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We would also like to point out that the signing of Marius Niculae was a unanimous decision of the ICTFC board on the recommendation of the then Manager Charlie Christie.


Savage said: "My company does business in Romania and Niculae was recommended.

"When Charlie was shown the DVD of the player in action, he immediately said he's love to get him.

"It is a rare opportunity to land an international player who was a free agent, thus involving no transfer fee, and the club directors were very keen to help the manager strengthen for the new SPL campaign."

Director of football Graeme Bennett added: "We are delighted to be able, subject to the work permit, to recruit someone of Marius's calibre within our existing football budget.


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ALL I KNOW IS THAT CC OPPOSED IT - and there is lots more to come. - It is possible that the fall out will bring this club into disrepute - just wait fer ma next thread - feckin ban me if ya want  :023:

Fill your boots...people have knocked a lot of what you've said this season and you have been and are about to be proved right on a few things.

I just have a feeling that this is one that could come back to bite a few people on the butt (me included) so I'm biting my tongue on it until I have more information.

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It's a pathetic blo0dy mess....

Off the top of my head I could name half a dozen of this site's regular posters who could administer this club's affairs in a fashion that the present board could only ever dream about....

In fact I feel a project coming on.....  :024:

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ALL I KNOW IS THAT CC OPPOSED IT - and there is lots more to come. - It is possible that the fall out will bring this club into disrepute - just wait fer ma next thread - feckin ban me if ya want  :023:

Fill your boots...people have knocked a lot of what you've said this season and you have been and are about to be proved right on a few things.

I just have a feeling that this is one that could come back to bite a few people on the butt (me included) so I'm biting my tongue on it until I have more information.

Bit ma teeth fer once and have got pished instead - fer once - But

Inverness Caley Thistle's major shareholder David Sutherland has told BBC Scotland the club cannot afford the wages of Romanian Marius Niculae.

Sutherland says the club needs to raise around ?500,000 in a new shares issue if it wants to keep the striker.

Caley Thistle said former chairman Alan Savage had been paying the striker's wages - a claim which he denies.

"At no time has the Orion Group or Alan Savage made any payments to Marius Niculae whatsoever," he said.

Doubts arose over Niculae's future when Savage resigned from the club.

However, he had previously said he would pay Niculae's salary for the forthcoming season.

The new statement issued via Savage's company casts doubt over where such funding would come from.

"I'm sure the statement from Alan Savage's Orion Group will confuse the players, the fans and the public," said Sutherland.

"I think Mr Savage is setting the record straight that neither he nor Orion payed Marius Niculae's wages over the past 12 months.

"As I understand it, Mr Savage injected around ?270,000 of share capital to try and ease the contract payments."

Now Sutherland says that the player's wages, in the region of ?4000 a week, are too high to maintain.

"No matter how good he is I come back to the point of sustainabilty, and no matter how good he is I don't think we can afford it," said Sutherland.

ALL the Board are to BLAME - get the main feckin "players" the feck out of it !!

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I agree CC was keen enough to get Marius signed, but believe he was concerned about the effect his salary might have on the rest of the squad.

This is why it was all dressed up and we (players included) were led to believe that Orion was paying his wages.

One wonders what on earth Marius is making of all this.....  :024:


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Don't think it would be too hard to work it out Johnboy.....The guys probably just listened to the Interview with Sutherland which as good as says he's not wanted by the clubs largest shareholder because he's doing damage to the club.

He'll still be expected to turn up for training and carry on regardless though!!!

How many more people are ICT going to 5hit on this season?

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Don't think it would be too hard to work it out Johnboy.....The guys probably just listened to the Interview with Sutherland which as good as says he's not wanted by the clubs largest shareholder because he's doing damage to the club.

He'll still be expected to turn up for training and carry on regardless though!!!

He's a professional footballer, he has not been affected so far, so i would imagine he will keep going as lomg as we pay his wages.

How many more people are ICT going to 5hit on this season?

Should read: Now Savage has left, how long will his legacy continue to cause unrest?

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Don't think it would be too hard to work it out Johnboy.....The guys probably just listened to the Interview with Sutherland which as good as says he's not wanted by the clubs largest shareholder because he's doing damage to the club.

He'll still be expected to turn up for training and carry on regardless though!!!

He's a professional footballer, he has not been affected so far, so i would imagine he will keep going as lomg as we pay his wages.

OK, so because the club pay his wages they can treat him how they wish?  Give me a break!!!

How many more people are ICT going to 5hit on this season?

Should read: Now Savage has left, how long will his legacy continue to cause unrest?

I don't doubt for a second that Alan Savage has made mistakes during his time as Chairman, but as I've said elsewhere....it takes a majority agreement by the board to make these decisions.  It would appear however that some people at the club are coated in Teflon and (once again) managing to fly under the Radar as the chit flies from the fan.

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What I would like to know is.........who is the liar in all this? Because the evidence shows that someone is blatently lying.

Alan Savage provides a statement to this site before going public. WHY?? In the hope of winning support before he makes his statement official?? Kind of reverse psychology. We'll believe him cos he said it first??

I think I'll be trying to get to the AGM this year. Should be very interesting.

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What I would like to know is.........who is the liar in all this? Because the evidence shows that someone is blatently lying.

Alan Savage provides a statement to this site before going public. WHY?? In the hope of winning support before he makes his statement official?? Kind of reverse psychology. We'll believe him cos he said it first??

I think I'll be trying to get to the AGM this year. Should be very interesting.

Why would Savage want to win our support? He is history and doesn't need support from anywhere. This is all a personal battle between Sutherland and Savage and as I have said previously, this is not the first battle Sutherland has fought and won (remember Doug McGillvray). Sutherland, by his own admission is very democratic but only if you agree with him.

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Guest stevico64

I agree CC was keen enough to get Marius signed, but believe he was concerned about the effect his salary might have on the rest of the squad.

This is why it was all dressed up and we (players included) were led to believe that Orion was paying his wages.

One wonders what on earth Marius is making of all this.....  :024:


As you can imagine not delighted to here that the club dont really want him, will concentrate on his remaining 4 games and hopefully the Euros, he will wait to see what the summer brings although realistically it now looks as though his future will be elsewhere after the comments that the club can no longer afford to keep him, a great shame as Marius was really enjoying his time here, and as his celebration showed on Sat feels he was really starting to build a bond with the fans.

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What I would like to know is.........who is the liar in all this? Because the evidence shows that someone is blatently lying.

I think a few people are guilty of stretching the truth or allowing assumptions to continue to suit their own needs.

Orion were happy enough for people to think they were directly funding the Niculae deal because it gave them positive press and the club were happy because it meant they didn't have to fess up to the fact that the board had sold 12% of the club to fund the venture.

Alan Savage seemed happy enough to walk away and cite "Business Reasons" for his departure, something I'm sure the club were glad of 2 weeks ago.  However, when this caused questions over the arrangements for payment of Niculae the club raised the doubt over the ability to continue paying him, tried to pin blame on Mr Savage for his appointment and putting the club in that position...Mr Savage then, quite rightly IMO, has to move to protect his integrity.  As is said in the Orion Statement, that was a Board decision.

Alan Savage provides a statement to this site before going public. WHY?? In the hope of winning support before he makes his statement official?? Kind of reverse psychology. We'll believe him cos he said it first??

Many of the assumptions being cleared up by the statement were rife among this forum, and this site is the largest single means by which to get news to the fans.  We also have a policy of publish statements in full an unedited which means there's no journalist spin and people don't have to read between the lines of the journalist before reading between the lines of the statement.  So if you want to get your message/news out quickly to the fans without it being tampered with by journalists, where better to do it?  It's not an "exclusive" service and anyone who has news or information relating to ICT is welcome to approach us...the club more than anyone.

I think I'll be trying to get to the AGM this year. Should be very interesting.

I suspect this years AGM will be one of the busiest in a long time.

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I will admit I was very sceptical about the signing of Marius - especially with regard to driving a horse and cart through the club's tight pay structure.

His early form didn't do much to convince me his signing was going to be worthwhile...  That was obviously down to lack of match practice, and his overall fitness.

His true class is now there for all to see, in abundance, and we should strive to keep him here...

I'm sick of reading daily jibes on here as to the obstacles we are up against in attracting top drawer players to a "dump" like Inverness...

If it's good enough for Marius, and he's happy to be here, it should be good enough for anyone, if we can keep him here it might just persuade others that this isn't such a bad part of the world in which to live and work...

                                        MARIUS MUST STAY

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Guest stevico64

I will admit I was very sceptical about the signing of Marius - especially with regard to driving a horse and cart through the club's tight pay structure.

His early form didn't do much to convince me his signing was going to be worthwhile...  That was obviously down to lack of match practice, and his overall fitness.

His true class is now there for all to see, in abundance, and we should strive to keep him here...

I'm sick of reading daily jibes on here as to the obstacles we are up against in attracting top drawer players to a "dump" like Inverness...

If it's good enough for Marius, and he's happy to be here, it should be good enough for anyone, if we can keep him here it might just persuade others that this isn't such a bad part of the world in which to live and work...

                                        MARIUS MUST STAY

I think that after the revelations that were made this morning it is obvious that Marius will not be staying, what worries me as an ICT fan will the revelations from DS saying that the club cannot afford to keep him not drive down any bids that were going to be coming in for him in the summer, would it not have made sense even if the club were intent on selling him to say that they wanted to keep him, clubs will now realise that ICT cant/dont want to pay him alert clubs that they are desperate to get rid of him.

Johnboy your comments are correct in attracting a player like Marius to come to Inverness was a bonus after hearing years of nobody wants to come North of the Central belt to play, whether you think it was right or wrong it bucked that trend.

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Would'nt blame Marius in the slightest if he wanted to get well away from the club now, the fact he's been pawned about like a piece of meat in political style chess game by those running/previously running the club is a sick joke, the sooner the squabbling has stopped and the players future is decided one way or another the better for Marius and everybody else concerned i think.

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What I would like to know is.........who is the liar in all this? Because the evidence shows that someone is blatently lying.

Alan Savage provides a statement to this site before going public. WHY?? In the hope of winning support before he makes his statement official?? Kind of reverse psychology. We'll believe him cos he said it first??

I think I'll be trying to get to the AGM this year. Should be very interesting.

Why would Savage want to win our support? He is history and doesn't need support from anywhere. This is all a personal battle between Sutherland and Savage and as I have said previously, this is not the first battle Sutherland has fought and won (remember Doug McGillvray). Sutherland, by his own admission is very democratic but only if you agree with him.

So long as Orion Group hold 12% of ICT then Savage is not history.

Perhaps I'm just a very cynical person, it comes from years of seeing power struggles and takeovers in business. and the effect that has on people, but Orion have a 12% stake in the company. They could increase that with the right offer to the right people. Collectively there's between 10 and 15% of stock held in small amounts by a fairly large number of fans. I believe that around 43% is held in some form by the Sutherland empire, either in personal stock or held through various companies, so there is a majority holding possible.

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What a shambles this is turning into.

1. Bound to create greater tension amongst the team given the club appear to be paying Marius and not the Orion group

2. Boardroom seems to have a large degree of infighting which again unsettles the club

3. The matter seems to be being aired through the press which make us look like a bunch of amateurs

4. If Marius stays this will affect Brew's transfer budget which we assume will have to be ?0 which means with players leaving we get either no new players or players who are very cheap

5. If Marius goes then we need to replace him and I cannot believe that his agent did not insist upon a clause allowing him to leave if a club comes in with a certain offer so I doubt there will be big bucks by way of a transfer fee.

Happy days :017:

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