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9 Years Ago Today


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Well Dalneigh C

you beat me to posting a similar thread, well done!

I have great memories of that cold night in Parkhead and having tink fans smirking in a pub near the ground at me and a couple of mates who had driven across from Edinburgh for the game...well the smile was on our faces as we left the game with tears in our eyes.

Even now i see tinks fans get a shiver when i tell them i support ICT.

There is a small part of me that hopes we Celtic in the next round of the cup for a third SC win against them

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Oh what a memory ...... organised a bus for the original game only to hear unconfirmed reports when traveling down London Road that it was off. Organised another for the replay and what a night ......

here's some nostalgia ......

Radio5Live Report


Steve Paterson on Radio Scotland immediately after the game


Charlie Christie on Radio Scotland immediately after the game


Some ICT fan called Scotty interviewed on Radio5 after the game when on the bus being escorted out of Glasgow (fantastic was the word that came out, but it was another F-word that was trying to make it out :rotflmao:)


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It would be nice to beat them again in the Quarter and turn the clock back and beat Aberdeen in the Semi. The next critical match is the league match against Dundee United and a point away would be far more important at present.

Better still 3 points would be good :rotflmao:

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Brilliant memories.

I'll leave Naelifts to explain his journey to the original postponed fixture. The midweek was just incredible. We got back to Edinburgh and decided to go to Diggers to watch the BBC highlights. Went in wearing our scarves and got a great welcome from the Jambos.

Next morning waking up to The Sun headline.

A date worth noting every year!

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Maybe we can all send e-mails to Ian Wright at Talksport radio on the drivetime show and remind him of this special time :rotflmao:


Edited by Dewsburydude
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Great though it was at the time, is 8.2.00. not in danger of becoming as bad as Wembley 1966 and Archie Gemmill's goal?

Is that not a good thing? I read a thread on P&B by the old Caledonian FC fans who will not accept ICT and one of the issues raised was the fact that we have no history to be proud of, nothing to reminisce about, is history not just a series of events from the past which are worth talking about? I say 8.2.00 should be held in high esteem along with 9.8.94, 24.1.98, 26.10.03, 15.5.04 these dates and others are what people will be referring to when they eventually accept that we have a history, it may be short now but it's still a history and if we no longer celebrate it is it worth having?

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the old Caledonian FC fans who will not accept ICT

Mmm.. that's maybe another over rated myth that's even more over used and overstated than Wembley 1966 and Archie Gemmill's goal. Which telephone box are they holding this year's AGM in?

I accept that these guys are few and far between but what about the point I raised that old glories are integral to building a clubs future? They give us something to aspire to in the future, something to sit in the pub and reminisce over, something to tell the kids about when trying to inspire them to pull on an ICT top as opposed to an OF top. How does the old Celtic song go? "if you know your history" to dismiss one of the greatest moments in this clubs history as something as tedious as listening to English fans crowing on about winning the world cup is something you would expect to hear from a County or Celtic fan trying to belittle what was a remarkable achievement and is still considered one of the greatest cup upsets in Scottish football history. Yes it is tedious for a Scotsman to listen to an Englishman crowing about past glories but if you look at it from an English perspective they are a footballing nation who, despite claiming to have invented the game, have achieved very little and that one day in 1966 still inspires their whole nation to get behind their team, instead of dismissing our achievement on 8.2.00 you should be using your journalistic powers to take advantage of that day to inspire the next generation of ICT fans especially the ones who may be influenced by what the few pre merger rebels have to say about us.

Edited by birdog
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There was a thread raised a year or two ago - probably on the old software so not accessible - where there was talk of renaming ICT to Inverness or Inverness City (before another team took that name). I seem to remember that a lot of fans were against any rename as it was felt that we had already created our own identity and history as Inverness Caledonian Thistle. That is a viewpoint I tend to agree with.

As Inverness Caledonian Thistle (ICT) we became one of the first two teams from the Highland League to be elevated to the Scottish senior leagues. As ICT, we have progressed from the third division to the Premier League in 10 seasons. As ICT we have pulled off some major giant-killing results along the way including that result which I would agree is perhaps over-used but regardless is an indelible part of our short history. As ICT we have forced change in the game during our short tenure in the senior leagues (forcing a rethink on refund policy after Celtic and Kilmarnock postponements, playing our part in the 10000 -> 6000 all-seater rule etc). As ICT we can be proud of what we have achieved in such a short space of time.

The only thing that irks me about the Celtic result is that it overshadows other glorious cup days .... we did the same thing to Hearts at Tynecastle, but it caused barely a ripple as it was the conquerors of Celtic that achieved it, we reached two Hampden semi-finals, but again, little was made of it as we were now the team that took on the mantle of Cup Killers in the same way as Airdrie had possessed that title years earlier.

I am proud of what we have achieved, and look forward to the next round of achievements .... perhaps cup success, qualification for Europe, a top six success. We have no divine right to these, but like all the other achievements or milestones in our short history, we can dream and hope to achieve them.

As for the 'refuseniks' .... fair play to them, their numbers may be dwindling, but there is still a hardcore few who have stuck to their guns. Do I agree with them? No. Do I respect their right to have that view? Of course I do. I think they are missing out, but that is their decision.

I actually thought about the parallels with the 'refuseniks' recently when Brewster made his ridiculous "20" comment. There were a damn site more than 20 people calling for 'refusenik' style actions in an effort to oust Brewster. They were doing it because they felt the club they love was going down the pan ..... just like Mr douglas and those of his ilk did in 1993/94. It was never going to work for the merger as there was such a groundswell in favour of that, but luckily, it did this time and we have already seen that Butcher has made a positive difference.

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Excellent post Scotty, I would say however that the reason that result has overshadowed any other individual result is because it is by far bigger than any other individual result we have had. Yes the Hearts result was exceptional but Hearts are not Celtic, that result also catapulted us into the media eye, it gave us a legendary status which was only ever given to one team before and who, outside of Berwick talks about the Wee Rangers any more? I also think that the result on that night may well have given us the public admiration which helped us gain the leverage required to change the rules and let us enter the SPL, would we have been able to do it had we not been famous for that result? Who knows but think how many teams had previously stamped their feet and shouted about how the SPL was unfair and insular but were still refused entry.

The result on 8.2.00 was legendary, let's not try to play it down. Let's expand the legend.

Edited by birdog
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