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We Should Have Kept Brewster


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Craziest thread title of the year? Probably.

However, the reality is, we have ended up in a worse predicament than we would have been in if we had kept our shoes on and the board had remained in denial.

There is the slimmest of chances Brewster would have kept us up. Personally I suspect he'd have had us relegated a few weeks ago, but we'll never actually know. He certainly couldn't have done worse than finish bottom.

The real difference is that had we stuck with him, we'd have had several hundred thousand pounds in the bank that we now don't have, having paid him and Malky off, brought in a very expensive management duo and provided them with the funds for all the additional big name players that arrived in late January.

And if relegation had seemed inevitable, the club would have been planning for next season long ago and scouting suitable Div 1 players for the last couple of months. Instead, I fear we may be very unprepared in that respect, because nobody really thought it would come to this.

Sacking Brewster was the right decision, which led to big improvements and gave us hope and belief. But at the end of the day and with hindsight, it turned out to be futile (simply because it happened too late, but that's another debate).

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Sacking brewster gave us the best possible chance of survival. it's a chance that saddly never paid off, however if the board hadn't of gave him the 'dunt' we'd all be here moaning why he's still in charge.

poor beggers can never win :lol:

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The sacking of Brewster and the Hiring of Butcher gave us hope, for before that we had none.

After seeing the team drop so low and knowing the players moral was so low, to have to watch game after game of

defeat would have made a lot of fans drift away, and probably never to came back.

At least we had a huge game on saturday to give us hope, which we would never have had if Brew was here.

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I dont think theres any point in looking back at asking what if this happend and so on. What happend on saturday has happend no ICT fan wanted this to happen but we have just got to move on and regroup and come back stronger next time

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The board can only be critisised for acting too late. Getting rid of Brewter, Irregardless of any pay off, was one of the smartest most cost effective decisions they made.

Fair enough we made signings late January - Pavels was Brewster, as was Morais and Gatheussi. Byrne came in under Brewster as well.

Butcher only brought in Kerr and Foran. But they were probably needed anyway. Byrne and Gatheussi were the wasted cash.

If the board hadnt paid Brewster and Malky off they would probably have lost as much, if not more in lost revenue on match days. For there can be absolutely no doubt the vast majority had lost all faith in Brewster - even the DoF's own son! And these same fans (or alot of them) would have stopped attending in protest. No gate money, no food revenue or programme monies. Merchandise sales would have plummeted as well.

Also if Brewster had remained in charge, and no doubt taken us down in March, who, concievably would now have enough faith in the board to renew or buy a season ticket?

Not I. That is a certainty.

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Brewster had lost the dressing room and the fans months before the turn of the year - Now if he was booted out and Robbo had come in ??

THE BOARD ARE CLEARLY AT FAULT - WHY CANT THEY JUST ADMIT IT - I have lost all confidence in them - It should NOT be forgotten.

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I wanted Robbo for the job, but no way would i change Terry now. I underestimated in how quick a change he would make to the team. After that Sunday game with celtic, i had full confidence we could stay up. We just should have nailed it the last couple of games, gave all our effort instead of knowing there was something to fall back on in the final day of the season. Didnt work out.

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I think the board made the right decison but probably too late. Worth a gamble but sadly didn't come off. If Craig was still our manager I think there would have been nobody there on saturday or for weeks before that.

totally agree brewster is a nice guy, but we should have got rid of him sooner if we did i think we would still be in the spl i hate brewster

Edited by themann4thejob
less personal abuse please
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no more bringin back old managers, you never get back with your ex gf, it's kinda like before but not really and it's not as good as it was last time and blah blah blah.....NOMORE BREWSTER, give butcher a chance to pick his own team and shape it the way he and morris miner see fit!!!

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