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It has been a while since I have posted but enough is enough! I was very happy to see we had sign Billy back on loan and was really hoping for an impact tonight. Losing 3-0 to Hamilton is a disgrace. The players need to take a long hard look at themselves because we are staring relegation in the face. Something needs to change and NOW!!!! 

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I didn't know Billy was back until just before kick off. That gave me hope, and once he and Anier are match fit, I hope things improve.

The penalty save sounded pivotal and we did not recover from it.

I just hope the senior players now lead by example. Tonight was bad, but Dundee should be a game we can win. If we can get a break, there is hope. I just hope we didn't "break the break" with that penalty.

I am going on Saturday and hope the fans stand united behind the players and Manager. They can't afford to lose our support.


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Saturday was the most frustrated I have been at a game in years possibly ever . Apart from tremarco who has shown total commitment all season the rest of the team need to take a long hard look at themselves. Our tactics were poor again however that in no way excuses the complete lack of effort of tansey, Polworth, draper etc. They didn't commit to tackles track back or look remotely interested. Mistakes are forgivable lack of commitment is not and I don't buy the virus stuff and if it was true why on earth play then. Makes no sense. Tansey has a very short memory .

It sounds like more of the same tonight and doing nothing is not an option. Feel really sorry for Richie but we won't get out of this with hit and hope football and someone needs to support/advice on tactics. Why on earth play four four two with the same hopeless midfield as Saturday when he had to change it after 25 mins on Saturday? 

That said if he has lost the dressing room the players and ringleaders need properly dealt with as trying to get your manager sacked by not performing is unforgivable!



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Utterly clueless from start to finish.

Second to every ball, clearly little confidence, passing virtually non-existent (90% of the time resorted to the long hoof upfield hoping something might happen).

Hamilton kept the ball on the ground, with crisp passing and broke quickly and were a couple of levels above us.

Can't see how we will get 3 points on Saturday, unless Dundee field their under 16 team (even then I wouldn't hold my breath).

Richie stood on the touchline for the whole of the match (almost always alone) with arms folded and the odd clap : seemed to be bereft of ideas.

Overall totally depressing.

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im glad most of you didn't have to endure that shambles tonight, i wish i had stayed in and watched big brother!

There are no voices on the pitch now, no one wants to stand up and take responsibility anymore!

Yes blame Foran and i agree his tactic are woeful at times but the players need to have a meeting amongst themselves and sort out how they can get some spirit back into their games.


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Because I can't be arsed typing it out again, lazy cut and paste of my post on P&B in response to a still-pessimistic Accies supporter who suggested that we would probably 'have the guts' to get rid of Foran before it's too late:

I'm not sure the board will have the guts. They gave him a four-year contract - presumably the cheap option, although it was sold as building for the future - so it would cost them a fair bit to pay him off. The decision they face now is whether it's worth getting shot and hoping we can get someone in who can keep the club up, or accepting that we're going down and starting to budget for a season in the Championship. There's absolutely no way we're staying up under Foran though - the central midfield partnership that won the Scottish Cup and got us to a clear third two seasons ago looked scared of the ball tonight, and he had two more central midfielders allegedly playing wide. We've looked clueless tactically for months now, and if he's lost the dressing room, as it appears, then it's game over. I genuinely can't remember witnessing a worse ICT performance, and that includes a game when we were 5-0 down to Airdrie at half time, when Steve Paterson had presumably had the players in the casino until 7am the night before.

Just to add: I'm not sure whether we do have the right balance of players to stay up even under a more experienced manager, but I do know that most of the players on show tonight are capable of playing with far more guile and far more passion than they showed tonight. Also, while Foran slating the players tonight post-match was understandable, I don't think it's likely to produce the positive reaction that we badly need, especially as his tactics have been so clearly at fault too. Don't ask me who a suitable replacement would be, though, because I don't have a clue. 

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A disgraceful performance from ICT. Easily the worst I've seen from us in recent seasons.

When push came to shove Accies wanted it more and stepped up whilst we shat the bed. The relentless hoofball to Mckay was painful to watch. Foran had no clue what to do.

The line up was bizarre. Four central midfielders, no pace, no width and just generally no clue.

Mckay seemed to be claiming he was pushed or something for the opener. Good near post header from a corner. Warren at fault for the second as he misjudged the ball and was out of position. Good cross and finish for the Accies second. The third came from us being piss weak in midfield like we were most of the night. Accies could and should have scored more.

It was embarrassing watching us tonight. Just completely and utterly pathetic. Not one good thing can be taken from that game tonight from an ICT point of view.

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I'm bereft of thought now because I have not been able to attend the past games so will be wise to keep mostly quiet since I'm not in a position to judge.  But, instead, here's the viewpoint of some BBC wallah:  http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/38727201

Rather than tanking the players Richie might be better to try to shame them by SHOWING them : i.e play himself in the next game and boss them in public. That may have some shaming effect or even an upifting effect  i.e IF he is fit enough now to put out the energy. And If the players respond he should scream praise at them for every decent move they make. If it's a bad move then suck it up and say little on the park. The time for moaning and groaning and blame has passed IMHO and the only way it appears that he will be able to collect the sheep back into the fold is to show them he is with them all the way but expects them to support HIM also by way of effort .If they sulk and refuse to do this then they really are a sad bunch. I think that he would  gain a lot of support for his unique position by doing this  .........?



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Rather than being stabbed in the back, Richie seems to be doing his best to stab himself in the front. Our resident psychologist might have a view on whether he is consciously or subconsciously looking for a way out via the sack. His head sounds like a mess, these post match interviews are absolutely toe-curling to listen to, and have been since his spaced out performance after the county game. So I can only guess at the torture he is going through, and whether he would be glad to be released from it. But trying to shuffle the blame on to the players is the last resort when you are the manager, and you can surmise how they will react to that when they hear it. He is making the board's decision for them. It is very hard to see how he can stay like this, especially if the players have given up on him.

Whatever your view of Butcher and Hughes style and tactics, you at least knew what they were, the players certainly did, and they stamped their authority on the team. It is very difficult to see how Richie can do anything like that, just when we need someone to organise the scattergun signings into a unit and motivate the squad.

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I feel Richie puts his heart and soul into the job, loves the area and wants to see his kids grow up here.

I well imagine a central belt Manager on a temporary assignment "up north" until something better comes along will be a lot more dead pan when it comes to interviews and more detached.

Heres hoping we turn a corner very soon, the players get over this bug that's doing the rounds and other players get more game time under their belts.

The football has been great to watch but it's points on the board that are required.

Let's see what the Dundee game brings.



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It appears to me that Richie is trying too hard to win! The games against Dundee away and Rangers away were great performances, but without the 'composure' or 'luck' in front of goal.  In his desperation to pick up a win, he has abondonned what was working! All that was required was a shoring-up of defence plus a bit of a cool head at the other end.

it now appears that tactics, morale, composure and effort have all been thrown out the window-hoof it up the park for whoevers up there. Essentially the team that held on to the ball too long, now won't keep the ball at feet at all. Depressing stuff. Glad I didn't do myself out of wages for that! 

and if the players have lost heart and confidence in their manager, they need to remember who they play for! They need to play for the shirt! For the club! For the fans! For the little kids that cry when we lose! They need to remember who 'pays their wages' 

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I would have no problem keeping Richie in the current position we find ourselves in if we were dominating games, Getting hit on the counter etc but we are playing the worst football i think i have ever seen us play. I from memory actually believe we are a good bit worse now than when Brewster was sacked. There is just nothing absolutely nothing that i can see positive in the way were are playing now. Sorry Richie great loyal servant to the club but this morning you should without a doubt walk from your position as manager.   Give the club a chance to survive in the SPL where it belongs  

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Mckay and Anier up front? Check.
Comprehensively outplayed by Hamilton? Check.
Manager says players lack bottle? Check.
Relegated at the end of the season? TBC.

Seems all too familiar to Dundee United under Paatelainen last season.



Edited by RiG
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Following in the fine tradition of RiG, Mary, Chris, etc, I also will cut and paste from P&B:

My first game since County at Hogmanay and even since then the drop in belief was stark. Apart from maybe big Drapes, nobody willing to fight for the jersey. Wee Billy must wonder what sort of club he's come back to. Players hiding all over the park scared to take any risk or show or make an angle for a teammate. Typical hoofball pattern from a team in desperation at the bottom. In any case Accies just hoovered up the high balls of which we didn't win one all night. Even Imrie was winning headers at one point. 

I've been a supporter of Richie up till now but I can't see how even starting again in the championship he can build a team with a decent system and gameplan. I wonder whether it's worth the risk or whether we would just be the next St Mirren.

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What depressing reading all this makes. There is barely a positive word, but then there is not a lot to be positive about.  What there is to be positive about is that we do have a good squad of players (and great to get Billy Mckay back) but the big negatives are that they are almost all under-performing and our tactics are wrong. The question is - why?  Lets look at a few issues regarding management and players.

Whilst there have been issues up front, our problem this year has been shipping goals at the back.  We have had options up front but precious few at the back.  Yet in the transfer window we bring in 3 strikers but just one teenage defender.  We remain very short of cover at the back. Strange.

We have been increasingly reliant on the long punt despite the lack of a decent target man or having someone to play off him.  Time after time the long punt up the park is easily mopped up by the opposition defence and our response is to do it more and more. Is this the manager's tactics (and if so, why?) or are players doing it as the easy option because nobody else is making themselves available?

Meanwhile in Cole, Doran, King and Mulraney we have creative, pacey players who are capable of causing chaos in defences and the more we need their kind of influence on the park, the less they are played.  Only recently Foran had been talking of Cole's qualities and the club seemed really anxious to extend his loan.  He has been one of our best players in recent games and yet yesterday he was dropped to the bench!  Why, when Foran pledged himself to "attack, attack,attack" is he not using his most creative players more?

It is a basic truth that you should play to your strengths but it must be pretty obvious to everyone that we are patently failing to do that.  That failing has to be down to management.

But the players are not exempt from criticism.  Richie said after last night's game that too many players seemed not to want the ball.  That echoes what I said after the Partick game in that players just don't seem to be making the movement to either get into space to receive the ball or to make runs to disrupt the defence and make space for others.  Performances have lacked urgency for a while and whilst you could say it is the manager's job to motivate players, I would say that players should not need anybody else to motivate them to give 100% every time they step onto the pitch.  There are exceptions from this criticism, of course, and Carl Tremarco is the stand out here - player of the season by a country mile so far.

When Graeme Shinnie left and Hughes was asked about how this would affect the captaincy and leadership on the park, he replied that he wasn't worried about that because he had leaders all over the park.  One thought of players like Draper, Tansey and, of course, Gary Warren who actually took over the captaincy,  It is the performance of these players which causes most concern.  We need real leadership from Warren in particular both on and off the park,  Has he got the confidence of his team mates?  What is his relationship with Foran?  What role do the players themselves have in influencing game plans?

There are clearly some issues behind the scenes and the Chairman really needs to knock a few heads together, get to the bottom of where the problem lies and sort it out.  After Richie picked up a Manager of the Month award things have gone steadily downhill and I think we are now probably at a tipping point.  Get the tactics right, play to our strengths and enthuse the players with the approach and we can turn this round.  Carry on as we are and this time next year we will be involved in another relegation battle - in the Championship.

Over to you, Kenny.



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10 hours ago, The Long Man said:

Rather than being stabbed in the back, Richie seems to be doing his best to stab himself in the front. Our resident psychologist might have a view on whether he is consciously or subconsciously looking for a way out via the sack. His head sounds like a mess, these post match interviews are absolutely toe-curling to listen to, and have been since his spaced out performance after the county game. So I can only guess at the torture he is going through, and whether he would be glad to be released from it. But trying to shuffle the blame on to the players is the last resort when you are the manager, and you can surmise how they will react to that when they hear it. He is making the board's decision for them. It is very hard to see how he can stay like this, especially if the players have given up on him.

Whatever your view of Butcher and Hughes style and tactics, you at least knew what they were, the players certainly did, and they stamped their authority on the team. It is very difficult to see how Richie can do anything like that, just when we need someone to organise the scattergun signings into a unit and motivate the squad.

There are at least 10 reasons why it’s a bad idea for a manager and employee to call themselves friends, including:

1. It will create a perception of favoritism. Even if you think you’re being 100% fair and un-biased, you’ll always be subject to being second guessed.

2. You may not even realize it, but other employees are probably letting your “friends” get away with more, thinking that you’re going to protect them or side with them.

3. If you allow yourself to get emotionally attached to one employee – for whatever reason – but not another, those emotions will consciously or unconsciously influence decisions around raises, layoffs, assignments, promotions, etc….

4. If you see an employee as a “friend”, you’ll have expectations of that employee that are unrealistic or inappropriate for an employee. “Well gee, a friend would never do that, or should do that, or should tell me everything, etc…”

5. On the other hand, your friend employee may have expectations of you that are unrealistic or unprofessional, such as sharing confidential information, or always giving them advance notice, or doing special little “friendly” favors for them.

6. As a manager, part of your job is to judge your employees, to give constructive feedback, and sometimes to discipline them, even fire them. Does this sound like something a friend would do to another friend?

7. Although this threat never seems to scare managers, yes, it’s true – you and company could get sued. You are exposing yourself and your company to the risk of discrimination lawsuits. Don’t think it never happens… it does. That’s why HR people are so crazy about the issue – they are trying to protect your backside.

8. ALL employees need to complain about their bosses now and then, even the best managers. You’re kidding yourself if you think you’re immune from this. However, if you see your employees as friends, you’re more likely to take it personally.

9. Friends let their hair down outside of work and sometimes do silly things with each other. Managers are supposed to set examples and be role models. So, as a “manager-friend”, you’re either going to be a boring uptight, friend, or an unprofessional, immature manager. You pick. And oh by the way, your own manager may not appreciate those pictures of you and the gang all over employee Facebook pages.

Can you socialize with your employees? Or go out for a drink? Sure, but just make it a habit to stick to one drink and be the first to leave (to give them time to complain about you), or at least not the last to leave.

10. Some employees may find your attempts to be friends as personally intrusive, or inappropriate. They might even find your “advances” to be creating a hostile work environment, and again, exposing yourself and your company to that old lawsuit thing.

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If Foran knows which players are bottling it / hiding why do they keep playing? I know we don't have a massive squad but surely some of the under performers could have been benched in recent weeks?

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The central core of the team have not  been performing for months OFW, Warren, Tansey, Vigurs, Draper and to a lesser extent big Lons.

These guys have been under no pressure for there places regardless on how they perform week in week out.

I honestly thought the break and transfer window would have been good for us, bring in another midfield player to break up the play maybe another defender to put some pressure on Warren and co but no we bring in 3 centre forwards adding to the 2 we already have wtf is that about.  

Also going through the season with only 1 fit keeper who is not very good anyway is unforgiveable. If Esson is not fit to play then we should have looked  to bring in a replacement at the expense of another centre forward. 


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Given RFs comments post match, the team selection for the Dundee game will be very interesting, Realistically, the only changes can be made on midfield/up front as no scope for changes in defence where, arguably, most change is needed.

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Vigurs, Tansey, polworth, OFW...all been given enough chances. Don't care who comes in for them, but they need to stay at home, or come stand in the North Stand and watch what we have to watch! If we hadn't put the best ones out on loan, I'd say give yoof a chance, are these guys being sent out to toughen up in the Highland league for a few weeks to be recalled and chucked in at the deep end?

warren hasn't been good enough either...does Richie really drop his captain...how would that go with his grasp of the dressing room...

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