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2009-10 ICT Football Highlights


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I remember someone a while ago suggesting that the club should get the Video Arts Dept(or something there about) from the Inverness College to have their students on the course cover ICT games and have it as a subject for the term?

Yeah I was one of those crazy people. Imagine getting something good and proactive of the ground whilst getting involved with the local community. What an idiotic idea!

I am assuming the sarcastic dig is aimed at the club ? Perhaps this thread should be read first ? Not too many volunteers have stepped forward though !


Sarcasm? aimed at the club?! ...........no never! I would never take a dig at the glorious and excellent business peeps who run this club soo sooo well and actively try to involve the fans at every opportunity.

I would do it but a) I live in Edinburgh and i aint paying for a bus/train fee every week cos I cant afford it :lol: I dont have the equipment - though I imagine local colleges do.

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Would it also be too much to ask of a club to step into the 21st century and be more pro=active on these fronts?

Why do the fans have to suggest and run everything.... and meet heavy resistance in the process or at best no help at all.

I thought this was meant to be a community club?

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I thought it was meant to be a community club as well....and my understanding of that is that everyone does their bit and it's not take take take all the time, on either side.

It seems to be left to the same people all the time to try and make things happen whilst the vast majority do nothing more than sit back and moan and complain about this that and the next thing. Yes, it's been a battle for far too long to get things done or be given the opportunity to get things done, but the opportunities are now starting to present themselves and all those who do the moaning run a mile when asked to step up to the plate and do their bit.

So far this season the fans have been asked to assist with a painting project, a plea was made for programme sellers and HT draw sellers, I've asked for assistance with the stadium announcing and for people who can help with getting video highlights on the go and the wall of silence when you ask the fans to do anything is deafening.

I've complained as much as the next person the past few years, but it's always been backed up with a "here I am, what can I do" attitude. If the fans want this to be a community club then they have to be willing to put in some of the work to make it happen. The club have been far from perfect on allowing these things in the past, but things are showing signs of changing and the fans need to embrace that and help instead of expecting everything handed to them on a plate.

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True it does take some imputus from us lot. If I were a resident in Inverness I'd love to be involved in stadium announcing or working with the highlights online. Sadly living and working in the 'burgh sees that as fairly impracticle from my side.

And for the record the people such as yourself who do volunteer do a stellar job and deserve all the credit.

I would just think it better if the club was to try and push for fan involvement rather than appearing to reluctantly agree to it. Not saying thats how it is, just how it appears.

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You're right, it has been like that for years....and I've always said that it will take time and effort (from everyone) to overcome and break down the barriers that have gone up as a result.

Unfortunately many things that should and could have been done whilst we were enjoying the relative luxury of SPL level income were not done and it's only now that certain people at the club are realising the benefits it would have brought. Now they want to do it and there's no money in the pot to help make it happen and it falls at the feet of the fans to do everything to get it off the ground and seems like the club are giving very little support, or are allowing it reluctantly.

There's no secret in the fact that I have very little time or respect for those who sit in our boardroom and I don't do anything I do for them, I do it for the club...for the badge...and for us. Without the fans we have no club and despite everything I still live in hope that one day the fans will wake up, grasp the nettle and drive this club to where it should be....with or without the support of those currently upstairs.

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Latest 'home made' from Boxing Day.

Happy New Year all!

to be fair thays a decent effort. Shame you missed the goal though. I liked the pre match snowing mountain shot. nice touch! :)

Wonder if the club would allow filming from the opposite side. As so to capture the crowd and stuff. probably not. Some sort of health and safety risk... or just mild inconvenience.

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