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Donald Park


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But, for me, this is way beyond just SPL survival, I fear that if we don't get things sorted (on and off the park) then we'll end up going the way of Partick and C*unty and slipping back through the leagues as the Board of Directors continue with an environment of "jobs for the boys" and to feck with anyone who doesn't like it.

As I have said before...it's time for us to thank certain people for the job they have done in getting us to the SPL and then allow them to move on and bring in people who are capable of sustaining our position and perhaps even moving us forward a little.

I could not have cloaked it better maself - It is what I have been saying since August and getting dogs abuse for it. Why do ya think I am so feckin angry at the moment.  :018:

You must have patience young immortal one, not everyone is willing to let the truth be heard especially if they cannot believe it. You must re-channel your powers for good, let the anger dissipate and turn it to persuasion, ignore those who mock you and the moderation will soon be gone.

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Why are Donald's family considerations only surfacing now..?

It is but an excuse used by unimaginative football clubs to explain the loss of key personnel.

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According to the article in today's Courier......


Park was all for leaving when CC resigned but Bennett persuaded him to say. It goes on to say Park is leaving the club at 'a good time' whatever that means.

Apparently he hasn't seen his family for 2 years  :024:

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Guest Aboynamedsue

Aye its pretty obvious to all there's sh*t going on ,D P's departure appears to have been very sudden , if all was rosy then why leave mid season ????????

How do you know everthing was rosy? how do you know it was 'all of a sudden', i'm sure Parkie was kept on as assistant to brew only in the interim till Brew sorted out a new right hand man.

Think we will have announcement reasonably soon...

I didnt say i KNEW all was rosy & was it not said on here recently the D P wasnt going anywhere !

I'm amazed that his plans for departure  have'nt leaked long before now (due to there being so many know alls on here !) therefor that is why myself & i'm sure many others were SURPRISED at the announcement

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Guest Aboynamedsue

IHE will take great pride in telling you that he saw this coming.

  Aye you're right  :crazy07: I think he's been a bit slow off the mark with that one though  :crazy07:

Never mind i'm sure he'll be delighted to tell us all Santa's coming  :icon_santa: :icon_santa: :icon_santa:

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For me, it just doesn't stack up.

When CC resigned the club made a big hullabaloo about the fact that Park would be retained and the impression was given that this would be at practically any cost.  We were told at the fans meeting that Park had told the club he wouldn't stand in the way if the new manager wanted to bring in his own assistant.  We were told that even if the new manager did want to bring in his own man then Park would still have a coaching job at the club in some shape or form.

Firstly, why were the club so desperate to retain the services of Park if they had such faith in Brewster...afterall they told us the Manager was the most important person at the club and he was there to make all decisions regarding his team....yet this was one decision they had taken out of his hands before he even arrived.  For me it stunk of "jobs for the boys" and we'll retain Park and his experience/skills to bolster the weak choice of Brewster.

Secondly, if Park had been missing his family so much and he told the club that when CC resigned, then him staying was never going to be a long term thing.  Why try and hide the fact under layers of spin and BS, why not just come out and say that Park would stay on to offer a bit of continuity until such time as a suitable replacement could be found....do the club think we (the fans) are stupid?

Thirdly, what is it with the club recently that sees them want to get rid of people who want to stay and keep people who want to go?  All it does is create unrest at every level and that's not healthy for any team.

Aside from any difficulties Brewster might be having as a manager and the problems players may or may not have in regards to discipline, the lies that are being told by the club only serve to further alienate the fans and make matters ten times worse.  I am beginning to wonder if those who are responsible for the information coming out of the club retain any grasp on what the truth actually is anymore.  They aren't even clever enough to keep a consistent theme running throughout all the BS that we're being fed...anyone can lie, but to be a good liar you need a good memory.

Everyone is suffering because the club are unable to handle fan expectations and the term Public Relations is an alien concept.  Brewster could be totally incompetent, but despite him not being my choice for the job I don't believe he would be as incompetent as he is coming across....not to mention the fact that even the BoD we have now wouldn't stand for it unless he was working to some kind of plan.  That leaves only two possible scenarios that I can think of that would result in the BoD not having taken action in relation to some of what has being going on.....

1.  Brewster is working to his own plan, trying to make this team his own and he has somehow convinced the BoD that getting rid of some of our more experienced/promising players and staff is for the long term benefit.

2.  Brewster is just a public facing puppet who is being paid well to take the flack for executing someone else's plan and the casualties are those who do not wish to be part of such a charade.

Regardless of what is going on, the club seem to have themselves tangled up in a web of lies, half truths and smokescreens.  Every bit of news that comes from the club digs them in to a deeper hole and it's not going to be long before it caves in around them.  The longer the club ignore the feelings of the fans and try to feed us on BS the worse it is going to get.

IHE will take great pride in telling you that he saw this coming.

to be fair, he already did ..... before it happened !

He wasn't the only one!!!

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Point number one is probable as working to your own plan is what managers are for. Also remember we were pap before he came; especially as a team.  Perhaps for the sake of the team some better players but 'trouble makers' need to be sacrificed. That's what managers do.

Pont number 2 makes a good conspiracy theory but:

a. Where is the motive on behalf of the board? Clever men wil eventually realise that they can't manage a team when they continually lose and to say they replaced CC with a puppet so they could go on losing is nonsense.

b.  Why would someone of Brew's experience in the game, relative youth as a manager and who knew the set up here put his new career at risk by doing this?

c. Perhaps the casualties are those who were part of the last charade and the current rumpus is just because the BoD and Brew are cutting out the cancer.

d. Perhaps the reason this has not been done before is because we needed to limp closer to the transfer window.

...just a thought but I think a more probable one that a board wanting a puppet to makes us even less successful. CC was a nice guy and under nice guys some trouble makers can make hay.

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All valid comments...but as I just said on your other thread, it's all about communication.  If the club keep tripping themselves up with half truths then they have to accept, or at least understand that conspiracies will arise and people will view it as if the club are trying to hide or cover-up something.

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I don't buy the family reasons at all, he's from Fort William, he's worked with us before, he's been quoted as saying that leaving Inverness the first time was the worst move he'd ever made, seems like it would have to take a **** of a lot to make him change his mind  :008:

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I've been away for a couple of days and look what happens.  :015: :015:

I would like to thank Parkie for all he has done for this club, in both his spells with us.  I don't think many will realise just how much time and effort he has put in.

I have read through this thread and there are some good points and a whole lot of rubbish too.  I believe that Parkie wanted away, he had lost his sparkle over the last few weeks and just wasn't a happy guy.  He was in with the players for an extra session only last Wednesday, so he has given 100% right up until now.  He was very quiet in the dug out at the weekend (noticeably so).

The timing is good as Brew will get his own man in with time to take stock before the transfer window opens.  I also have to wonder if there is a connection with Robbo. Coincidence that he was at out game on Saturday and Parkie resigns on Monday?

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The timing is good as Brew will get his own man in with time to take stock before the transfer window opens.  I also have to wonder if there is a connection with Robbo. Coincidence that he was at out game on Saturday and Parkie resigns on Monday?

It's bizarre to say the least.... He was also at the reserve game this afternoon... :024:

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He was pushed plain and simple  :008:

All theese things happening week after week show serious troubles behind the scenes at ICT, players and backroom staff dont know whether they are coming or going, our biggest waged player brought by the chairman ? and payed by the chairman's sponsoring.

Puppets on strings come to mind and i think GB may have a lot to do with it :33:

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Robbo--you mean John Robertson?  If so, would he entertain the thought of taking a post lower than that of  Manager?

And if he did, and IF Brew  did eventually leave , would you be happy with Robbo as a future Manager?

Because if so what do you think he may have learned from his forays into other jobs since  he left ICT? ; and also if Robbo is hired would this signal that Management has him in mind as an insurancev policy in case Brew has to ultimately be made the Fall Guy?

It's sad really that faith, hope and charity appears to be so low in the minds of most fans on here towards the club in general that they immediately discount what Mr Park has said about his reasons for leaving.

These reasons must surely be substantially true but one does wonder why, since he has been in Inverness for so long, why he he did not move his family up here long before now--that's the thing that gives a ring of truth to what Caley D says  in my view.

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He was pushed plain and simple  :008:

Spoke this AM to a former colleague of Parkys, who was told just yesterday by him, that there were differences of opinion on the way things should be done, training-wise. No surprises there. My anonymous source, also said Parky was the best coach he had ever worked with and that Malky was a "Balloon", but not a red one. That is someone else.

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The biggest ever loss to this club was David Sutherland. Some people disliked him for various reasons, but you at least knew where you stood and we never witnessed any of the BS we're seeing now

All the BS is coming from "Sutherland Men" and if you dig deep you will find it was he who wanted Brewster back. :004:

Parky was pushed out the door so why all the BS from GB and Brewster? Will the custodians and management of this club ever tell us the truth?  :33:

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I also have to wonder if there is a connection with Robbo. Coincidence that he was at out game on Saturday and Parkie resigns on Monday?

There are rumours of Robbo going to the Pars with Kenny returning to Derry. Given that Robbo and Park worked as a team before then, if this managerial change is already in progress, Park moving to a more central location might not be so much of a surprise...

The biggest ever loss to this club was David Sutherland. Some people disliked him for various reasons, but you at least knew where you stood and we never witnessed any of the BS we're seeing now

I was actually thinking along similar lines.

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