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While this season will not result in relegation for us I for one cannot wait until it's over.  I don't really want the football season to finish but I just can't stand watching our team lurch from losing another 3 points without any semblance of fight, desire, teamspirit, passion or sense of footballing ability to behind the scenes nonsensical power struggles and ego trips to shambolic situations such as the whole Chester City farce (whether this is our own doing or not is irrelevant, its just one more thing to add to a joke of a season).

Before anyone thinks this is just another fan greeting I should add that I do not expect ICT to finish in the top half of the SPL each season and I do regard staying in the SPL as priority and am grateful that we are still in the Scottish football's top league.  I also admire the board's ethos of not taking us down a route that will end up putting us in dire financial straits.


Whatever has/is going on at board level that is causing so much unrest, I urge all individual board members to step back a little and consider the club, where it is, where it has come from and what is in the clubs best interests, if this means individuals backing down or eating humble pie for the benefit of ICT then please be an adult have the courage and dignity to do so.

As for the management, well I was never in favour of Mr. Brewster being brought back to the club, this is not a personal matter whatsoever, I do not want to nor enjoy watching the ICT management team prove that they are simply not good enough for the job.  A good player and fitness coach Mr. Brewster may be but this does not make him a good manager, many good managers were not very good players, the two do not equate at all.  I also am led to believe (from numerous sources) that Mr. Brewster is a slightly arrogant individual with an unrequired ego.  I am aware that all managers have a different style but do not think that being arrogant towards players (or anyone you work with) is a good way to conduct yourself.  George Burley is an example of a manager who seems very humble and approachable yet has the unconditional respect of the players he is involved with.  I am also told that Mr. Brewster asked the players how they would feel if he was to bring back Mr. Thomson as his assistant and that the response from several players was more than negative yet these opinions were ignored and Mr. Thomson was, as we unfortunatly know, given the position.

As for the players ,well as usual, as a fan I am pretty happy overall with the vast majority who I think have tried hard to do thier best within a situation they are likely not overly happy with.  I do not want to see Dennis leave the club and think he has been treated appalingly by the management and club, if he leaves I wouldn't blame him but would urge him to stay and win that new contract as I do believe he will.  There are several playes who I feel are not good enough and should be thanked for thier services and then politely show the door, unfortunatly the management do not feel the same way about the same players, but I am a fan and as such my opinion is just that.  There are also a few players who I do think are good enough but who should be dropped for a little and made to regain thier places.  Then there are those who are nothing more than a negative influence and should be binned ASAP before the little team spirit we have left is totally eradicated.

Whether it is Hamilton or Dundee who go up next season both are highly likely to stay up.  No team who has gone up from the first division has immediately gone back down (bar of course Gretna which is, for want of a better term, a unique case), it is a teams second season in the top flight which will always be more difficult.  The current situation at our club concerns me greatly and I am very concerned about our top flight status for next season as if things carry on the way the have since the start of the year we WILL be relegated.

I haven't really commented on all the other threads discussing many of these matters and apologise that this thread makes for such depressing reading, I don't expect the majority of other supportes to agree with my post, nor do I care, I just wanted to get all my ICT concerns of my chest at once.

Finally may I say resisting the urge to litter this post with profanities took a lot of doing!

Thank you for reading!

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I don't expect the majority of other supportes to agree with my post, nor do I care, I just wanted to get all my ICT concerns of my chest at once.

I think you'll find the majority of the support will back you all the way with that post, KB...  :022:

Have you been working on it for long..?

Seriously... It wouldn't do any harm at all for that post to be printed out and a copy sent to each and every member of the ICT board....  :018:

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I don't expect the majority of other supportes to agree with my post, nor do I care, I just wanted to get all my ICT concerns of my chest at once.

I think you'll find the majority of the support will back you all the way with that post, KB...  :022:

Have you been working on it for long..?

Seriously... It wouldn't do any harm at all for that post to be printed out and a copy sent to each and every member of the ICT board....  :018:

absolutely, i agree JB

have to say i'm in agreement with kingbeastie's concerns/views of the season

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Actually St Mirren did go straight down again a few years back, and Hamilton themselves were overwhelming favourites the last time they came up - people were betting huge sums on them as if it was a safe investment (which turned out to be true).

However none of this makes it any better for us. I totally agree. I don't fancy another season of 'Thank God for Gretna' but with Hamilton in their place.

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Dont start the Prozac KB - initially the post should in itself be a cathartic, uplifting experience and your mood will undoubtedly be boosted by the support you are going to receive from fellow fans. In many ways I wish you had become depressed several months ago and penned your therapeutic diatribe in 2007 when it was clear that "something is/was wrong".

Anyway - dont go to yer GP if ya need any further treatment - give me a shout and I will provide supportive counselling whilst indulging in a Cheeky Beastie or two. But if the depression lingers and becomes a clinical phenomemon then I would advocate Venlafaxine or Mirtazapine.

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I would advocate Venlafaxine or Mirtazapine.

I'll take that ahead of glory hunting I suppose!

Have you been working on it for long..?

I've wanted to comment on many of the topics posted on here but they tend to degenerate into something along the lines of, "Get Brewster out..." followed by "Shut up, get behind your team..." etc. etc.

The Hearts game was the turning point for me but the Chester nonsense just sealed it.

I'm afraid I will not be at another game this season.

I am tempted to say I wont be at another game while Brewster is there but I know thats not true.

It wouldn't do any harm at all for that post to be printed out and a copy sent to each and every member of the ICT board

What's the point?

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It wouldn't do any harm at all for that post to be printed out and a copy sent to each and every member of the ICT board

What's the point?

The point is you've outlined the supporters' concerns very cogently with that post.

I have no idea how many board members check out this site, but I for one would be very happy if they were to collectively sit round a table and consider and discuss all of your comments... 

Unfortunately I accept that would be an extremely unlikely scenario....

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This forum is well read by people at all levels of the ICT infrastructure....no "inside knowledge" on that one, you just have to look at the number of times the site has been referenced and who has referenced it in the press during this season to realise that is the case.

I suspect Beastie won't be alone in not attending any more games this season and for many if it wasn't for the fact they were season ticket holders then I doubt they'd bother either.  Personally, I'll be there (when I can) but all I'm really looking for from the team is some entertainment and a bit of fight.....I want a reason to be able to cheer my team off the pitch, win or lose.

As for wishing for the end of the season....I agree to a certain extent, but I am a little more apprehensive as to what the summer/next season will bring and wonder if we really do want to wish that any closer than it is.

We've not been without our issues in the past, but I've always had a certain confidence that we had people at the club willing/able to get it sorted and allow us to move on.  I don't have that same confidence at the moment and I don't think a new Chairman is going to prove to be the answer unless his immediate task is to remove a few others....which I can't see happening when certain people have so many "mates" on the Board covering their @ss for them.

I've even lost faith in the Supporters Trust who constantly remain silent and seem more intent on organising wee jollies than rallying the fans to bring about necessary changes....we hear about these regular meetings they have with the club, but as yet we've seen very little if anything come out of them.  Can't see the point in paying them ?10 not to be listened too when I can rant on here and not be listened to for free.

I guess if I had to sum it all up then "disillusioned" would probably be how I feel about ICT and all things related at the moment.  I may be down, but I won't be counted out.  I just have to decide where I personally feel I want to go from here in terms of doing my bit.

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Agree with everything KB has said aswell.  :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

As for the club, ya can feck yer season ticket next year  :008: :008: :008: I would rather spend my money elsewhere and get enjoyment out of spending it rather than wishing i was elsewhere on a Saturday afternoon.

Theres only a certain amount of times people tolerate going to restaurants where ***** is co0ntinuously served up, and a football club is no different. its not just a backlash because we are playing crap, heaven help I've sat through ***** this season where I've really wanted to leave well before the end but have continued to back the team until the end including the 3-0 players couldn't be arsed farce game against Hearts, and the 5-1 drubbing by County many years ago now it seems, but with Brewster the fitness freak/ego monster's style of hoof it up the park to the lone man ready to be pounced on by 2 or 3 defenders (which is blatantly fecking obvious before the pass is even made!) and the last minute goals combined with the rest of the sh1te this season led me to walk out of the games against Falkirk and Aberdeen soon as that ball hit the back of the net when usually i would stay and sit through it.

I'll still support the club from home hoping we will win, be happy if we lose even aslong as we play some half decent stuff and it sounds as if the players are trying. sadly at this moment in time, i really don't have the faith or belief in Brewster to be able to motivate these players and with every minute he is at the club, every player loses more confidence because how the **** can they be expected to perform when the manager cant!.

Will be back at the stadium one day cheering on the team but until then the current regime can shove it! they think more of the prawn sandwich brigade than average fan anyway.

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Two words...Ross C*unty.

They were high flying at the top of div. 2 and they sacked **** Campbell on the basis that they were not playing entertaining enough football.  They brought in Derek Adams and started playing the football (and regained the team spirit) that the fans and everyone associated with the club wanted.

The same approach has to be employed here at ICT.  Brew has done his job (the same as Campbell did at R.C.) but it doesnt fit the brief and changes are due.  The board over the bridge took the bold step, its now our turn.  Whats the worst that can happen...another season in 11th or worse position??! it has to be worth the gamble as we are going nowhere fast right now lads.

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Fecks sake, we have ourselves a bad run of games so we are now tearing up the season tickets and promising not to come back... wake up and take a deep breath for gods sake.We have no right to expect ICT to be brilliant all season, we dont have the players capable of doing that.

What we expect to see a bit of spirit and fight which is what we saw against Aberdeen, unfortunatley for us Russell deemed to think that the game did not require his presence in the second half.

Lets face it the team is needing a bit a weeding, faces that dont perform cant be carried despite hero worship from the masses, new blood will be brought in for sure, i for one am totally behind the team.

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wake up and take a deep breath for gods sake.We have no right to expect ICT to be brilliant all season


I should add that I do not expect ICT to finish in the top half of the SPL each season and I do regard staying in the SPL as priority and am grateful that we are still in the Scottish football's top league...


many of the topics posted on here (but they) tend to degenerate into something along the lines of, "Get Brewster out..." followed by "Shut up, get behind your team..." etc. etc.
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It's not just "a bad run of games", if it were then most of the support would probably accept that and get on with it.  Unfortunately it goes much deeper than that: we have been playing like this for most of the season, the players look demoralised most of the time, the club seems ****-bent on cutting off its nose to spite it's face and there's been so much bad PR coming out of the club that Alistair Campbell himself would struggle to put a positive spin on things.  No wonder so many people, myself included, are so depressed by what we see.

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As far as I am concerned it has been a frustratingly roller coaster of a season - I have witnessed some well above average displays - when the defence were stabilised by Cowie, Rankin and Black at their best.


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