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Hearts in turmoil


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Looks like the revolution will ruin Hearts sooner rather than later. Pressley has made a statement which does not look good for the Jambo's, but fair play to him, Hartley and Gordon for standing up to the power crazy dictator.

Pressley told a media conference: "This is a statement on behalf of a number of players.

"This statement is no reflection on Eduard Malofeev. My first impression is that he is an honest and diligent man.

"I would like to wish Valdas a speedy recovery, but whether he returns or not is almost incidental in association with the problems related to this football club.

"I have tried, along with the coaching staff and certain colleagues, to implement the correct values and discipline, but it has become an impossible task.

"There is only so much coaching staff, a captain and certain colleagues can do without the full backing, direction and coherence of the manager and those running the football club.

"While publicly I have expressed the needs for unity, behind the scenes I have made my concerns abundantly clear.

"The last two years have been testing for the players and together they have faced a number of challenges.

"I would have worked hard to have retained unity.

"However, due to circumstances, morale understandably is not good and there is significant unrest in the dressing-room."

from bbc website

The writing has been on the wall since the revolution started and I have no sympathy especially for those that sold out for personal gain and not the benefit of their so called loved team.

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From BBC :

Vladimir Romanov says he will move the players on to "Kilmarnock or whatever club will take them" unless they defeat Dunfermline Athletic on Saturday. :015:

Right then, who would we take?

Feck me - thats sure to halt the decline in morale !!! methinks it will be a busy transfer window at Tynecastle

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What a fantastic story to read about after getting back from work. Romanov has been finally exposed as the complete psycho he most truely is. He clearly has no idea how to run a club and how to keep players happy. Well done to Steven Pressley for speaking up about this with Gordon and Hartley flanking him.

Previously Webster was dropped after speaking out but I think that if all three of these guys were to be dropped then this will certainly lead to protests from the Jambo fans. This may well just be the start of a very interesting few days or weeks at Tynecastle...

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Heard a Hearts fan on the radio last week point out that Romanov had not spent a penny on Hearts. OK his bank might just be servicing its debts but Romanov was far from a white knight. Virtually all the players were on loan deals and as we saw during the week some transfers are being questioned.

We now know he plans Scotlands first car boot sale for football players come Sunday if Dunfermline can extract three points.

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Romanov lost the plot when he sacked George Burley almost exactly a year ago.  If Vlad had left GB to get on with things Hearts would probably have won the SPL last season and be in the group stages of the Champions League with a team that included Andy Webster, Rudi Skacel and Julian Brellier.  Instead he has turned the club into a laughing stock with only so much the players can take.  Well done to Elvis and the guys for saying enough is enough.  All the rotation of players this season has cost them points and only Celtic are benefitting.  As good honest professionals the players only want the best team to be turned out every week, not to fill it with over-rated and under-performing Lithuanians.  I hope that Fraser Wishart and his colleagues at the Players Union get their teeth into this and for the sake of the game the players win at the end of the day.  The SPL sorely needs to end the OF domination and Hearts had seemed to offer the best chance of that happening.    

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It certainly is a fascinating story...  high time somebody stood up to that Bolshovik cretin...Well said Elvis... Could very well be some rich pickings coming out of this....  How many of these "dissidents" will Craig Levein pick up - wherever he finishes up....

Gonna to be quite some weekend - especially if the Pars get something at Tynecastle and Falkirk stuff United.....

Unfortunately, as Row S says, the only beneficiaries in all this are likely to be the Old Firm....

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Credit to the players for speaking out on this issue but, at the end of the day, its mainly to football loving, paying, loyal football fans I really feel sorry for.

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Many of the "Fans" backed the move initialy, mostly due to the fact they felt they had thier backs to the wall and were looking at losing Tynecastle to property developers.  They sold out to the first fat wallet that came along despite all the warnings that were plain for us to see.

I commented on the subject both on here and on P&B from the outset that the guy was only interested in the real estate that came with Hearts.  Romanov is getting exactly what he has been working towards since day one, make it look like he is spending millions bringing in players and improving the club whilst in reality spending nothing, take control of the clubs debts, p!ss everyone involved with the club off and cause them to turn on him.....and the next stage...a statement from Romanov along the lines of "It has become impossible for me to work with this club, despite everything I have done I feel I can no longer continue".  He then pulls the plug and either sells Tynecastle or closes the doors on the stadium and develops it himself into a nice profit making scheme of flats.

Thier are some genuine fans who will have been opposed to the whole thing from the get-go, but any fan at any time who has uttered any kind of support for Romanov, either in regards to his initial arrival at the club or anything he has done since is getting exactly what they had coming.  Romanov has them by the balls and thier is not a thing they can do about it.

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