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Women drivers or men drivers : Who are the worst?


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It's not men or women who are the worst drivers...........................................................


Its the ars*holes of all ages and sexes with either small di*ks ( whats the female equivelant? ) or no brains who should be banned from getting near a car until under going a phsycology test to determine whether they should be............

A/ Allowed to live?

B/ Allowed to breed?

C/ Allowed to drive?

Young drivers should be given some advice as well as some slack, but the majority of numpties you see behaving irresponsible behind the wheel are older and should know better. They should IMHO be dragged from their vehicles and made to watch while their new BMW/TOYOTA/MERCEDES/4X4 is torched in front of them. If an organisation dedicated to this is ever contemplated, please give me a job!...........................................I enjoyed that rant, join in if you wish.

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It's not men or women who are the worst drivers...........................................................


Its the ars*holes of all ages and sexes with either small di*ks ( whats the female equivelant? ) or no brains who should be banned from getting near a car until under going a phsycology test to determine whether they should be............

A/ Allowed to live?

B/ Allowed to breed?

C/ Allowed to drive?

Young drivers should be given some advice as well as some slack, but the majority of numpties you see behaving irresponsible behind the wheel are older and should know better. They should IMHO be dragged from their vehicles and made to watch while their new BMW/TOYOTA/MERCEDES/4X4 is torched in front of them. If an organisation dedicated to this is ever contemplated, please give me a job!...........................................I enjoyed that rant, join in if you wish.

Just how is your back now Jim?  :010:

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It's not men or women who are the worst drivers...........................................................


......................................I enjoyed that rant, join in if you wish.

oh my!!!

good lord AM, you need some therepy.  :crazy07:

let me assist by taking you up the great glen with don  :023:

In these days of automatic chokes, where do lady drivers hang their handbags?  :015:

oh please let me show you charlie babe!!!  :tic01: :001: :003:

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I have avoided this thread due to the rampant sexism and innuendo that I knew would be going on in it....

But both men and women are atrocious drivers, in fact everyone who isn't Mee is crap at driving and they should all be made to retake their tests immediately!!!

This applies to everyone except drivers of 4x4s who should just be shot.  :001:

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Guest donmac298

FW, could we go really deep into the great glen and even stop somewhere for lunch?  I'll do the cooking if you like!

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"If a man gets into my taxi and starts the usual 'woman driver' rubbish, first I give him the option to walk (nobody has taken me up on this yet)"

I certainly wouldn't be advising my wife to do that!.

That might be OK banter during a day shift.

But on a Night shift that kind of attitude could be seen by drunk and drugged customers as antagonistic and could easily lead to violence. 

Being as laid back as possible is the safest way to be..

As Inverness becomes a city it starts to get the problems cities get.  Assaults on taxi drivers in Sneck are becoming common, personally I have been assaulted and so have many of my colleagues. 

I am currently looking at fitting CCTV to my cab and am seriously considering running a proper cab (although a hugely!! expensive option) with a metal barrier between the  passengers and me. Like the LT's and E7's have. 

Driving a taxi has become according to the trade mags the most dangerous occupation in the UK out with the army whilst this might be a slight exaggeration, it is the case that several serious assaults and deaths in the line of duty are being recorded every year.


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FW, could we go really deep into the great glen and even stop somewhere for lunch?  I'll do the cooking if you like!

oh my!!!

could stop for a BBQ?  altho, i'd much prefer a large slap up one! and lunch! are you buying?

As Inverness becomes a city it starts to get the problems cities get.  Assaults on taxi drivers in Sneck are becoming common, personally I have been assaulted and so have many of my colleagues. 

is that cos you are a guy tho?  no offence here, but as a woman, i think men can be less violent towards us and we can defuse the situation easier.  talking from experience here by the way, before you give me a mouthful!  :003:

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That might be OK banter during a day shift.

But on a Night shift that kind of attitude could be seen by drunk and drugged customers as antagonistic and could easily lead to violence. 

LOL She works nights  :015:

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Anyone who does not have the coordination to pass a Manual driving test should not be allowed behind the wheel of a car.

If they don't have the wherewithal to take a hand off the steering wheel to change gear, then they don't have the wherewithal to do the same to tune the radio, adjust the heating, apply lipstick, rummage in handbags, scratch their testicles, hold a coffee cup or drinks can, eat anything...or in general partake in any activity where they have to remove a hand from the wheel.  And if you can't do  any of that safely then you shouldn't be on the road.

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Automatics are fantastic!!!! None of that tedious fecking about at roundabouts, foot down and you're in the space. Plenty of free hands too for doing whatever takes your fancy while you're driving along  :001: :001: :001:

Bus drivers are the worst, do they recruit from those that have failed their driving tests?  :003:

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Nothing wrong with automatic cars...it's the automatic drivers  :016:

Bus drivers were covered on the "Things that bug you" thread, where I was happy to admit that they don't exactly drive with courtesy.  As for the recruitment thing....you'll take anything when your desperate  :015:

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Anyone who does not have the coordination to pass a Manual driving test should not be allowed behind the wheel of a car.

If they don't have the wherewithal to take a hand off the steering wheel to change gear, then they don't have the wherewithal to do the same to tune the radio, adjust the heating, apply lipstick, rummage in handbags, scratch their testicles, hold a coffee cup or drinks can, eat anything...or in general partake in any activity where they have to remove a hand from the wheel.  And if you can't do  any of that safely then you shouldn't be on the road.

So its ok to break the law so long as its in a manual :023:

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