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The Mcguire,Hastings and Imrie GTF thread


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Well after today the above players are in my mind not up to our standard, not in a million years.

Mcguire was feckin shyte, slow, no pace slow to react, cant jump and cant read danger.... feck aff.

Imrie was not at the races, not good enough by far, maybe a bit part player but not on the same planet as Rankin( whom i presume he is supposed to replace)

Hastings has so far this season been so feckin cluless in defence is is becoming an embarrassment.  feck aff to county - again

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Steady on. Thats a wee bit harsh.

Imrie has only just made the step up to the SPL. He's only 24 and just 2 years ago was playing junior football. Give hime a chance to adjust to the pace of SPL and the step up.

Hastings has been one of our most consistent performers and never lets us down when he's asked to play. He can cover a number of positions too so I wouldn't want rid of hime.

McGuire..... I agree. GTF!!!

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Not the best defensive guys we have, and I agree, Imrie was gash, and not for the first time, but Brew seems to be persevering as he has brought him in, ego stuff.

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And if you add that up it makes 4 goals!! Which is the amount we conceded!

only if you assume someone is at fault ... goals are sometimes because of good offensive play, not just from crap defending.

I was simply making the point that the commentators attributed two goals to poor play from McGuire (one of which they jointly blamed Munro for) but that they didnt mention Hastings being at fault for any goals .... but as I am relying on radio commentators like Brian Irvine then I guess those who were actually at the game can confirm/deny .....

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yeah i know you were...the commentators/people on here can say that mcguire or hastings were to blame but to be honest it was all the back 4's fault.....no organisation, none of them had a good game didn't communicate well (although i thought Ike did well in coming and claiming the ball everytime and puting a name on it) but the fact of the matter is...our defence needs a massive re-shake(suppose everything at the club does) in the summer!

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I agree 23, the defence needs a re-jig, but we all knew that since Dods signed a pre- contract with United, pity the management only responded with McGuire, a decent journeyman pro, but not the leader we had in Dods.

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The problem we have in defence is that neither of our centre halves are any good in the air. Time and time again they get out jumped and because of that we are haemorrhaging goals

Have to say I have been seriously underwhelmed so far by Imrie  :rolleyes02:

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I agree 23, the defence needs a re-jig, but we all knew that since Dods signed a pre- contract with United, pity the management only responded with McGuire, a decent journeyman pro, but not the leader we had in Dods.

And yet he Dods, is no longer an automatic first team choice at DUFC....

Time to make some enquiries and even consider him as a future player/manager.... (soon)

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No more player Managers. Brewster did well as a player for ICT then stumbled when becoming a Manager.

Dodds may be an excellent stopper still,  but where is the Managerial experience.....eh?

Strachan will soon be available methinks so.....? :003:

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Maguire should have been taken off after their third goal.  He was shocking yesterday - Aberdeen's 13th man, after the ref. Mind you the whole defence was culpable.  Proctor standing off Aluko for the first instead of getting stuck in started the rot.  Grant Munro still doesn't know how to put in clearance kicks or pass the ball out of defence.  He just panics an hoofs it anywhere, usually to an opponent. Hastings wasn't much better.  I agree with others that we need a more commanding figure at the back.  Shouldn't we be looking at folk like Chris Innes (just sacked by Gretna) or bringing the Terminator back?

Imrie can't beat a man or cross the ball.  His corners were shocking and as for the free kick on the edge of the box into the wall which set up another Aberdeen attack.

We didn't even realise that Russell Duncan wasn't on the pitch in the second half until we heard it on the radio on the way home.  Bringing on Paataleinen instead of Denzil also beggared belief.  The only bright spots were Rossco and Cowie in midfield and Marius up front. 

I also heard that Blackie was less than enthusiastic about watching the game.  Then where was Graham Bayne?

All in all the current situation gives no confidence of winning another game this season.  On this form we will be odds on candidates for relegation next season.       

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McGuire had some good games when he first arrived (OGs appart) but as of late he has been truly awful.  :020:

The fact that bamba was getting a game in front of him at the pars should have been a warning to us. :017:

Now that he has been signed permanently we need to find other ways to push him, as somebody else mentioned, his performances have dipped since he earned his contract. That means we need competition for places, something we just don't have in defense at the moment other than at right back.

Hastings hasn't been all that bad IMHO, sure he's not having his best season but can't think of too many defensive clangers on his part. His attacking game hasn't really hit the heights though. He doesn't seem to get up and down the wing with the energy he did before. Possibly one of the reasons we aren't scoring so many goals? (when our full backs used to go up all the time we scored more and conceded less - a case of attack being the best form of defense perhaps? :024:)

Imrie? Give him a chance. He's done quite well considering he has only just come into a new town / team / system / division. His first couple of performances were excellent. Give him time to settle in, don't spit the dummy! We had to be patient with Wyness, Robson, Rankin etc and it was worth it. He's a player who will do a job for us next season.

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Guest TinCanFan

He was here on trial in the pre-season, french guy. He was pretty big but his headers were quite poor but he was no better than Mcguire.

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