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Got this from the club a little earlier ....... unfortunately, I will be unable to make it on account of being 3500 miles away, but I assume I was meant to highlight it to local fans who might be able to make it along ......

The Reserve team are at home to Rangers tomorrow evening (Tuesday 17th April) with a 7.00pm kick-off.

Admission prices are £5 adults, £3 adult Season Ticket holders, £1 concessions.

Why not come along and give the boys your support?

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We won 1-0  :003: :003: :003:

Zander scored (or so Caley 100 told me as I was looking at my phone at the time)

Zander was my MoM, Blackie also did well (never got booked) Ian Vigurs looked pretty enthusiastic too. Some good confident goalkeeping from Ridgers, good crack in the main stand (mainly at Rory's expense) highly entertaining evening.  :003:

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1-0 to ICT with Zander finishing neatly from fifteen yards after mugging the defender on the edge of the box in second half.  Bitterly cold night with little excitement to warm up the fans. Rory kept us on our toes though, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.  I'm afraid the lad just looks disinterested. Unable to get off the ground he all too often got bundled aside and even managed a fresh air swipe near the end.  I would love to see him come good, but on this performance it does not look likely.  Ally Ridgers made a couple of excellent saves and the gers keeper likewise, but we were mostly inept in the last third. Rossco and Black played but the pick of ther bunch was probably Vigurs who has a good first touch.

We should have won more convincingly against a very young Rangers side but were unable to create much. Rossco had a close range try volleyed well over and Sweggers curled one wide, that was about it. Hard work, but a win all the same.  Would I give Gary McSwegan another contract..............no. Black never got booked, but did injure one bloke.

pffft, you beat mee to it, have you no ironing to do?

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A good well taken goal by Zander.  Our number 11 played very well and looks to have a lot of potential.  I was impressed with the centre back (no 5).

Rory was very disappointing, he has got a long way to go and I now have severe doubts that he's got what it takes for life in the SPL.

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Don't forget the defence Mee.  Ally Rdgers didn't have much to trouble him, mainly because Jamie Duff, Guy Kerr and Alex Macdonald were so cool and controlled.  Made the Gers attack look like boys against men.  Of course, Rossco was his usual self.

Have we missed anyone between us?  Oh aye.  Stuart Soane had a good game and Gary McSwegan was no bad.  But, oh dear, Jessie MacAllister needs to get a grip.  He played like the back end of a panto horse - nae brains and nae guts - and ah've seen an oil tanker wi' a smaller turning circle.

:015: :015:

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Yep... good laugh, TMFTJ, Maimie, LG, the Paulibees as well, we had a strong team out with Rossco, Blackie, Rory, Zander and Sweggie as the main players.

Black looked good as did Vigurs, with zander causing the Rangers defence a few problems, including robbing a hesitant Gers full back then running in to curve the ball into the far corner, a well taken goal.

The defence was doing pretty well with the experience of Rossco showing through as he sorted out how to get the better of the Thiery Henry lookalike.

Rory has my sympathy, he really has, the guy had a couple of touches but for the most of it he lacked control, pace and vision to cause problems even 2 one on ones with the keeper gave him no joy.

Mcallister is a bloke with lead boots and a heavy heart, he could do with a break at a smaller team for some goals and confidence building, because CC aint finding his hot spot. :006:

Roll on saturday.

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Guest PaulieBee

:015: :015: :015: :015: :015:

Got to agree with a lot that has already been said.

Black played for an hour before being subbed and was quite decent.

Thought the lad Vigurs (no 11) did well as did Zander who scored a nicely taken goal. I too was quite impressed with the young central defenders.

Rory certainly seems to be lacking in confidence.

A decent enough performance though.  :022:

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My thoughts on the game

Ridgers - couple of decent saves, good kicking, looked comfortable

Tokely - usual 100%, seemed desperate to score

MacDonald - assured full back performance

Duff & Kerr - worked well together, tried to play a passing game from the back

Vigurs & Sutherland - wide men performed well but Xander will have to learn to keep his mouth shut & not leave his foot in late

Black & Soane - worked well together but the late challenge from Black was totally unnecessary & should have been a yellow card

McSwegan & McAllister - made a good double act but unfortunately a comedy one.

Top players - Vigurs & Kerr

For them Ajeziri (No.11) looked promising,  keeper (Robinson) ok & their sub (Craig?) not bad.

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