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Guest TinCanFan

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Guest TinCanFan

How many think ICT should actually sign Joinville?  He didn't exactly have the greatest game on Saturday but do you think he is worth signing as a back-up defender?

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He came good in the second half, worth a contract I thought, he can only get better with more training and getting to know the guys round about him. He was a bit lost at times against County, caught out of position on occasions but seemed to be more confident later in the second half. His timing looked suspect, but he is a big boy and looks the part, full time training will help him flourish and his confidence will benefit as well.

sign him I say.

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Couple of pics of Munro using sign language to communicate with the big fella....the language barrier may explained why he occasionally looked 'lost'.

Any guesses as to the conversation?

[attach=1] [attach=2]

More pics from the pre-season friendlies can be found in the sites Photo Gallery



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Guest kingkojak

he looks like he is trying to swap shirts with munro who than tells him to feck off to row z!  :015:

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Surely a central defender shouldn't look lost or be out of position, regardless of language difficulties.

Would it be fair to say that if he was only 5'11" he wouldn't even be an amateur footballer?

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' Any guesses as to the conversation '

" Hey Granty... zis shyte is all down my back..what iz ziz all about?"

" Yer in Dingwall now mate, it was that gudgie seagull flying over there... "

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GJ: .... Hey mon capitan, can I go to the bathroom ?

GM: .... but of course mon ami, it is only County we are playing ... its just up there to the right .....

GJ: .... Do they have deodorant in there ?

GM: .... Its not you pal, we're in Dingwall now, it always smells like this !!!

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you mean the myth abut the French not bathing ?

its amazing what you can find on GOOGLE

.... the French deodorant market in 2001/2 was 547.5 million euros

Germany = 528m, Italy = 245m, Spain = 208m, UK = 399m

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you mean the myth abut the French not bathing ?

its amazing what you can find on GOOGLE

.... the French deodorant market in 2001/2 was 547.5 million euros

Germany = 528m, Italy = 245m, Spain = 208m, UK = 399m

I love you Scotty, you and your random statistics. When I grow up I want to be just like you

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As to the last pic he definitely is  "getting along" avec les amis so that's the main thi8ng .

As to the other pics he is at first stating clearly that ..." cela est une acte de dieu mun" that was an act of God mun.

Second pic he is complaining that he has been unjustluy accused of having an nunclean top, stating...." cette seagul had his yeux vers moi tout le temps, ou sumpin" it wisnae me...that seagul has targetted me totally all day .

Whatever, it's all good clean fun.....eh? :rotflmao:

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Anything for a laugh, Mun! ...sniff.

Actuellement, Curly was the bane of my existence.A mean-spirited man as I saw it then.

In the fifth year at the Academy I elected to take French for  a second language to get a Lower--but not full time. He was not impressed and since there were only five of us in the class, all smarty pants including the Dux of the School, Curly one day decided to inform me in front of the class that I would not even get a lower viewing me as not out of the top drawer  in his class so to speak and therefore not worthy of his superior attention. Good job for me I was a worker.....hmm.

I studied his face carefully  since I was at a very formative  and sensitivestage of my existence and consequently  learned  from this artful studying how to sneer in total disdain at the expense of another , inflicting maximum contempt and hurt for no particular reason at no expense to himself.

Not much later I sat the exam and passed with flying colours; and that was the end of my involvement with Curly the Cute. My French has remained spotty  since then but life's lessons are not all in French as I learned fully that sad day-- there you go mCharles--top that story if you can. :012: :004:

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