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Not exactly a big name signing but I reckon it would be a good one for our needs.

Bullocks pretty experienced, ok he isn't the best but he's not shocking either. Mike stays as first choice but he does need experienced competition and Bullock would provide that.

I'd be happier knowing Bullock was on the bench than Jon Smith, for the simple reason he has experience and is proven at this level

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It says Bullock would likely only consider moving back North if guaranteed first team football. Can't see Mike being too happy about that scenario....

If that happened I think Fraser would leave.

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if he would only move back north for first team football then I think we should stick with young Michael. He has waited patiently to get his chance and it would not be fair to guarantee some ageing prima donna with dubious nocturnal pleasures a place in the team ahead of him.

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It says Bullock would likely only consider moving back North if guaranteed first team football. Can't see Mike being too happy about that scenario....

He isn't getting it at St Mirren so don't know why he would expect it at ICT.. he would be a great back up and has plenty of experience

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Play Mike till season's end then decide if he's our no 1. If Mike gets injured play Barry or Calder or Thommo or Nicky Walker or anybody. Dunfermline will never match our points total and probably St Mirren won't either.

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Will he survive the customary verbal abuse from the North Stand?

There's no denying Bullock is a good keeper and, with his experience, could oust young Fraser before he reaches his full potential, resulting in, as someone previously speculated, Fraser's departure.

I for one am willing to live with the odd inevitable stutter in Mike's performances while he gains first team experience, and wish to see him retaining his role at least until the end of the season.

I just feel that Bullock would offer too much competition and should only be appointed if he accepts he will only be 2nd choice, which is unlikely.

Could be wrong but I think Fraser has a lot of potential and will be a huge loss if he leaves.

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From what I've seen of Fraser over the last couple of seasons I honestly don't think Bullock would oust him from the #1 jersey as easily as some might think, even in the short term.  I also don't think ANY player should be guaranteed first team football and they need to prove they are the best available option.

We are in a decent situation at present whereby it looks like the Dunfermline are for the drop (who'd bet against it?), and I think that allows us the luxury of giving Fraser a bit of time to come up to speed, however, if we were to get the chance of a keeper who was unarguably better then we would be stupid to pass it up.  At the end of the day Fraser is only 1 player, and as much as I like the guy and think he has what it takes, it's the team that comes first and in the SPL it's dangerous to try and nurse players too much on the park as the consequences of things going wrong are drastic.

The ball is squarely in Frasers half of the pitch, it's up to him to go out again on Sunday (and in each game after that) and prove he is worthy of the #1 shirt and I for one will be behind him 100% - I've seen what he is capable off and I know that if he continues to apply himself then there aren't many keepers out there (within ICT's reach) who are capable of taking that shirt off him.

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If only it was as simple as all that. Has anybody thought about the effect a run of poor games or mistakes may have on Fraser at his age and stage in his career. We are looking fer a solid experienced custodian, especially whilst we are still involved in the Cup. But it will NOT be the alledged fiddler.

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Play Mike till season's end then decide if he's our no 1. If Mike gets injured play Barry or Calder or Thommo or Nicky Walker or anybody. Dunfermline will never match our points total and probably St Mirren won't either.

Nicky Walker - ole' butter shortbread fingers, Nicky Naehands. Whatever happened to...

He would make an admirable No 2, and would probably fancy it.

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