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An ancient Scots Law (that has never been repealed) allows anyone wielding a shinty bat to use it to " propel a projectile from The Isle of Skye to the Scottish Mainland in order to extinguish the life of his sworn enemy".

The only existing record of this event occurring was near Kylerhea. A champion of the Clan MacDonald hit a ball (with a gale-force following wind) that travelled well over 400 yards to the mainland and hit a leading member of the Clan MacRae on the left temple, killing him instantly.

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In return for seats in a private box at Ibrox whenever he is in Glasgow George Lucas allowed a large group of Rangers fans to play the parts of Stormtroopers in The Empire Strikes Back.

When he found out that Celtic fans around the globe were planning to boycott the film in protest he promised them roles in the next film in an attempt to boost box office takings.

He kept his word and so around 75% of the Ewoks you see in The Return of the Jedi are actually the children of the staff & players from Celtic Park circa 1982.

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After the last Jacobite Rebellion was defeated in 1746 the government of the time outlawed many of the traditional Highland tools (including the original shinty bats). This meant that 'English Willow' cricket bats were used as replacement ball propellers by many teams (especially those on the west coast) until August 1846 when Lord John Russell (the Prime Minister) on the behest of Queen Victoria managed to get the law repealed.

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Not many people realise Walt Disney's real surname was actually Grayson. When he was 22 he lost a drunken game of craps to a rich immigrant from Skye. The loser had to change their name to one that the winner chose. His opponent (Willie George McLardy) thought he'd teach the young upstart a lesson & using a corruption of the gaelic for dice (dis ne) Walter Elias Grayson became Walt Disney and never gambled again.

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The character 'Uncle Albert' from Only Fools & Horses was named after Prince Albert. Since the death of actor Buster Merryfield documents have been unearthed which confirm that he was actually the great-great grandson of Queen Victoria. When writer John Sullivan was told of the relationship at auditions (by Merryfield himself) he instantly cast him in the role & also changed the name of the character from 'Uncle Roger'.

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Bruce Forsyth has recently admitted in an interview with Marie Claire magazine that he wears a toupee. He went on to say that he has 5 different ones of varying lengths & they are actually made from the hair of 3 of Marie Antoinette's wigs (which he bought in an auction of French Revolution memorabilia at Christies in 1978).

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The first time sampling was used in a modern music recording was in 1968. According to Phil Spector (in a biography that was shelved by CBS after he was prosecuted in a homicide case) he was responsible for this innovation. The laughter you hear during the Tom Jones track Delilah is actually from Sid James in the film Carry On Don't Lose Your Head. Spector said it was his favourite film of the time & he suggested incorporating it to producer Gordon Mills.

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The oldest Shinty bats in the world were recently unearthed on a building site in southern Montana. This confirms theories that a Native American Indian tribe originally invented the game (which later evolved into lacrosse).

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