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Away support


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I think people are just arguing for the sake of it now. For every post on here that is positive there's another 5 full of people moaning :004:

No there's not.......................SORRY only joking. :D

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back on topic, Are you ok Man?

Oh wait a min, sorry.

I remember in Pre Season when no football was really getting played it was a wee bit like this then (and CaleyD pointed out to me then it was due to this} I'm blaming it on everyones lack of football and now look!! two games in the same 7 days with wins... Maybe a wee bit to much for some of our fellow posters (Im one of them!!).

Also when we win we never have much to bitch about on the pitch so we turn on each other, it can only be a good thing from a Football point of view.. so its a good thing in a weird way....

No Finger pointing however!!....

Edited by Georgeios
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I'm quite willing to listen to alternative thoughts and ideas.....so if the "low mood" doesn't exist then what is the reason for the drop in attendances etc?

A low mood does exist. Your comments have proved that. I dont know why it exists though. Its obvious that the attendances have dropped due to whats happened in the last year and some of the performances this season. But if fans have stopped going due to those reasons then thats fine cos i dont consider them true supporters. As ive said, being a supporter is all about following your team through thick and thin. I understand people cant make every game( including me!) but there has been an alarming fall in the home attendances. I really thought that all those years in the spl, we would have been able to build up a large following but it looks like we are gradually dropping down to our hardcore of about 1500.

My point was aimed at our away support though. We have always had a decent sized faithful crowd going down to games and all im saying is that its a bit worrying when those numbers start to drop which they have done recently. Could we not expect a slighty higher percentage to go along?

So what would be your solution to your low mood? What are these changes that need to be made that you talk about?

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I'm quite willing to listen to alternative thoughts and ideas.....so if the "low mood" doesn't exist then what is the reason for the drop in attendances etc?

. But if fans have stopped going due to those reasons then thats fine cos i dont consider them true supporters.

Don't forget to include your address so we can post the supporter of the year award you believe you so richly deserve.

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I'm quite willing to listen to alternative thoughts and ideas.....so if the "low mood" doesn't exist then what is the reason for the drop in attendances etc?

A low mood does exist. Your comments have proved that. I dont know why it exists though. Its obvious that the attendances have dropped due to whats happened in the last year and some of the performances this season. But if fans have stopped going due to those reasons then thats fine cos i dont consider them true supporters. As ive said, being a supporter is all about following your team through thick and thin. I understand people cant make every game( including me!) but there has been an alarming fall in the home attendances. I really thought that all those years in the spl, we would have been able to build up a large following but it looks like we are gradually dropping down to our hardcore of about 1500.

My point was aimed at our away support though. We have always had a decent sized faithful crowd going down to games and all im saying is that its a bit worrying when those numbers start to drop which they have done recently. Could we not expect a slighty higher percentage to go along?

So what would be your solution to your low mood? What are these changes that need to be made that you talk about?

CTID, I've got a lot of sympathy with your frustration and I don't think you intended to belittle anyone with your op, but I've got to disagree with your point above. I've been a fairly regular 'away' supporter for the past 12 years or so and have been to the vast majority of our away games in the last three seasons, and before this season our away support often numbered around the same as attended on Saturday (witness the "Smallest away support ever?" thread that some St Mirren-supporting tube posted on P&B last season). I've been pretty impressed with how many have turned out for away games this season: a lot of supporters seemed to buy into the "bounce straight back" scenario and seemed determined to back the team to do this. It's understandable if a combination of post-Christmas poverty and a more realistic view of our chances of promotion are now starting to erode the numbers travelling. And that's if; as a few people have pointed out already, Airdrie has rarely been a venue our supporters have travelled to in numbers. Historically, ICT supporters have always picked and chosen their away games carefully: the more fair-minded supporters of other teams recognise that this is because our fans and County fans have to cover a lot more miles than the other sets of fans in the league. The drop is home support is definitely more worrying, because that is a far more likely indicator of a general disillusionment among supporters.

Anyway, keep the faith and make sure you do keep coming to the away games whenever you can - we don't want a repeat of the 18 we had at Ayr one time...

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Going off topic here, but while I like having a laugh, a day out and cheering on the team, you have to remember you're contributing towards the coffers of other clubs in the division. On this basis; does helping the opposition financially construe not supporting ICT? When we were SPL, I didn't go to parkhead or castle greyskull on the basis that they have a disproportionate (finanical) support with all of the glory hunters they have 'following' them. In fact, this statement is untrue as I did go to the game where we lost 1-0 to Celtic as I scored free tickets.

In my opinion, not going to away games - and instead spending the entrance fee I've saved in the club shop - makes me a better supporter. It would be easy not to buy a season ticket - especially as I live in Edinburgh - and just go to away games. On this basis, and considerig how important money is in the game, would this make me a good supporter of the club?

If people save the pennies from travelling to away matches and buy a new top or tie or something from ICT, in my opinion, that's savvy supporting.

I'm not sure why people are having a pop at one another on here. I think a great deal of tone and sarcasm gets lost in translation. My response to the op being an 'ultra' was written to be taken as a joke.

Keep the personal stuff off here and be thankful that our fan site is nothing like that of the peg selling, sheep rustling unwashed caravan dwellers.

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Just to clarify, I do think that it would be great to have a larger travelling support and I would love to be able to be a part of that more often. There's many reasons why it isn't as big as some think it should be (and the same could be said of the home support), but whatever way you cut it...turning on each other is not the answer and does little to improve the situation. In fact, it could probably be argued that it's counter productive.

Only by working together, taking time to listen to the situation of others and working (where possible) to improve things can change be brought about. I don't have all the answers and my answers might not be the right ones, but I do know that the more people you have working towards improvement then the easier, and more likely, it is to happen.

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End of the day, we choose if we go to the away games or not. No one has the right to slag off another fan for not going to an away game as they do not know the reasons behind them not going. Money ect.

Everyone just get on with their own knitting.

DornochCaley, you rock! JC_highfive.gif

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End of the day, we choose if we go to the away games or not. No one has the right to slag off another fan for not going to an away game as they do not know the reasons behind them not going. Money ect.

Everyone just get on with their own knitting.

DornochCaley, you rock! JC_highfive.gif

:022: :lol: No, you do! :lol:

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I'm quite willing to listen to alternative thoughts and ideas.....so if the "low mood" doesn't exist then what is the reason for the drop in attendances etc?

A low mood does exist. Your comments have proved that. I dont know why it exists though. Its obvious that the attendances have dropped due to whats happened in the last year and some of the performances this season. But if fans have stopped going due to those reasons then thats fine cos i dont consider them true supporters. As ive said, being a supporter is all about following your team through thick and thin. I understand people cant make every game( including me!) but there has been an alarming fall in the home attendances. I really thought that all those years in the spl, we would have been able to build up a large following but it looks like we are gradually dropping down to our hardcore of about 1500.

My point was aimed at our away support though. We have always had a decent sized faithful crowd going down to games and all im saying is that its a bit worrying when those numbers start to drop which they have done recently. Could we not expect a slighty higher percentage to go along?

So what would be your solution to your low mood? What are these changes that need to be made that you talk about?

CTID, I've got a lot of sympathy with your frustration and I don't think you intended to belittle anyone with your op, but I've got to disagree with your point above. I've been a fairly regular 'away' supporter for the past 12 years or so and have been to the vast majority of our away games in the last three seasons, and before this season our away support often numbered around the same as attended on Saturday (witness the "Smallest away support ever?" thread that some St Mirren-supporting tube posted on P&B last season). I've been pretty impressed with how many have turned out for away games this season: a lot of supporters seemed to buy into the "bounce straight back" scenario and seemed determined to back the team to do this. It's understandable if a combination of post-Christmas poverty and a more realistic view of our chances of promotion are now starting to erode the numbers travelling. And that's if; as a few people have pointed out already, Airdrie has rarely been a venue our supporters have travelled to in numbers. Historically, ICT supporters have always picked and chosen their away games carefully: the more fair-minded supporters of other teams recognise that this is because our fans and County fans have to cover a lot more miles than the other sets of fans in the league. The drop is home support is definitely more worrying, because that is a far more likely indicator of a general disillusionment among supporters.

Anyway, keep the faith and make sure you do keep coming to the away games whenever you can - we don't want a repeat of the 18 we had at Ayr one time...

It was 17 and it was Berwick - just beating the 21 at Dumfries - but both away in midweek. It has always been more fun away from home :huh: Oh and we still feckin outsung the cnuts both times.

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As an away fan who was in Airdrie, I have to say that I was also very surprised by the extremely low attendance (from BOTH teams - if we got a gate of 839 at TCS then we WOULD have to worry) but I just presumed it was down to the fact that no-one had been paid since Christmas.

Still managed reasonable bit of singing after the goal though!

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IHE 951 at first game. Airdrie is not a good place to judge support. They dont get crowds full stop. Against teams close to them they can only muster 1100 or so fans.

Support for ICT is down, both home and away, probably because the gloryseekers who came in their droves when we went up to the SPL are still watching SPL football elsewhere.

I go to both home and away games when I can. I enjoy the football and supporting this club. I can't go to all games because of the nature of my work but I do manage a fair few. I'm one of those who dont have to travel far for most away games so I'm lucky in that respect. Many many people who frequent TCS are not able, for a number of reasons, to attend away games. They may work saturday mornings. They may not be in a financial position to fund an away day. They may not have the means or the inclination to travel such a long distance. They may even have felt insecure about weather conditions last week. That doesn't make them any less supporters than those who do attend away games, the big majority of whom, like me, live within easy commuting distance of most grounds.

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Many many people who frequent TCS are not able, for a number of reasons, to attend away games. They may work saturday mornings. They may not be in a financial position to fund an away day. They may not have the means or the inclination to travel such a long distance.

And I can't go to home games for those reasons. In fact I'm a really crap fan as I haven't been to a home game since Falkirk.

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Rosco17, Not once did I say you weren't welcome. I stated that you should not be slagging the likes of CaleyD for what he posts on here as without him (and others) you wouldn't be able to read anything at all. I then stated that if you didn't like what you read you had the choice to stop visiting the site. No mention of having to agree with what is written or not being welcome.

It is obvious that we will not all have the same points of view on various subjects. There will be bunfights and p1ssing contests but I think there are certain people who should be above getting slagged off in this manner and these are the likes of Scotty and CaleyD. Now I'm not saying you have to agree with all they say because I'm sure they will bthe first to admit that they are not always right. What I'm saying is that if you don't agree with them, post your view on here with your reasons without slagging them off.

Before somebody reads this to mean that I think it's ok to slag everybody else off. I DON'T, it's just as I've mentioned without these particular few, the masses would be very bored. So I think a little extra respect is called for.

Just my opinion for what it's worth.

B) :P Hilarious! What utter nonsense! Not once did I slag off 'CaleyD' in my post - I think if you read my post again I simply said I was getting bored of reading all his negative comments with regard to the club, am I not allowed to say that ?!

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