looked pretty sharp all over the pitch  :025:

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With all these rumors about Dargs going to Muvverwell he must got a shock to see how shyte they are, maybe now he will realise whn he's onto a good thing and stay in the Highlands.

They were gash..really gash.

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Guest BigPieMorayDosser

'Berating'    .......... Perhaps this stems from having the opinion that a football club from a "city" with a population of 50,000 and rising should be able to attract more than 4k thru their gates.

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'Berating'    .......... Perhaps this stems from having the opinion that a football club from a "city" with a population of 50,000 and rising should be able to attract more than 4k thru their gates.

Population is probably more than fifty thousand. However our support dont tend to turn out to see sh**e teams that we are probably going to thrash anyway like ................for example.....................MOTHERWELL. Would you pay 25quid to see a FAT wee ***** whose off to warm the bench with Mark Brown ...... I thought not.

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'Berating'    .......... Perhaps this stems from having the opinion that a football club from a "city" with a population of 50,000 and rising should be able to attract more than 4k thru their gates.

Totally agree with you.......and in fact with a population that is probably closer to 100,000 than 50,000 it really is a disgrace !! :008:

TBH there's no way there was even 3800 there the day !!!! :008: :008:

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Guest Atholl

'Berating'    .......... Perhaps this stems from having the opinion that a football club from a "city" with a population of 50,000 and rising should be able to attract more than 4k thru their gates.

The point I was making was relative.. How can a shitey away support "berate" a shitey home support... that was where I percieved the irony... not that I disagree but home supports these days are always inferior, I saw a muted Hearts support of 17k outsung bya few thousand Killie a few weeks back... in fact I never heard the Jambos until they squeaked a goal ...

Reasons.... bevvy.... away fans can always sing when the're minging.... seating.....diehard home fans don't "stand" together at grounds anymore thus attracting wannabe apprentices to the fold.... they're dotted all over stadiums sitting, or being told to sit on their arse next to Mrs Miggins with a thermos and a blanket.. feeling embarrased that a few bad words are being chanted as you"shrug" with a look of resignation...

God bless terracing atmosphere, or it's memory.The culture, like much discussed in Old Inverness has gone, and those who remember what it was like who still attend matches must realise that an era has gone forever..

Don't bemoan its loss... atmosphere doesn't fit into the PC world of the 21st century....... but it was fun.......... :011:

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Guest Atholl

"Mrs Miggins with a thermos and a blanket" has paid the entrance fee just like yourself!

Don't deny that fact, or that she may be a lifelong follower since her Dad used to sit her on the terracing barrier with her rattle.... but my point was that there must be hundreds of fans all over the country that stay away,  because the old terracing buzz isn't there, prices have gone through the roof and corporate hospitality is the bread and butter priority for the clubs these days.. Their choice to stay away, as it is for Mrs Miggins to pay her entrance fee and good luck to her.. but undeniably the culture has changed for football crowds and that's the reason home fans all over the SPL sit and rustle their sweetie papers.. that's the point I was making. Vocal fans used to congregate together like a tribe on their favourite piece of terracing while Mrs Miggins sat in comfort in the stand and didn't have to suffer a mass chanting obscenities in her lug, a form of football etiquette has evolved through bums on seats which has diluted the passion off the field.

Any reference to a Mrs Miggins who does attend football matches is purely coincidental and no insult was intended. Would it be possible though, to take Hot Chocolate for the Falkirk game as I'm getting fed up of the Cappacino  :004:

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Guest BigPieMorayDosser

I'm not one of the berators, but you guys don't have the the pool of the Mauld Firm on your doorstep. Motherwell has a population of less than 30k and Shellick Park is approx 12 miles away  :020:

However I am of the opinion that the current product does not warrant turnstyle fees of £20 and over  :018:

I've been watching Motherwell for some 40 years now and IMHO this is the worst quality top flight that I can remember. No disrespect to any of them, but the last 4 promoted clubs have failed to struggled in the SPL. Reason -  the standard aint much better than where they came from  :024:

btw ITSAGOALCRAIGDARGO, what you gonna call yourself next season ?  Or are you gonna support Falkirk  :023:

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Proof if any were needed that people will not stump up ridiculous money for games that have little or no meaning. That attendance will barely have been over 2,500 at the absolute maximum.

Motherwell fans always berate our support down at Fir park but their support yesterday was laughable. But fair play to the ones who came up the road. I wouldn't be bothered about the songs about our support. We know it's rubbish anyway  :003:

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Why is my thread, which was started to congratulate Dargs, being hijacked to talk sh!te thats been debated many times before. :018:

Might be off topic yes but it's not sh1te as you put it.

But it has never been done properly and/or formally?

It has but no one took it up.

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2 other topics now on the go re the singing section, so let's get this one back on track.

Well done Dargs  :021: :021:  We told him on Friday night he should just stay in Inverness, rather than suffer the ICT curse.  Maimie also offered to initiate his fiancee into Invernessian ways, but he politely declined.  :015: :015: :015: :015:  Glad to see the Sunday papers saying he might just stay, he was obviously listening.

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