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Matchday Thread: ICT -V- Aberdeen


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Full marks to the police, stewards and the club for letting our singing section stand throughout the game. It's the only way we will get some atmosphere in to the stadium again. The previous heavy-handed approach was a PR disaster for the club which antagonised many fans. Good to see common sense prevail. May it continue.

It's actually a bit of common sense from both sides. The Club, the Supporters Trust and some of the lads from that area sat down together at a meeting and worked through how they could improve the situation that existed previously. A little bit of give and take by all parties and what we witnessed today is the outcome, and long may it continue.

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Your not famous any more !!! :twothumbsup:

Richie Foran makes County look 5hite !! :notlistening:

Can a bit more thought be put in to this, its more of a compliment for County than Foran

I do like the Foran song but I think they need to change the song because we all no county are sh*te and don't need to be compared to a player to make it true.

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Wonderful day yesterday. I was glad Butcher started with the same personnel that finished against St Mirren - bit of a surprise to see Foran in central mid, but he was as solid and committed as ever and Ross had another good game playing wide left. Aberdeen started very positively, but fairly quickly ICT took control and remained in control for most of the rest of the match, apart from ten minutes at the start of the second half. I'd need to see it again, but at the time I didn't see anything wrong with the Aberdeen goal that was chalked off. Thank God, it was, though, as losing a goal that early might have shattered the players' confidence and seen them repeat the Hamilton performance. As it was, we were the more creative side by miles and looked full of belief despite the recent poor home form. Incredibly hard to choose a man of the match because pretty much every player did his job very well.

I thought the day had come to an end when I left Caley Stan in the Market at 8 o' clock and stoated down to the station, but I bumped into Stirling Observer, ictbob and Mr and Mrs Dewsbury Dude on the train, with a bunch of central belt sheep and a solitary teenage hun. Cue three more hours of booze, slagging, singing and spew.

It's a bit of a shame the international break comes next week when we're on a roll, but on the basis of the last two weeks, we shouldn't need to fear relegation and can start to think about trying to better our previous best SPL finish.

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A comfortable win in the end. Aberdeen were punchless and Ifil is definitely a 70's porn star, he's not a footballer, that's for sure. The goals will never win goal of the season awards, but hey ho. Jonny was fortunate that his cross caught the keeper in no mans land and Rooney managed to squeeze the ball home from route one play, but they all count. They should have scored more mind you as Jonny tormented the Don's rearguard and got bumped for it.

Special mention for Graeme Shinnie. To play in this game, in front of a fair sized crowd and come out of it with credit shows that he has what is needed in the game. He is quick, tackles well and grew in confidence as the game wore on.

No failures, Russell Duncan once again showed why we need him in the team, he has loads of passion and put in a great shift. Rooney just does not know when to give up, great effort from him.

Aberdeen, well, they were simply rubbish, poorest Aberdeen team I can recall, but that's their problem.

So, onwards and upwards is the theme for now, long may it continue.

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Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. It sounds as if the game yesterday was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. At least there was no last minute monkey business by Aberdire this time. Until Rooney scored I thought that one of the sheep would throw a monkey wrench into the works. But now I dont give a monkeys as we have got a real monkey off our backs. As fer Hartley acting like a coach - well Monkey see Monkey do - if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. At least he wasnt wearing a monkey suit like Danny Lennon. I think I will now sit down and watch the Alba rerun as its Brass Monkey weather outside. Sorry for monkeying around but WE SHEGGED THE SHEEP.

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I think the possibility of a top six placing may be coming more of a reality I know it's early days but with what I saw yesterday then then I think we could possibility!

Well maybe no a top six place but just off it and clear of relegation.

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I think the possibility of a top six placing may be coming more of a reality I know it's early days but with what I saw yesterday then then I think we could possibility!

Well maybe no a top six place but just off it and clear of relegation.

If I understood your post correctly, I think you have covered just about every possible outcome, apart from winning the SPL.

There is nothing wrong with pigeon English..........if you are a pigeon, and English.

A long way to go yet.

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Great result, but Aberdeen were dire.

Didnt really notice that Diamond was offside, and didnt think anyone in our team was even claiming it, but delighted the linesman saw something worth disallowing it. We rode our luck with that and Hayes goal though.

Rooney's wee dink over the keeper seemed to take an age to cross the line, but was a huge relief when it went in. Dont think there was any malice in Tokely's challenge, just clumsy and mis-timed. Hopefully the boy isn't too badly hurt.

Some good performances yesterday from Hayes, Rooney and Foran. Its brilliant to have him back in the squad, giving us another dimension in attack really. Thought Munro was brilliant yesterday too, he's looking far more composed and solid this season than he ever has done IMO and swept up nearly everything that came his way.

Good to see the stewards and polis not being jobsworths yesterday aswell, despite standing up the top of the stairs throughout the 90 mins. Made someone take down a flag, as it was blocking an advertising board which is fair game, but other than that there was no problems and made it more enjoyable and a much easier day for them and also ourselves trying to create a bit of atmosphere.

As for Aberdire.. They're not famous anymore!!

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There aren't words to describe just how good that felt.

We weren't spectacular and we didn't have to be, but everyone did exactly what they needed to - including a bouncing Section G. Richie looks very unfit and i still don't think Johnny is quite there yet - just imagine how good we'll be when it all comes together. I was thinking about moving to England until last week but i really don't want to leave this team.

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There aren't words to describe just how good that felt.

We weren't spectacular and we didn't have to be, but everyone did exactly what they needed to - including a bouncing Section G. Richie looks very unfit and i still don't think Johnny is quite there yet - just imagine how good we'll be when it all comes together. I was thinking about moving to England until last week but i really don't want to leave this team.

This is correct. Foran is still not back to where he was, though Hayes fitness is improving. He kept going for the full 90 yesterday. Also a note for Rosco, as he seemed to have most of the flyballs covered.

I too wil put my hand up and say that I didn't think the red was deserved, whilst it is not like Hayes to fake. I never saw a stamp and I was fairly close, looked like a tangle to me. Having said that, we would still have won, had they kept the 11. Rosco on the other hand probly desereved a red, just when Mr. Biro had said he had outgrown that kind of thing. I wonder will he be a marked man for the sheep as well as the Smirrens?

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Having watched the game again, I thought the red card for Paton was very harsh. There was a tangle of legs and his studs caught Hayes in the stomach. No malice there. I don't think Aberdeen can appeal however as it was deemed violent conduct.

Tokely won the ball from Megginson but then caught him in the ankle. Looked like it could be the ligaments.

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Aberdeens forum is a real sad room just now.

Few complaining about Considine playing at left back. I know a certain left back that we released in the summer that could do a job at SPL level :tongueincheek:

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We terrorise the Dons defense all afternoon but the BBC on-line highlights suggest that it was all chances for them??

The commentator seems to be carrying a grudge that Rosscoe stayed on the park for a mistimed attempt to get to the ball when Paton was red carded for attempting to stamp on Hayes??

Good to see the usual well balanced, impartial content from the BBC :slapme:

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We terrorise the Dons defense all afternoon but the BBC on-line highlights suggest that it was all chances for them??

The commentator seems to be carrying a grudge that Rosscoe stayed on the park for a mistimed attempt to get to the ball when Paton was red carded for attempting to stamp on Hayes??

Good to see the usual well balanced, impartial content from the BBC :slapme:

Just about to post the same thing. The highlights make it appear as though we were under the cosh most of the game.

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Having seen the highlights now, I think Tokely was lucky to stay on the pitch after that. He went in with studs showing and took the boy out, right under the refs nose. Whether or not there was malice in Paton's challenege I dont know, but he seemed to flick his boot back in towards Hayes after, when he could easily have just kept going. Another ref might have kept Paton on and Tokely off, but c'est la vie, I'm not complaining.

Oh and Jonny meant that. :biggrin:

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Watched the red card incident again and I think he deserved to go. As Hayes lies on the ground you clearly see Paton dig his foot into the stomach of Hayes. A stupid thing to do and a definite red card.

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Watched the red card incident again and I think he deserved to go. As Hayes lies on the ground you clearly see Paton dig his foot into the stomach of Hayes. A stupid thing to do and a definite red card.

I agree that it was a sending off and don't know why they are saying it's no.

Rossco was going for the ball so I don't think anyone could say that he should have been red carded.

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Looks like Paton may have been guilty of a wee bit of rucking on Hayes but it's certainly not clear cut and one of those instances where a Ref has a split second decision to make and it went for us.

No idea what match/highlights those who claim Rossco had studs up were watching!!! Could have been a red on the basis of a clumsy tackle from behind, but no worse than some of the treatment Hayes got that went unpunished in any way shape or form for most of the game.

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Having watched the highlights from the various angles on offer I think Paton did deliberately try and hurt Hayes by pushing his studs into the lads midrif. Whether it deserved a red or just a yellow I'm not sure. Tokely went in from behind and got the ball. No studs showing and feet low to the ground. The tackle, although resulting in injury, was no more than clumsy and deserving of a yellow. Tokely probably shouldn't have even made the tackle cos the lad was going knowhere anyway, but he did and he got another card to add to his tally.

At the end of the day refs have to make decisions based on what they interpret at the time and probably as many decisions go in favour of a team as go against. They have not the hindsight of replays so, like it or not, the decision should be accepted.

I could list a number of instances where ICT have been at the recieving end of a wrong decision just as I could list a few occassions when an Aberdeen player should have walked. McGhee is one of those in the game who seems to think refs have a vendetta against his teams. He was the same at 'Well.

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