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ICT v Raith Rovers 21 November (with 300 fans)


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1 hour ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

Not sure if you folks are actually checking the email headers.  It's not the time displayed in your inbox - it's part of the actual email but you don't normally see it, and as such it won't change from 1613 or 1616 to "yesterday".

Not worth wasting more time on!


I was in the e-mail header to get the 1613 time.  My reference to 1616 and yesterday was what the e-mail listing was showing In my in box yesterday and now today. So, yes, I know 1613 is the time they sent it and the SPFL cannot deny that or try a smokescreen.

That said, I agree with your final sentence about not discussing further how e-mails are laid out, but will share any response I get to the e-mail I sent them last night, as we have a right to know what went wrong, how it happened and what has been done to avoid a repeat for us or any other club.

I copied the club in on it and really hope they are following it up strongly with the SPFL for us all. 

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21 minutes ago, Robert said:

I was in the e-mail header to get the 1613 time.  My reference to 1616 and yesterday was what the e-mail listing was showing In my in box yesterday and now today. So, yes, I know 1613 is the time they sent it and the SPFL cannot deny that or try a smokescreen.

That said, I agree with your final sentence about not discussing further how e-mails are laid out, but will share any response I get to the e-mail I sent them last night, as we have a right to know what went wrong, how it happened and what has been done to avoid a repeat for us or any other club.

I copied the club in on it and really hope they are following it up strongly with the SPFL for us all. 

And maybe communicate with us their customers as to what happened and how to prevent in future. 

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38 minutes ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

I meant that it wasn't worth wasting more time on trying to establish exactly when the email was sent out.

The fact that so many of you were locked out requires an explanation, and an apology if it was due to some deliberate act.

Yes. A bit of honesty and openness by both club and SPFL wouldnt go amiss...

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I have had a reply at 1341 from Luca Rossi, copied time Keith Haggart. As he seems to take an interest, in case anyone needs it, his e-mail is LucaRossi@spfl.co.uk.

His reply read:

Hi Robert

Hope you are well.

I an aware of the ‘genetic error’ message that seemed to appear for a large number of fans yesterday. I am currently working with our technology partner, StreamAMG, to get to the bottom of what happened. It is extremely frustrating as despite testing going well throughout the week the issue only became apparent slightly before kick off.

This is completely unacceptable and I apologise unreservedly for the exasperation caused yesterday. I appreciate this doesn’t solve the matter, but rest assured we are working with partners to get to the bottom of the issue and improve the product going forward based on feedback received.

On your point re the AI ball tracking technology failing, this was of course a big issue via another partner involved (Pixellot) and we have rectified it by having a camera operator employed for each match.

Myself / the club will be back in touch within the next few days to alert fans of the steps taken to make amends for yesterday’s events following a full de-brief with the stakeholders involved. The fans you mentioned who have paid PPV on top of their season ticket will of course be reimbursed.

Thanks, enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


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6 hours ago, bughtmaster said:

tut tut Scotty, dont they have Scotch in Toronto.   😄

I keep that for special occasions 🙂 We flew back to Canada from Aberdeen on our last visit and had to make a few stops in Speyside on the way to our hotel in Dyce the day before. The Winter Storm and another bottle we picked up havent been opened yet. Got a nice Highland Park waiting to be cracked open too. Glendalough was nice ... also partial to Canadian Forty Creek ... but a wee peedie of Highland Park is the best 🙂

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On 11/21/2020 at 3:32 PM, izzy said:

This is so bad maybe we should all ask for a refund ,then they may get their act together. ....Why can every other club manage to get it right . I’m so fed up and I’m not alone . Get a grip ICT and get this sorted if you want to keep your fans . 

Poor management and consistently choosing the cheapest and easiest possible options. 

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21 hours ago, tm4tj said:

Comfortable win ultimately but despite squandering a few great opportunities we were never really troubled by Raith. Our defence was superb today with Devine and Brad Mckay on top. Harper was wayward with balls from defence but we never got punished for it and he got better as the game went on. Allardice is the find of the season, great engine and an eye for goal. Keatings showed his class at times and Miles Storey had a day of less bloopers. He really should have scored when he skimmed the top of the bar. His first effort which was also missed by our own twitter feed was a spectacular shot from 25 yards which crashed back off the bar. MacGregor sliced badly with the goal at his mercy but put in a great shift. Shane was maybe the quieter of our front men today. The wee man with the wee legs was again outstanding. He has the ability to beat any defender he wants. Tremendous close skill. A tanner ball player in olde money. Although we led 1-0 at half time, in terms of possession and ascendancy, we were not out of sight despite hitting the bar twice. Out of the blocks early at the start of the second should have seen us coasting but missed chances and good saves kept it close.

Overall, we were worth the three points and good to see Welsh back on as a sub.

The experience was just that. Bloody freezing and steamy glasses. However, it worked although I'm not sure I will be going down to my seat over an hour before kick-off.

As for the streaming. Someone needs there arse kicked for this, probably at the SPFL by the sounds of it.

North Stand looked to be about 50-60

South Stand maybe 120ish.

Maybe the club will release some figures but looks like the main standers stayed away in droves staying at home to watch the stream instead. Hell mend them.:laugh:

My daughter counted 67 in the North Stand, looked about 130 in the South to me. When we do the ballot, the email (or phone call to the technophobes) saying that you have been successful should have a link that you have to click by a certain time to confirm (and one to decline), say Thursday at midnight to confirm your attendance and will you will receive an email with the tickets.

If you don't confirm by that time or decline them the club can offer it to someone else. Probably too much hassle for ICT to bother doing it but would maximise attendance. 

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We most definately need to enquire those who set the fan allocation if we can get an increase in capacity. Watching the highlight reel, it seems it was only the seating sections of E, R, and N in the South Stand that were occupied (couldn't see the North Stand), and there was literally acres that could fit at least a couple hundred more in while still being safely spread out.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Waddington said:

We most definately need to enquire those who set the fan allocation if we can get an increase in capacity. Watching the highlight reel, it seems it was only the seating sections of E, R, and N in the South Stand that were occupied (couldn't see the North Stand), and there was literally acres that could fit at least a couple hundred more in while still being safely spread out.

Think the 300 allowed was dictated by SPFL and Govt. 

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1 hour ago, Fraz said:

My daughter counted 67 in the North Stand, looked about 130 in the South to me. When we do the ballot, the email (or phone call to the technophobes) saying that you have been successful should have a link that you have to click by a certain time to confirm (and one to decline), say Thursday at midnight to confirm your attendance and will you will receive an email with the tickets.

If you don't confirm by that time or decline them the club can offer it to someone else. Probably too much hassle for ICT to bother doing it but would maximise attendance. 

It's a good idea Fraz but if someone gets a ticket and does not notify the club if they are unable to attend they are selfish and have no consideration for fellow supporters! 

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1 minute ago, IBM said:

It's a good idea Fraz but if someone gets a ticket and does not notify the club if they are unable to attend they are selfish and have no consideration for fellow supporters! 

That was my first thought but I wonder if some in junk mail unread or were allocated to older fans who havent checked their email? A reply system would help or why not ask ST holders to apply for that game and ballot them? At least club know they all want to and are able to attend. 


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5 hours ago, Scotty said:

I keep that for special occasions 🙂 We flew back to Canada from Aberdeen on our last visit and had to make a few stops in Speyside on the way to our hotel in Dyce the day before. The Winter Storm and another bottle we picked up havent been opened yet. Got a nice Highland Park waiting to be cracked open too. Glendalough was nice ... also partial to Canadian Forty Creek ... but a wee peedie of Highland Park is the best 🙂

Highland Park great choice, Scapa must be tried too, but for a special treat for me it must be Clynelish.

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Our attacking play looks really terrific. Keatings, Storey and Sutherland look like they can swap positions at will, while Kennedy is clearly a player. Its certainly more pleasing on the eye than playing with a more static target man.


Also looks like the midfield didn't miss a beat, even with Welsh not fit to start. McGregor clearly did a good job in a deeper role, while we need to sign up Allardice on a long-term deal pronto.


There's still weaknesses that will be exploited by better teams, but there's some very promising signs here.

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Quality highlights from Caley Jags TV of the impressive performance on Saturday.

In light of the latest issues with SPFL etc live stream I decided to reply to the email sent out by Luca Rossi at 15.55 on Saturday. Below is the correspondence. 


Sending this at 15.55 on the match day was a bit late to say the least. Fortunately for me I was at the match in person, otherwise I would have been sending angry emails like the other season ticket holders shut out of the system.

When I have managed to watch other games I have been hugely disappointed with the live stream on offer from the SPFL. This is extremely poor value for the money I have spent on a season ticket, a matter that I would be justified in complaining to my local Council’s Trading Standards service about. I will therefore continue to lobby Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC to adapt its own Caley Jags TV system, which will be the only way to halt the flood of complaints.

Yours etc


I received the following response a short while ago: -

Hi Alan

It was sent at half time as it was set up as a last resort as the other troubleshooting methods weren’t working throughout the first half.

The key issue in the first few games was the poor ball tracking technology, we have rectified this by employing a camera operator at the ground. Everything was set up to work well on Saturday but unfortunately an unforeseen technical issue arose with the streaming platform slightly before kick-off. I have been working with the technology partner, StreamAMG, since Saturday to get to the bottom of the issue and run testing etc and it looks like we are almost there with ensuring this won’t happen again. We will be introducing a number of new steps this week which will make the process a lot smoother going forward if the club choose to stay with the platform.



In reply to this I said that as the system has been flawed from the outset our club must share some of the blame for signing up to this (so much for the testing). It also lacks features that some other streaming platforms offer such as zoomed images and replays.

Our next home game is on 12 December, which gives almost three weeks to sort it out. If it fails again I wouldn't be surprised if a number of season ticket holders demand full refunds from the club (although not really an avenue we want to pursue given the precarious financial situation). It would also be bad publicity all round.

I have also copied this correspondence to the club's generic email address.  

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41 minutes ago, Row S said:

If it fails again I wouldn't be surprised if a number of season ticket holders demand full refunds from the club (although not really an avenue we want to pursue given the precarious financial situation).

I must be honest I am starting to sway towards asking for something back from the club. I was content to let the club have the remaining £80 or so value from last seasons ticket book however I am starting to grudge the fact that, as a ST holder, I am paying 50% more per game than a PPV fan. Whilst it's not the clubs fault that the COVID situation is going on longer than expected (we all hoped to be back in grounds by now!) as things stand I am worse off being a ST holder than a PATG supporter which is disappointing.

People have mentioned before about feeling more and more like a customer than being valued as a supporter of the club and I'm definitely heading that way as well. 

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54 minutes ago, Row S said:

Quality highlights from Caley Jags TV of the impressive performance on Saturday.

I will just leave this one here for a second ..... and come back to it. 



I received the following response a short while ago: -

Hi Alan

It was sent at half time as it was set up as a last resort as the other troubleshooting methods weren’t working throughout the first half.

The key issue in the first few games was the poor ball tracking technology, we have rectified this by employing a camera operator at the ground. Everything was set up to work well on Saturday but unfortunately an unforeseen technical issue arose with the streaming platform slightly before kick-off. I have been working with the technology partner, StreamAMG, since Saturday to get to the bottom of the issue and run testing etc and it looks like we are almost there with ensuring this won’t happen again. We will be introducing a number of new steps this week which will make the process a lot smoother going forward if the club choose to stay with the platform.



In reply to this I said that as the system has been flawed from the outset our club must share some of the blame for signing up to this (so much for the testing). It also lacks features that some other streaming platforms offer such as zoomed images and replays.


So based on the response from Luca ... there was an issue with poor tracking initially and now an issue (albeit unforeseen) with the streaming technology but now that they have done some testing that they are "almost there". I am sorry but testing and QA come before production use of any product - or should, and we have repeatedly been told our club were slow off the mark because of extensive testing. So which is it? 


I agree with your assessment that the system has been flawed from the outset and quite frankly I am not sure why the club persevere with this obviously flawed product, or why they installed it in the first place - at what cost? - when they already had a viable solution in place from our last time in the Premiership.  It is telling that the highlights seem to come from the other side of the pitch where CaleyJags TV is filming the action and not getting caught out by baldy heads, streaming issues, or the next issue that will crop up soon which will be the low sun setting in the west in winter time .... Once again we seem to have spent money we dont have for something we dont need because we already have a solution in place.   



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