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£17 for a Kid!


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That's the North Stand concession prices for the Celtic game. :008: :008: :008:

Well, feck that. For only the second time in two years I'll be missing a home game because I'm not paying £39 for myself and my kid to watch a game of football.

And if the club have the cheek to come out with one of those 'oh, the people of Inverness never come out to support their team' statements they can go feck themselves. How on earth are they trying to encourage people to support their team with these prices? I predict a couple of thousand home fans and 5000 Celtic fans.

So instead of ICT getting £40 it'll be the local pub getting it.

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I think its been mentioned a silly amount of times already but here goes....


So i'd expect Celtic had some kind of say too.

Lets face it, it'll be a sell out anyroad. As usual there will be Celtic fans in the home end, and the stewards will do nothing about it.

As long as we win i couldn't care less.

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This is one game they are most definitely not going to reduce their prices for and as you say Celtic would have to agree to a reduction and why would they as it will sell out anyway.  Stay away ICT fans will only make more seats available to away fans.

I do agree that it's far too expensive particularly for a family.  We have season tickets in the main stand, but this game will cost us £98.  But if I don't buy my seat I'm sure someone else will.  As season ticket holders I think we sometimes forget how much it actually costs to go to a game.

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I spend more paying per game in the north stand than a season ticket in the main stand costs but thats my own stupidity really  :014:

Season ticket holders should realise the money they save probably more than covers them for the cup games anyway

Season ticket for me next year  :016:

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I know both clubs have to agree on the price, but this stinks of ICT saying 'What's that?? £17 the cheapest?? Aye, no bother.....you'll fill the ground on yer own anyway'.

Why are there no family section concessions?

Even if both clubs have to agree on the prices, ICT don't have to agree with what's proposed. If anything, surely being the home team gives you more power in these decisions?

No doubt the ground will be full.....with Celtic fans.

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Why all the fuss. Yes it's pretty steep, but it is not a shock to anyone surely.

Why cut off your nose to spite your face. Forty pounds to the pub or forty pounds to keep the Celtic fans out of your seats. If thats the attitude then nobody should be on here complaining about low crowds. It's part and parcel I'm afraid, paying for a better quality product.  As I said already, it's no cheap, but thats the price to pay for our new status.

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If it was the price to pay for our new status then why aren't the prices the same as they were for the Urd game? The only reason the prices are so high is because of the opposition this time.

If the board don't give a feck who's sitting in my seats, then why should I? As I said, the board know this game would sell out even if they gave the whole ticket allocation to Celtic, so why should they bother worrying about local interest.

Sorry, but if this club wants to encourage fans, and promote itself as a family club to the local community, then charging a family £78(the cheapest 2 adult, 2 children prices) isn't the way to do it.

The club has absolutely no right to complain about the failure of local people coming along and supporting their team when they do nothing to encourage them along.

And no, I won't go spend £40 in the pub, I was just making a point.

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As a pay-at-the-gater who doesn't have to take any kids along I wasn't too familiar with season ticket prices so I just checked and it is indeed some mark up and it has changed my tune a bit - £17 for a kid for one game against £60 for a season ticket in the family section!

Hard to justify .

Definately something for the supporters trust to pursue.

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As a pay-at-the-gater who doesn't have to take any kids along I wasn't too familiar with season ticket prices so I just checked and it is indeed some mark up and it has changed my tune a bit - £17 for a kid for one game against £60 for a season ticket in the family section!

Hard to justify .

Definately something for the supporters trust to pursue.

The Trust meet with the FC Board on a monthly basis and it's on the agenda time and time again...

for some reason the club aren't keen to reduce prices at the gate.

however - they are supposed to be a bit quicker off the mark this year with season ticket prices and have much more advertising about the cost of them and the ways you can pay...

cold comfort for this game I know..

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So if you redeuce gate prices how do you finance the club? For normal games youd have to be pretty sure that the extra people you took in would balance what you lost by redeuceing the prices. And for games like Celtic well your going to fill the ground anyway so to redeuce prices would gaurantee a loss of income. Can ICT aford to do this?

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It is a disproportionate hike by any measure though.

As I say, I'm not personally affected, and I don't grudge the price I pay for my tickets at the gate (well no more than I grudge paying for anything, being a miserable tight git) but I'd have thought there would be some discount for season ticket holders, the kids at least.

I suppose you could argue that the reasonable price for the season tickets makes up for charging full whack for cup games. I really am a bit naiive with these things though, which probably explains why the directors are all wealthy whilst I remain poor.

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supply and demand.... get over it

if you aren't going to pay it someone else will.... it is true, the further north you go, the tighter the pockets


We are playing Celtic in the quarterfinals of the Scottish Cup, if we win I'd pay £100!!!  :014:

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Hairy .. you are missing the point. This is small club mentality in the feckin absolute GREED sense.

They are playing on past conquests. They are ripping off families who are the future.

Its on feckin Sky - No need to up the prices.

They are opening up our stands to OF filth supporters. They are used to the feckin prices.

I am going and I will be posting on here again and again that if there is a feckin Cellic supporter in our midst we feckin holler and holler and get the cnuts ejected.

This is another example of the diabolic PR that this club hides behind.

WHO IS GOOD AT PETITIONS - Online here _ I AM FECKIN SERIOUS.  :008: :008:

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This is a big event in the clubs history, I would question the board if they didn't look for a decent return.  You said it yourself, we are a small club and the only way we can try an compete at the moment is by looking to make as much money as possible... it's simple business!  When we are in a position to start discounting tickets then I'm sure the club will do...

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Sky money fer fecks sake - we aint badly broke - are we looking at defeat ?? - Hairy - This puts people off - We are being greedy - We are ripping our good supporters off. This was the best ever PR opportunity in a long time. 2 tickets at lowered prices to ICT season ticket holders and Supporter club members - and a clear WARNING that Cellic colours or complaints will mean automatic ejection. The dump will be teeming in OF filth.

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This is a big event in the clubs history, I would question the board if they didn't look for a decent return.  You said it yourself, we are a small club and the only way we can try an compete at the moment is by looking to make as much money as possible... it's simple business!  When we are in a position to start discounting tickets then I'm sure the club will do...

Why is it any bigger than when we sold out against them in the league? The importance of the game is, but the crowd numbers will still be the same. And any sell out at normal prices would provide the club with a decent return. Combined with the TV revenue.....

This is our club fleecing it's fans for as much money as they can, safe in the knowledge that the game will sell out anyway. And if people like me can't afford it....tough, there'll be another two Celtic fans along in a minute, who're used to paying these prices anyway.

Why have they taken away the family section for this game? Ok, there wasn't one for the Utd but at least they had the nerve to charge a lot less for kids then(£10).

Kids make up a large portion of our crowds, they're our future supporters. Prices like these do nothing to encourage them along.

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This is a big event in the clubs history, I would question the board if they didn't look for a decent return.  You said it yourself, we are a small club and the only way we can try an compete at the moment is by looking to make as much money as possible... it's simple business!  When we are in a position to start discounting tickets then I'm sure the club will do...

Why is it any bigger than when we sold out against them in the league? The importance of the game is, but the crowd numbers will still be the same. And any sell out at normal prices would provide the club with a decent return. Combined with the TV revenue.....

This is our club fleecing it's fans for as much money as they can, safe in the knowledge that the game will sell out anyway. And if people like me can't afford it....tough, there'll be another two Celtic fans along in a minute, who're used to paying these prices anyway.

Why have they taken away the family section for this game? Ok, there wasn't one for the Utd but at least they had the nerve to charge a lot less for kids then(£10).

Kids make up a large portion of our crowds, they're our future supporters. Prices like these do nothing to encourage them along.

These are the normal prices for a game against the of in the league. Although no family section or discount for buying in advance here

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Whilst I agree that the club could and perhaps should have done something on prices, I would just like to clarify a couple of things that have been said in this thread.

It is a disproportionate hike by any measure though.

Its not a hike - its the standard price for an 'A' rated game : TICKET PRICES

Why are there no family section concessions?

As mentioned elsewhere in the thread, the family section doesnt exist for cup games. I am not sure why, nor do I necessarily think that it is a good idea, but its not just this cup game where it has been unavailable.

I know both clubs have to agree on the price, but this stinks of ICT saying 'What's that?? £17 the cheapest?? Aye, no bother.....you'll fill the ground on yer own anyway'.

The initial ticket price is not set by the club. For SPL clubs, it is set at the same level as your normal home games (which for most clubs means a premium ticket price Vs the OF). The clubs can get together and negotiate a lower rate but lets be honest ... thats not going to happen against the OF !!! PR blunder ? possibly .... fiscal prudence ? definitely.

As I said at the top of this reply, I would have liked to see the club make more of a gesture to fans by having a deeper discount for concessions and some availability for family tickets - the cost of which would be more than offset by even a portion of the SKY money - but the rest of the ticket prices cant really be argued with.

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Yes the prices are expensive but if a company had a product they know will be in demand and that they can sell out for then of course they will hike the price.

That said when the demand wanes then normally the company will drop prices in an effort to raise interest in whatever it is it is selling. Sadly this part is not true of ICT.

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This is a disgrace for a game which should guarantee a full house, bring TV revenue and commercial opportunities.

I believe we should all make our views known individually to the Chief Executive.


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