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Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.

No... You're completely wrong Gorgeous one...

I've already mentioned that on this thread in a reply to a comment from Hielandee.

Would you want to become a mod?

In no way shape or form its a mine field, I work in IT Admin, why would I.

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There's a complaints and suggestions board that was what I was alluding to (or at least there was one).

Aye I know what you mean. Basically that's where any reported threads are posted / linked to. The Mods will look into into by discussing on their own wee forum (hidden from the general plebs) and the result posted up i.e. member banned, warned, thread deleted, locked etc. You never see the discussion (though some threads so descend into one between posters and one or two Mods) just the original complaint and the decision that has been made.

In no way shape or form its a mine field, I work in IT Admin, why would I.

The average salary for a CTO Moderator is ?35,000 a year. Senior Moderators earn ?50,000 and Site Admin take home ?70,000. Not bad really.

Edited by RiG
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The average salary for a CTO Moderator is ?35,000 a year. Senior Moderators earn ?50,000 and Site Admin take home ?70,000. Not bad really.

What I like most about CTO is the one pound you pay for every post. Although I did hear you were only paying 50p and 25p for some of the poorer quality posts. Can't imagine what it must feel like to get nowt...

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So RIG, can I just clarify something. You think us "non-mods" are plebs do you?

I'm clearly talking about P & B but if you want to make it out like I was talking about non mods on here so you have have a big rant go for it.

Even if I wasn't referring to P & B do you not think, especially given my earlier post on Moderator salaries, that it was dripping in irony? Maybe there is a decrease in humour amongst the posters on this site after all.


Bring on the new season.

Edited by RiG
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Quote from Scotty on another thread. (now closed)

sorry. the topic of forum bans is not up for discussion or a decision by site members. The moderators will periodically review sanctions against a poster and make a decision based on our site rules.

This is a general point...

Shouldn't site members have a say in the appointment of moderators?

Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.

Aye, go for it. All you need is a green jacket, an italian scooter, and some Morrisey records. Then off you go to Brighton pier to burst some rockers.

Edited by dead_ball_specialist
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Aye, go for it. All you need is a green jacket, an italian scooter, and some Morrisey records. Then off you go to Brighton pier to burst some rockers.

Has to be the hi-tech Vespa though


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First of, for those who want younger mods, we have at least two that I know of. RiG and Andrew Fraser are both still under 25 I think. But if there are youngsters out there who feel aggrieved by anything on the site then feel free to pm me and I will assess and, if need be, argue their point.

I got asked to do this and thought it would be fun. I dont know Scotty. I met him for a brief hello last season but thats it. I've gotten to know Caleyd over the last three or four years just as I've gotten to know a lot of the posters on this site. I know some, but not all of the mods, again only through being a fan of this club.

I have children (well they are grownups now) and grandchildren and what makes this site, for me, is that, generally, I would have no problem allowing my seven year old grand-daughter to browse those forums. There are too many fans forums out there that are populated by smutty teenagers with no broad outlook of life but more a blinkered and biggoted opinion of their own team and theirs and only their opinion counts.

This site provides a family atmosphere. It also provides, generally, honest and sensible comment and arguement from the vast majority of posters. A small minority dont see things that way and like to go against things just for the sake of it. Some are very free to dish out abuse towards others but if that abuse is then turned on them they complain. Some are younger persons who think they know it all. We were all in that boat once upon a time. And some just dont like rules and will do all they can to try and upset things.

Moderating is not easy, especially if it involves someone I may know away from this site, but to keep the stability and vision of the site it has to be done and to those who dont want to see that and who are unhappy about the rules and they way they are upheld all I can say is close your account and go elsewhere.

Edited by Alex MacLeod
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There's a complaints and suggestions board that was what I was alluding to (or at least there was one).

Aye I know what you mean. Basically that's where any reported threads are posted / linked to. The Mods will look into into by discussing on their own wee forum (hidden from the general plebs) and the result posted up i.e. member banned, warned, thread deleted, locked etc. You never see the discussion (though some threads so descend into one between posters and one or two Mods) just the original complaint and the decision that has been made.

When someone makes a complaint on here using the "REPORT" button, the text of their complaint is automatically sent to "reported posts" area visible only to the moderators. We then discuss it and make a decision on it. We perform the same process manually when we are sent a complaint via PM.

If it is something basic like offensive language, one of the mods will just edit it and no further communication is usually required. If it is a complaint about a certain comment or about something being dragged off topic we may post a comment in the original thread to steer things back on track or nip a developing situation like a "flame war" in the bud.

However, if it is a more serious complaint or something to do with a site rule breach and we need to speak with the complainer or the poster being complained about we will do that via PM as we feel that is in the best interests of all concerned. There is nothing to be gained from having these discussions visible to those not involved in it and by using PMs we can usually have more of a frank discussion with the people involved than we could if it was on a public forum.

Its taken a few years of tweaking to get the system and the forum the way it is now and although we are open to new ideas, changing the complaint system to a public process is not one we would consider.

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