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Unusual Food


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What's the most unusual or exotic foodstuff you've tried and did you enjoy it ?

I've tried goat, horse and snake and found them all to be quite pleasant.

On the other hand I was once trated to an extremely expensive truffle dish which I had to confess to my host was utterly wasted on me.

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Escargot   Ugh!

Frogs legs    Just like chicken, except they kick all the peas off the plate!

Alligator tails   Again, like chicken

Bear    Quite strong tasting if I remember correctly.

Horse  By mistake when my French let me down.  I ordered Faux (pony) thinking I was ordering Veaux (veal)!  

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Has anyone here ever had a ***** in their mouth?

Me neither, but I ask because Beijing has a famous ***** emporium, where the members of various types of animal are served up for each course, in a variety of sauces and spices. Paul Merton tried them out on his recent series touring China.

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Has anyone here ever had a ***** in their mouth?

I hope that line doesnt come up on google when searching some of them porn sites  :rotflmao: could have some very strange slags and sluts become new members in the next week :015: :015:

Oh and yeah think i've tried horse and also like 'Caley Mad in Berks' in previous post had the misfortune of fecking up a translation in ordering it  :crazy07:

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The most brave I have been foodwise was tryin Hog. I could never bring myself to eat say a pigeon, yet al eat chicken and duck etc :017:

At the end of the day....is there anything worse ingredient wise than our very own Haggis?

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Jellied Eels - an acquired taste would be my description.

Pigeon - in a restaurant in Inverness !!! - tastes a little 'gamey'

Reindeer - in a restaurant in Stockholm - again, a little gamey.

Had lots of obscure Chinese food in the last 2 or 3 years - not sure what half of it is, but it has all tasted good .... only balked at the "1000 year old eggs" and the "chicken feet"

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I was ok with Chicken Feet until I was told what they were and would love to try the 1000 year old Egg deal.

I've had Pigeon on a few occasions, the first time being at a scout camp where you just took the pigeon and caked it in clay - no need to remove feathers, guts or the like - and throw it on an open fire and leave it while you go off and do something more interesting instead.  When you crack the clay open, all the feathers etc have stuck to it and come clean away and the guts have all shriveled up into a small ball and can just be discarded.

Slightly off at a tangent, I have a weird psychological thing that goes on with tomatoes.  I love the taste but can only eat them if they are sliced - trying to eat chunks of tomato just causes me to gag!!!

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I wont even begin on the things that were put in sandwiches and eaten at RAF rugby club doo's on a family site such as this one!  :crazy07:

For some reason that reminds me of an episode of Blackadder goes Forth - The one with Sgt. Baldrick's cappuccino coffee....!!

:crazy07: :crazy07:

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I once asked for a Black Cappuccino in the wee cafe in Aviemore - the lass toddled of in blissful ignorance, then all I heard was an eruption of laughter from the kitchen.

It was cruel, but funny and I did leave her a decent tip to ease the embarrassment.

Back to unusual foods, being a lover of fondue I've tried things like Shark, Alligator, Rattlesnake, Ostrich, Frogs Legs, Buffalo, Venison, Wild Boar, Ostrich and countless types of fish I ain't ever heard of before or since and can't recall the names.  I've also had Sushi and Sashimi a few times and wouldn't claim to know what I was eating then either.  Was in a really expensive restaurant in London a few years back (the type with no prices on the menu) and had Sashimi but declined the Fugu option...any fish that goes to the trouble of filling it's system with deadly poisons is sending out a clear message that it does not want to be on your dinner plate and we should respect that  :015:

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Blimey, don't get me started.

Deep fried scorpions: wonderful; fried larvae; locusts; you'll need to ask Naelifts about the silkworm on a stick, it was just a tad overdone looking for my taste; horse was ok; sea slugs were gag inducing (have a large glass of beer very close by) but actually I quite like them now; fish head for the VIP (dammit!); braised turtle of course (couldn't help thinking of the Blue Peter tortoise as I ripped the shell off!).

Bugs, slugs, beetles, dogs, cats...you name it, they'll cook it. I sometimes wonder if the Chinese serve up some of this stuff just as a joke for the foreigner.

The only thing I still cannot touch is a conch-like shell creature. You dig around with your chopsticks to get a purchase on the poor tennis ball sized beast and then it squelches out trailing various green muccus. Apparently it tastes of chicken but I never got that far!   

Pig's ear; spicy chickens' feet; both good...the 1000 year old eggs are outstanding! Freaky colour but taste great!

Now, if you think the above is bad, how many of you have had a sausage in UK recently? I think the assorted anus, nostril and toe clippings that constitute the content of your average sausage is infinitely less edible than anything you'll find in China.

(FAO British Sausage Federation: For legal purposes we should make it clear that this website does not endorse the above malicious slur on the great british sausage. We understand they are nutritious, non-fattening and contain only the most prime of meat ingredients. If you would like to send us any samples please contact admin@caleythistleonline.com)   

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Brilliant topic of conversation.

My ex is Thai so munched on quite a few furry little animals and some not so furry including escargot, frogs legs, ostrich, horse, pigeon, reindeer, jellied eels, rabbit, squirrel and finally sheep?s bollocks.

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