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This Has To Be A Joke !

Canada Bob

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I'm glad I don't have their nerve in my tooth, sigh...

Even Sinn Fein are taking the proverbial !!!

How the Hell could Parliament allow these expenses !

Does no one look at the books, or is it that they just don't care, long as they've all got their heads in the trough...

Edited by Canada Bob
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Guest birdog


You are starting to make this website very depressing with your continuing threads about the world!!

Be grateful for what you've got!!

No need to be like that, if you do not wish to increase your knowledge of current affairs and read a broad spectrum of opinions on the matter whilst trying to impart a little of your knowledge on others then feel free to refrain from opening the threads in this section and go create a masterpiece in another section. It might just alleviate the boredom which these discussions seems to impose upon your good self.

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Roscoe, when you find these threads so depressing and boring when they highlight the most ridiculous financial idiosyncrasies, boondoggles and extravaganzas the bankrupt U.K. has ever seen, why on earth do you even bother to come on here? You contribute nothing but negativity don't you know?

If you spent half as much time, as Canada Bob does on thoroughly researching the information he provides here , on trying to provide us punters with your interesting views on world events of ANY description your fine mind would be more usefully employed and we would no doubt be agog with interest and better informed about the exciting events that titillate our drab, boring, negative and unproductive lives which we just know you can greatly improve..........possibly? :rotflmao:

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