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Support - sup·port (suh-pawrt)–verb (used with object)


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sup·port   –verb (used with object)

1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.  

2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.  

3. to undergo or endure, esp. with patience or submission; tolerate.  

4. to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal.  


5. the act or an instance of supporting.  

6. the state of being supported.  

7. something that serves as a foundation, prop, brace, or stay.  

8. a person or thing that gives aid or assistance.  

Support is what ICT need tonight if they are to take anything positive from this match. The last thing that's needed is for crowd to be on their backs.

From some of the posts on here it sounds like the team will be coming out to a round of boos and jeers before the game has even started with some of these personal vendettas against Charlie Christie being voiciferously aired.

The team are already going top be up against the highland branch of the sons of william who will undoubtedly be in well lubricated voice, giving an even greater need for some decent backing from the home support. If that's not possible then I sincerely hope that the negativity from here isn't reflected in the ground tonight. I'd rather just have the sweetie rustling and save the doom and gloom for on here. In fact, you can vent your spleen against me on this thread and get it out of your systems before this evening........

only not too hard - the alternative definition is :


9. (of hosiery) made with elasticized fibers so as to fit snugly on the legs, thereby aiding circulation, relieving fatigue, etc.   :015:

Even the Stones are behind Charlie.....


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I'm with you Beach, I am fed up with the knockers as well.

Tough game tonight, and we will be up against it, but so far, all games against the Rangers have been settled by just one goal. I am sure the guys will do their best, lets just hope it is good enough.

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Think we need a song other then "Charlie charlie gies a wave".  Something like

"We love you Charlie

And if it's quite allright we'll keep you Charlie

Whether we're first or ninth we need you Charlie

Charlie Christie we trust you"


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Think we need a song other then "Charlie charlie gies a wave".  Something like

"We love you Charlie

And if it's quite allright we'll keep you Charlie

Whether we're first or ninth we need you Charlie

Charlie Christie we trust you"


no offence m8 but that's pish  :015:

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Pele is the most succesful manager we've had to date and you struggled to tell if he was even awake at times, let alone anything else - I fail to see where the attitude that a manager jumping about like some kind of looney makes them more succesful comes from.

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Pele is the most succesful manager we've had to date and you struggled to tell if he was even awake at times, let alone anything else - I fail to see where the attitude that a manager jumping about like some kind of looney makes them more succesful comes from.

Yer right CaleyD  -  Since arriving at Norwich, Peter Grant jumps about like his pants are full o' midgies and the results are going from bad to worse!

The locals thought it was a breath of fresh air when he first arrived coz Worthington used to sit there like he was in a coma. Now when he throws a fit on the touchline (which is for about 85 minutes of the game) the players just seem to ignore him as it's the norm now and the local support start screaming at him to sit down and shutup!

Great entertainment though, at least you feel yer getting summat for your money  :014:

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A great performance capped by a win tonight should get things rolling again with the home crowd.  After all we are not expected to win so there is nothing better to get the players motivated than being the underdogs.  Indeed, three points from each of the next three games might help the whinging to cease for a while at least. 

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