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Comediens You Don't Find Funny


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Following on from the music thread, who are some comediens you don't find funny at all. For me Lenny Henry has to be one. Way overated, cause he aint that funny. Roy "Chubby" Brown, nah, don't rate him. And even though he aint really a stand up comedien, the worst has to be Jim Carey. Just irritating, can't stand him at all. Another one who should be taken off planet Earth. Who are yours?

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Ad agree with your first two renegade. Also...like to add, some of these so called female comedians that have had shows on BBC2 and ITV. Think the one on ITV is Kate Perry? SO NOT FUNNNY!

The one on BBC2 is a black woman, whos every character seems to involve sticking in big buck teeth, and talking in an african accent. I cant beleive people would tune in more than once to these shows. really poor quality.

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Michael Mcintyre gets on my nerves, cant stand the half-broken voice & gets far too excited about unfunny things.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Also, how long have you got? - Jimmy Carr, Alan Carr, Harry Hill, the Pub landlord, in fact, most of the so-called 'alternative' comedians, whatever that is supposed to mean. Humour doesn't need labels. Of the newer people I think Tim Vine can be quite funny, also Dave Gorman (is it?) , who did a series going round the world finding people with the same name. But give me Chic Murray any day!

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Also, how long have you got? - Jimmy Carr,

I went to the "Just for Laughs" comedy festival the other week, (now that they have an offshoot of the official Montreal festival here) .... It was the "Brit Gala" hosted by John Cleese and Jimmy Carr was one of the acts .... He was OK, but just OK, the others that night - Gina Yashere, Ross Noble, Mark Watson and Danny Bhoy were better. But none of them were as good as Russell Peters who is my favourite Canadian comic right now and was performing for free just down the street at Yonge & Dundas Square.

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Will Ferrell is a legend, Anchorman is a quality film.

I did quite like Anchorman, but in general, I cannot watch anything with him in it. I just find him so annoying. Maybe I just dont get him !!! the same was true of Ricky Gervais when the Office first started but after watching it second time round, and then watching Extras, I got into his humour a bit more.

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Late night talk show hosts are others who annoy me .....

I enjoy watching Letterman most nights, but he obviously has some scriptwriters who are just not funny. He has some belters of one liners, but about half of the observational jokes fall flat, yet I still persevere. The same was true of Jay Leno who was even less funny. Leno's replacement Conan O'Brien is also suffering from a humour bypass from his scriptwriters and the only late night talk show host that actually cracks me up when I see him is ex-Scotsman (now a US Citizen) Craig Ferguson ... now he IS funny ... but as he is on near 1am I dont see his show often

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Gina Yashere, Alan Carr, Jimmy Carr, Russell Brand, Lee Evans - I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them right now.

Andy Parsons would do a lot better if he'd drop the "few spoken syllables at a time" approach to telling a joke.

I'm a big fan of Frankie Boyle, Dara O'Briain, Ross Noble, Bill Bailey, Billy Connolly among others.

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I'd agree with Jimmy Carr, who seems to think that making 'spastic' or wife-beating jokes are ok if you're <i>ironic</i>, although I've never understood in what way he was being ironic.

I'd also go back to Jimmy Tarbuck. He seemed to be constantly on tv when i was growing up but just never seemed to say anything remotely amusing. You can count the likes of Bruce Forsyth or Kenny Lynch in there as well. When did they ever EVER say anything that raised a vague smile? I know you can say that Brucie was a song'n'dance man, as well as a comedian but when did he ever do that from 1970 onwards either?

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You know I don't thik I have seen Russel Peters - I will will have to keep a look out for him.

I hate to say it but not worth watching for me -- Sean Cullen and Rick Mercer.

Also funny canadians Mike Macdonald , Ron James , Shaun Majumber , and Bowser and Blue.

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Late night talk show hosts are others who annoy me .....

I enjoy watching Letterman most nights, but he obviously has some scriptwriters who are just not funny. He has some belters of one liners, but about half of the observational jokes fall flat, yet I still persevere. The same was true of Jay Leno who was even less funny. Leno's replacement Conan O'Brien is also suffering from a humour bypass from his scriptwriters and the only late night talk show host that actually cracks me up when I see him is ex-Scotsman (now a US Citizen) Craig Ferguson ... now he IS funny ... but as he is on near 1am I dont see his show often

I watch some of these Late Night programmes and have to disagree on Letterman. I don't find him funny much at all, and he doesn't strike me a particularly nice man. Leno was quite good at times and his Jaywalking thing and the Headlines thing I thought were ace (I once got a Headline on Leno a few years back but that's another story). Conan O'Brien is too weird, Jimmy Fallon is not particuarly funnt at all. I've seen bits of Craig Ferguson about and he's not bad. Makes you wonder though, would these programmes be better if they weren't on so many times a week? I reckon so, as it aint easy to come up with that amount of material for a show every night and that's why they aint that great.

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You know I don't thik I have seen Russel Peters - I will will have to keep a look out for him.


Top earning Canadian comedian right now and 10th on the Forbes list. Hails from Brampton. First saw him in Yuk Yuks in Toronto before he was so famous, and before I moved over here permanently. He was excellent. We were in the very front row and he was made aware I was Scottish (the (now) wife pointed out that fact when he asked if there were any visitors from out of town) and he did a full 15 minutes of taking the mickey out of "accents" (not just Scottish). "Roll up the Rim" was never so funny [sorry folks - thats a Canadian thing :dunno:]


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eye settee you are not alone, an incredible waste of viewing time. the american shows were so bad i actually felt sympathy for david walliams.

lee evans is fantastic, he puts the most into a live performance i have ever seen. connolly is over-rated, about a few funny jokes and the rest are just anecdotes you could hear from anyone at work.

think the only reason he has such a good reputation is the fact that he is big down south, the english seem to love him, think its because they just don't have a great sense of humour (no offence to the england-based fans on here) , and certainly not a story-teller like connolly.

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Lee Evans

.....and am I the only person who hates Little Britain!?

You are not alone, I also dont see the comedy in Little britain.

Others I don't get are Harry Hill, whats funny about big collar and big glasses?? are they to distract you from the fact he can't tell a joke?

Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais are 2 others who baffle me.

Lenny Henry is past his sellby date along with Jennifer saunders Dawn French, Jasper Carrott, Chubby Brown, Jim Davidson. I think Billy Connelly is loosing it, the richer and more detatched from his roots he becomes, the originality and humour is disappearing.

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