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Sorry to disagree Dave.  The home Office Regulations apply to ALL clubs and it would seem reasonable to ask the question why some larger clubs appear to have had work permits approved in circumstances similar to Marius.

Any examples of this?

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Sorry to disagree Dave.  The home Office Regulations apply to ALL clubs and it would seem reasonable to ask the question why some larger clubs appear to have had work permits approved in circumstances similar to Marius.

Any examples of this?

Arsenal have signed Brazilian born Eduardo da Silva who has Croatian Nationality. He has made 12 appearances for Croatia but I'm not sure if he hits 75%.

Chelsea are signing Alex (brazilian defender) who has played 8 of the last 14 Brazilian matches  (57%).


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Sorry to disagree Dave.  The home Office Regulations apply to ALL clubs and it would seem reasonable to ask the question why some larger clubs appear to have had work permits approved in circumstances similar to Marius.

Any examples of this?

Arsenal have signed Brazilian born Eduardo da Silva who has Croatian Nationality. He has made 12 appearances for Croatia but I'm not sure if he hits 75%.

Chelsea are signing Alex (brazilian defender) who has played 8 of the last 14 Brazilian matches  (57%).


Funnily enough that was just the two I was hoping you would bring up.

Eduardo da Silva, just like Marius Niculae, had his initial application for a work permit turned down because he did not meet the 75% rule. 

The Alex example is the best one however.  Alex, just like Marius Niculae, had his initial application for a work permit turned down because he did not meet the 75% rule.  It has taken 3 YEARS for him to become eligible for a work permit.

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Guest TinCanFan

It seems quite unfair when ICT have all these problems with Niculae when Boston United have just signed a prisoner!

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Guest olfgit

Probably more effective if you made a banner...

'   Large brown evelope required for home office bureauocrats '

Speaking as a former Immigration Officer, I consider that last snide remark well out of order!

However there is hope... 

IF Marius fails in his appeal there is always the Treaty of Rome to rely on.  It is not commonly known that members of accession states like Romania are still free to come to the UK during the run-up period to set up their OWN business so Marius could well qualify for that if things go pear shaped...

Fancy being a window-cleaner Marius?

There are always several ways to skin a cat after all...

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Guest Arab4Ever

and apparently alex and edwuardo were denied permits for the same reason as niculae but both got them after the appeal. the petitions do **** all by the way

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Guest olfgit

and apparently alex and edwuardo were denied permits for the same reason as niculae but both got them after the appeal. the petitions do **** all by the way

Very true. 

But the club and supporters can always appeal to the Home Secretary for a decision OUTSIDE the Rules fi they feel that ICT will suffer undue hardship by this decision.

That IS within the scope of the Rules. :023:

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Signed the petition as I believe that the reason to deny to be unjust. There's a lot of imported duffers in Scotland who have permits but will never play for their first team. Not pointing fingers but they can be located in a pink bus shelter!

Niculae has the class to contribute to the improvement of his chosen club, basically the sort of import we want to see in the SPL. If his chosen destination was on the banks of the Clyde then he'd be playing tomorrow!  :001:

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Guest samuelbarros

Out of interest, does 75% rule apply no matter which nationality?

So you could get some muppet from San Marino who's played 100% of his country's games for the past 2 years and he's straight in, no questions asked?

But some highly talented player from Brazil who just happens to not be quite as exceptional as Ronaldinho, so can't make the national first team, has to go to appeal at the very least?

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It seems quite unfair when ICT have all these problems with Niculae when Boston United have just signed a prisoner!

And Oldham have also signed a prisoner (Lee Hughes - found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving and leaving the scene of the crime) and he's being released early than his original sentence.  :018:

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Nice idea.  It could say something like "We support Niculae" or words to that affect. 

Why do we at ICT have to be so polite - what ever happened to the tribalism that Football used to exude - what about a chant "You can stick yer red tape up yer erse" or " Romanov, get yer (fake) permits oot fer the boys" or " IF I had the wings of a sparrow, if i hand the arse of a cow , I'd shi*e on the home office below.............."          

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So you could get some muppet from San Marino who's played 100% of his country's games for the past 2 years and he's straight in, no questions asked?

Your nation has to have an average FIFA rank above 70 over the previous three seasons. For example, they will take all the rankings over the previous 3 years and if the average means that the side is ranked above 70 then the 75% rule applies. Not entirely sure what happens if the association is ranked below 70

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Nice idea.  It could say something like "We support Niculae" or words to that affect. 

Why do we at ICT have to be so polite - what ever happened to the tribalism that Football used to exude - what about a chant "You can stick yer red tape up yer erse" or " Romanov, get yer (fake) permits oot fer the boys" or " IF I had the wings of a sparrow, if i hand the arse of a cow , I'd shi*e on the home office below.............."          

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