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Scotty ~ A Personal Statement


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Hi Friends and fellow ICT fans. 

I am still emotionally processing what I am about to share with you from medical tests I have recently undergone ... but in the last two weeks I have received confirmation that I am suffering from Prostate Cancer. Yesterday I got results from a second round of tests that showed (luckily) the cancer seems to be isolated to the prostate and has not spread to my bones or other organs. Over the next few weeks I will meet with various specialists to discuss the proposed course of action.
Over the years, I have lost a sister and an uncle to cancer. I have seen family, friends and colleagues battle with it and come through the other side, and I have also seen the physical and emotional toll it takes on those supporting a loved one as they go through it. I am incredibly lucky to have a very supportive and loving wife who will be my rock as we go through this (as I will try to be hers too).
Although I have shared this news with my immediate family, I have agonized over how and when to tell extended family, friends, colleagues and others since my diagnosis, but now that I have let my closest friends know I have decided to put this news out there now.  This is not a cry for sympathy or pity - I don’t need those. It is because I truly value my family, friends and colleagues and want you to know at least a little bit of what’s going on in my life and why I may have both light and dark days in my immediate future. I apologise in advance if you catch me on one of those bad days where I might seem disinterested, distant, disengaged or snarky. I have a mountain to climb but I am confident I have the support and love I need from my wife and son and from family and friends to do so and to remain (mostly) positive in this fight. Your ongoing support is appreciated and welcomed and if you can do only one thing for me, I ask that you treat me as you always have, as your friend, relative or colleague and not as some fragile or breakable item that must be treated with kid gloves. Being treated normally will go a long way to keeping me positive.
One motivator in revealing this information is to try and raise awareness of the need to get tested – even if you are not ‘old’ ! If my message generates conversations about Prostate Cancer or inspires even one of my friends or relatives to go and get checked then that will be a great feeling. I know I will get the support I need and I am more than happy to pay that forward and talk to people about what I have gone through already .. and what may come in future. Talk to you soon. Take Care
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As I mentioned above, I lost a sister to cancer a few years ago. At the time she was 22 years old. When she passed, I tried to do something to “give back” to the community of professionals and volunteers who combined to help her through her diagnosis, treatment and care. I ended up organizing several charity events and raised a decent sum which we donated to local charities in Inverness. I know I will receive a lot of care and support from health care professionals here in Canada, not all of it funded by our tax dollars, so that got me wondering how I could “give back” on this occasion too. 

That is when I saw an ad on a cancer related webpage for Movember! I know what it is, and have donated before, but have never taken part. As unfortunate as it is, the timing just seems right for me to participate in ‘Movember’ this year to raise awareness of the need to get tested – even if you are not ‘old’ - and to raise funds to fight this hellish disease or to support those providing resources to patients and their families. My initial aim is to try and raise CDN $1000 from my ‘Movember’ page and I would ask anyone who is interested in helping me to reach that target to go to my page at https://mobro.co/highlanderict to donate if you can.  (or click the movember graphic in my signature). 

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The love and support of all on here and the wider ICTFC family will be here for you in abundance. We all wish you well on the road ahead to a full recovery. Cyber hugs are sent to you and the family.

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  • Scotty changed the title to Scotty ~ A Personal Statement

I'm so very sorry to hear this news Scotty.  As you know we have first hand experience of this particular cancer and within the last 12 months I've lost my Mum and Uncle to different forms of Cancer. 

You are right to be positive as it is a very treatable type of cancer as long as you get checked and catch it before it spreads.  Unfortunately Dave was in denial and refused to go to the GP (quite a problem with men in general) and once diagnosed it has spread significantly.  I can't emphasise strongly enough that you must get checked.  Your health service in Canada is amazing and I'm sure you will receive the best treatment going.

Thoughts with you and your family but I know you can beat this xx

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As weird as it sounds I have been fortunate so far ! The diagnosis was hard to take and then within a few days I was at the hospital laying inside a couple of big machines getting first a full body bonescan and then multiple CT scans of every bit of my torso. Both of these tests came back clear on Tuesday and I was literally punching the air. A long way to go but that is a good starting point. I will take as many small victories as I can at this point ! 

I totally hear you about the man thing and I think it is exacerbated in the Highlands as - like it or not - we also have that stoic Highland reserve that just adds to the stubbornness we have when it comes to our health (or from making too much noise at a football match). My uncle died of PC in July and I went for my yearly medical in September and it rolled on from there. I have a great family doctor who is very direct and proactive when it comes to referring you to specialists. Toronto is also a great city when it comes to research and top professionals in many fields so my outlook is positive.    

I signed up for this Movember stuff so I could feel useful and this morning I shaved off all the facial fuzz that has adorned my visage for the last fifteen years !  You want a laugh (or a post-halloween fright) ... head over to that page and take a look at the before and after. Will keep loading images as the fuzz grows back !  My aim, other than raising money is also to get people to go and get checked. Its not just men for prostate or other cancers but women too. I am happy to report that two people in my circle - one male, one female, one in Inverness and one in Toronto - have already booked doctors appointments for this purpose. That puts a huge smile on my face. 

Not sure how things will pan out on the site for now ... I may be bored and spend more time on it or I may take a step back and let TM4TJ and the mods run the show (TM4TJ pretty much does that already it has to be said). Either way, 


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I lost my younger brother to the same thing in March 2017. From what you say, you seem to have caught it early whereas he already had secondaries in his spine and lasted only 2 1/2 years. Let's hope so anyway, my brother met many people at drop-in sessions who had been clear for many years. David Steel was diagnosed around 2002 and is still with us. As, indeed, everybody on CTO is with you.

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