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Yogi says no more money no more players!


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I wholeheartedly agree, we need a bit of openness from the Board, income must be up last year given the cup run, realise players will had bonuses but surely these were not greater than income?

We have given away shirt sales, do we get any income now from share of sales, but would have thought better to sell own shirts

We have given away match programmes too

Still only have a converted container as a club shop

Still as far as I now rent the two end stands, happy to be corrected on this though

Small time approach, and whilst I accept staying in premier league is a must we should also plan to be out of the relegation mix as a bear minimum

We had a fantastic season last year and whilst it is unlikely we will be that successful again we can at least strive to emulate as much as possible

Now looks like going through the season without  out and out centre which is not a good place as we need someone to put chances away as they will be at a premium

Current competitive games have exposed us having no out ball, no plan B and certainly no chances being created (so maybe don't need a centre)

A top 6 finish this year would be great, especially with Hearts now up  and wold expect Arabs to do better than last year

Emulate as a minimum St Johnstone would be great

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Guest Shaun

Even DAVID RAVEN is making pleas for new faces!!

Source: Jamie Durent on twitter mentioning a what is going to be in tomorrows courier.

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I honestly can't believe that some fans are actually defending the club if there are no further signings! 

We have gone without paying a transfer fee since 2008? 

It is amazing that Butcher & now Yogi have managed to achieve any sort of success with no financial support 

Last year was without doubt our most successful season and we also received our highest ever financial fee for a player (even if it was a pitiful £150,000)

We are no longer paying the contracts for our club captain and 4 other first team players (inc. Mckay) 

Our attendances have always been what they are ... we have the unfortunate situation that Inverness doesn't keep a high number of young adults between 17 - 30 and I suspect this is the normal demographic for regular attendees for other clubs round the SPFL.

The players signed this season haven't been playing at a high enough standard to demand wages that would even hit the sides of the players wages that left.

IHE's spot on ... the club needs to explain to the fans why they are not backing Yogi if no more players come in to help him out



I honestly can't believe that some fans are actually defending the club if there are no further signings! 

We have gone without paying a transfer fee since 2008? 

It is amazing that Butcher & now Yogi have managed to achieve any sort of success with no financial support 

Last year was without doubt our most successful season and we also received our highest ever financial fee for a player (even if it was a pitiful £150,000)

We are no longer paying the contracts for our club captain and 4 other first team players (inc. Mckay) 

Our attendances have always been what they are ... we have the unfortunate situation that Inverness doesn't keep a high number of young adults between 17 - 30 and I suspect this is the normal demographic for regular attendees for other clubs round the SPFL.

The players signed this season haven't been playing at a high enough standard to demand wages that would even hit the sides of the players wages that left.

IHE's spot on ... the club needs to explain to the fans why they are not backing Yogi if no more players come in to help him out


While I agree with much of what you say, the club does need to be financially prudent and remember that without windfalls such as cup finals and transfer fees we tend to have an annual trading loss in the region of £300,000 which is not sustainable year after year. The first responsibility of the board is to ensure that we have a viable business going forward.

That said, we have had two extraordinary years in succession from a financial point of view with a cup final in each year, compensation for our management team last year and a substantial transfer fee this even if it wasn't, as you wrongly say a record for the club, that was the fee of over twice as much we received for Marius Niculae. We also pocketed more in the way of place money than budgeted for and shown a profit on our European adventure albeit a very modest one.

Taking all that into account, I am sure the board can loosen the purse strings just a bit and, in my view they should.


**** aye! Forgot about Niculae but that was tainted by the time taken to get the cash and legal fees 

I am not expecting a million pound player just a competitive goalscorer either a free transfer or a minimal fee 


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While we have to accept that the board are trying to do their best for the club, they do seem to run the club on a very secretive basis which is not helpful. If they were a bit more open, it would certainly deflect some of the adverse comments that come their way. I am not a shareholder but would suggest the questions concerning money and transfer policy are asked at the AGM.  

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We should consider this:

The club's fan backing has not been great  over the years and the revenue stream  has matched it. This last year was outstanding in comparison and maybe the Board are reluctant to spend a substantial portion of the income  since they feel that  last year's income was rather exceptional and maybe a lot of it should remain stashed in the bank in case of the inevitable return of what they have previously had to contend with i.e break-even finances and little in the way of spare cash.

To find a replacement for Billy to perform by scoring all the time is a tall order it seems so--how will spending a large sum of money on a transfer fee change thst situation if it doesn't work out?  Also, Richie has not been playing and yet his salary has had to be paid.. The team has been decimated by transfers-out of several quality performers and the rhythm of the unit completely disrupted accordingly;  meaning the real possibility of poorer results and, possibly, poorer crowds and lower revenue streams. With the excellent year we have just had, won't the Manager's salary have also been reviewed? The loss of Russell must mean some kind of other adjustment is being considered which, inevitably, will mean a further financial outlay or at least a review to see what can be done to replace him?

If I were in management I would be reluctant to spill the beans to the public at this exact moment in time until some light was shining at the end of the tunnel, some stability was  achieved and some playing personnel, such as new signings or new youngsters needing to be blooded , had proved that they are for real and have the right stuff to support the challenge of this season alone. Spending MORE big money at this juncture in the season in ways that may not actually turn out to be beneficial would not probably occur to me as being a very useful strategy.

Sitting tight and reviewing things with a very critical eye on a day-to-day basis would seem more rational. And how many people might wonder ..."Well, if John the Man were to think of leaving for pastures new because for him (after last year) the time is really ripe, or receive a very good offer, what would we do if he were to suddenly leave?"

If these thoughts don't turn you on then why not just ask the Board in the appropriate way to clarify your issues a bit more by using the Ask the Club Forum or thread approach?

The challenge is that unless ICT were a public company owned by shareholders then management may not actually feel the need to divulge anything since plans for the full season, in view of recent developments (injuries etc.), may not have yet crystallized and are currently the subject of urgent and earnest discussion in the boardroom that still needs further sober and second thought.

So, why not give the management another month to bed in the new parts and see which way the wind may be blowing. This is a difficult scenario and needs time to sort itself out doesn't it?


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Things might be a bit more sustainable if we got more than 3000 odd coming along after an incredible season.

I trust the board know best to do what's right as they know the big picture. I doubt they're out blowing the cash on strippers and Dom Perignon 

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We should consider this:

The club's fan backing has not been great  over the years and the revenue stream  has matched it. This last year was outstanding in comparison and maybe the Board are reluctant to spend a substantial portion of the income  since they feel that  last year's income was rather exceptional and maybe a lot of it should remain stashed in the bank in case of the inevitable return of what they have previously had to contend with i.e break-even finances and little in the way of spare cash.

To find a replacement for Billy to perform by scoring all the time is a tall order it seems so--how will spending a large sum of money on a transfer fee change thst situation if it doesn't work out?  Also, Richie has not been playing and yet his salary has had to be paid.. The team has been decimated by transfers-out of several quality performers and the rhythm of the unit completely disrupted accordingly;  meaning the real possibility of poorer results and, possibly, poorer crowds and lower revenue streams. With the excellent year we have just had, won't the Manager's salary have also been reviewed? The loss of Russell must mean some kind of other adjustment is being considered which, inevitably, will mean a further financial outlay or at least a review to see what can be done to replace him?

If I were in management I would be reluctant to spill the beans to the public at this exact moment in time until some light was shining at the end of the tunnel, some stability was  achieved and some playing personnel, such as new signings or new youngsters needing to be blooded , had proved that they are for real and have the right stuff to support the challenge of this season alone. Spending MORE big money at this juncture in the season in ways that may not actually turn out to be beneficial would not probably occur to me as being a very useful strategy.

Sitting tight and reviewing things with a very critical eye on a day-to-day basis would seem more rational. And how many people might wonder ..."Well, if John the Man were to think of leaving for pastures new because for him (after last year) the time is really ripe, or receive a very good offer, what would we do if he were to suddenly leave?"

If these thoughts don't turn you on then why not just ask the Board in the appropriate way to clarify your issues a bit more by using the Ask the Club Forum or thread approach?

The challenge is that unless ICT were a public company owned by shareholders then management may not actually feel the need to divulge anything since plans for the full season, in view of recent developments (injuries etc.), may not have yet crystallized and are currently the subject of urgent and earnest discussion in the boardroom that still needs further sober and second thought.

So, why not give the management another month to bed in the new parts and see which way the wind may be blowing. This is a difficult scenario and needs time to sort itself out doesn't it?


I have just read your post on here Scarlet Ten out of Ten, one of your best old man, I hope people will take notice.

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Yes a sensible post from SP BUT if we are stuck fer Cash it does not need to share the books - a simple, concise statement of intent ( or otherwise) is essential. I will pose the question in the other section. And how are we going to attract or maintain the current fan base should an unfortunate demise occur ? To get people coming through the turnstiles there needs to be a degree of quality entertainment on show. BUT it is fair enuff to give everybody some breathing space both on and off the park. BUT falling behind at the start of the season has proven to be a difficult situation to redress. Personally I still feel that Yogi is looking for the more skilful type of forward and is ignoring the journeymen, the toilers, the "big" men and the poachers. If so that is the biggest mistake of all.

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We simply need between 500 and 1000 additional people through the gates in addition to our core support at every home game. This would create an income against our cost base that would allow the club to be run sustainably and allow it to plan ahead. We've known this for years.

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We simply need between 500 and 1000 additional people through the gates in addition to our core support at every home game. This would create an income against our cost base that would allow the club to be run sustainably and allow it to plan ahead. We've known this for years.

The worry for me is that if we can't add to our crowds after our great season then I doubt we will ever be able to!

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But did we actually get any place money as no sponsor for the league?. As someone has already said, we continually run at a loss and surpluses in good years have to balance this out. The only real way we will compete financially with some other clubs is to get more people attending matches and that seems to be impossible to achieve.

Having said that, I do think we need new blood on the board. I may be wrong, but it does seem that replacements for the board seem to come from the same/similar sources and we need some more dynamism from the board including a more aggressive stance on issues.

Yes we got place money. Money from revenue from TV rights is distributed according to league position and is worth about £70,000 a place from memory.

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We simply need between 500 and 1000 additional people through the gates in addition to our core support at every home game. This would create an income against our cost base that would allow the club to be run sustainably and allow it to plan ahead. We've known this for years.

I agree Davie, but in my opion this will never happen whilst we play our football in the Longman, we built the stadium in the wrong place. 



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My big worry is that if we don't have cash to spend on strengthening the squad after a hugely successful season what will happen if we have a mediocre one? Perhaps the board are keeping back some cash to compensate for the possibility of this happening.

While not trying to take the shine of last season we were very lucky with injuries and operating with a small squad there is always the danger of a bad season coming along. 

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Maybe it is the boards thinking that if we spend all of our money now, and by January we looked doomed, we have no money to bring in new players. Whereas, with this approach, we still have the bulk of a successful squad plus a few additions, and so the board may be confident this squad has the ability to, say, finish in the top 6, whilst also retaining finances for when they are most required. Just a theory, but doesn't explain the lack of an out-an-out striker, which is essential for success in any team. 

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Don't understand why everyone is saying we have a lack of an 'out-an-out striker' at the club. Dani Lopez is an out an out striker however it seems to me it's taking a bit longer for him to adapt than other signings. Calum Ferguson is also an 'out-an-out striker' but like many others is on the injury table. 

For me personally, I think we could do with having an experienced striker like Edward Ofere for competition to Dani Lopez and keep him on his toes for a place in the squad. 


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I personally think that with a mix of Christie, Lopez, Mutumbo and Ferguson we can find a balance and a decent strike force. 

However I am not convinced going forward with just one natural left back. It's the one position I'd look at if we needed any. 

And not because I have doubts about Tremarco. But we really don't have any other players at the club really able to play there with any great level of success if he is unavailable. Now Williams has been mentioned as the answer but I heard of no indication in pre season that he's been earmarked for that role so if that's the case we need someone else. 

Why have we brought in Wedderburn if we already had Draper, Tansey, Vincent, Polworth, and even Foran able to play there if it meant not having the finances for a left back? 

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We simply need between 500 and 1000 additional people through the gates in addition to our core support at every home game. This would create an income against our cost base that would allow the club to be run sustainably and allow it to plan ahead. We've known this for years.

I agree Davie, but in my opion this will never happen whilst we play our football in the Longman, we built the stadium in the wrong place. 



So, in view of the revelations about a total of 13 sites in the exhaustive Percy Johnston Marshall report of 1993, where should it have been built instead?

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I dont buy the location BS. If people want to go to watch ICT they will go wherever we play .... ask the 500 or so who were in Romania ... or the diaspora who live all over the UK and elsewhere who schedule their travels to try and ensure they take in a game when they can, or even those in Inverness who for whatever reason (eg. personal, work or family reasons) can only go occasionally but do go .... 

If people in Inverness who dont already go really want to watch ICT then the stadium location may not be perfect, but it is something they will overlook. Yes its baltic in winter due to its open-ness, and yes the infrastructure around it is far from ideal .... but please ... if its Baltic at the TCS, then its not going to be tropical elsewhere in Inverness !! and whilst you could perhaps make a case for better location in Bught or perhaps Holm Mills now that we in effect almost have a ring road round the town (or will do when the next bit is done), its like comparing apples and oranges because we didnt have it when the stadium was built and if we cant afford a few grand for an additional striker after our best ever season we certainly cant afford to up sticks and move to some fantasy stadium that will bring an anecdotal attendance nirvana to the club. 


Edited by Scotty
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"I'm not going down there to watch football" is often the comment I have been given when I have tried to encourage either friends or colleagues to come along and watch their local team or buy a season ticket. 



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"I'm not going down there to watch football" is often the comment I have been given when I have tried to encourage either friends or colleagues to come along and watch their local team or buy a season ticket. 

I know. I have heard the same (lame) excuse in the past and for devilment at the time I have actually asked the person "why?" or ".. so where should we play?" or ".. so where would you go to watch them?" only to be met with silence or some stupid retort. The fact of the matter is that (most of) these same people would not go to watch us play even if it was at the end of their own street !!!  

Is the stadium ideal? no, absolutely not, and there may indeed be better locations that have opened up, or now have better infrastructure than they had 20+ years ago ... but it was the best choice at the time and save for someone coming in and paying silly money for the time left on the lease meaning we could relocate for free (if a suitable site was agreed) it is what it is. 

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Possibly the best thing about doing so well last season was that this forum was largely saved from the tedious introspective merger and attendance threads. Hopefully our form picks up again soon.

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Just to get back on topic here... 

Do all the posters defending the club on this thread accept that if no more reimbursements, they have made the decision to spend less on contracts this year?

If so, why now after the most profitable season in our history? 

Unless there is some sort of large investment planned, the board have effectively left the manager and players out to dry ... Raven has pretty much said it himself

If you're not moving forward you're moving backwards... we've always been a progressive club.   




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And the aftermath will be clear when it comes to updating contracts. But we have been here before and won through. Again just wish that there was that gist of communication as there has been in the past. And nice to see that the merger ostriches are still burying their heads in the sand and dismissing the obvious that "real" fans have been aware of since the onset. You can ignore if you want but attendances are significantly affecting ICT.

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