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The Big Scottish Independence Debate


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She is in her 70's (irrelevant?) and a staunchly 'NO'...but she gets the Daily Mail every day and has been conditioned into this non-objective state of mind whereby she believes everything she reads.


That's my mother you are talking about!  Hang on a minute, are you and I long lost brothers?  :ohmy:

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She is in her 70's (irrelevant?) and a staunchly 'NO'...but she gets the Daily Mail every day and has been conditioned into this non-objective state of mind whereby she believes everything she reads.


That's my mother you are talking about!  Hang on a minute, are you and I long lost brothers?  :ohmy:


This is happening all around the country though where even families relations & friends are divided- it really is amazing /great/ surreal/ unique whatever you want to call it

Last night I was shouting in disbelief at the tv news (bbc) and my relatives confused a ever as to why it upset me so political  (YES)hat on I had to explain my feelings!

Hope we`re not triplets ! :lol:

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She is in her 70's (irrelevant?) and a staunchly 'NO'...but she gets the Daily Mail every day and has been conditioned into this non-objective state of mind whereby she believes everything she reads.


That's my mother you are talking about!  Hang on a minute, are you and I long lost brothers?  :ohmy:


This is happening all around the country though where even families relations & friends are divided- it really is amazing /great/ surreal/ unique whatever you want to call it

Last night I was shouting in disbelief at the tv news (bbc) and my relatives confused a ever as to why it upset me so political  (YES)hat on I had to explain my feelings!

Hope we`re not triplets ! :lol:



Get them converted GG, every vote counts.

Edited by dougiedanger
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Daily record headline today: Yes vote could cause the next great depression....


Desperation, nothing else. Stay strong Yessers. :smile:



Just to clarify, that headline isn't the Record's own prediction, they are reporting the view of the chief economist at Deutsche Bank, which has been covered by other papers too. Last weekend there was another overseas economist who said that based on Salmond's economic plan we'd need a bail-out in around 5 years and the IMF would be in charge. Can't blame all this on the westminister elite!


A credible institution like Germany's biggest bank doesn't always get it right but nor do they make wild, unfounded predictions, they stake their reputations on sound economic analysis that major lenders rely on for decision making.


Like it or not, agree with them or not, their views are very important because Scotland will have to borrow massively on the financial markets, firstly to cover the current £12bn annual deficit that is the starting point, and then to meet all the additional spending promises that are part of the plan.  The institions that they wish to borrow from will decided whether to lend or not, and what interest rate to charge, based on these economic risk assessments. If the markets think there is a distinct possibility that Scotland won't be able to repay its debts, it's extremely bad news for all of us.


On a lighter note, the Yessers will be cheered by the Sun's pro-indy headline that beer could be cheaper if we vote yes, because the chap at Wetherspoons hopes that we might reduce alcohol duty.  No we won't, Scotland (under the SNP at least) has a clear strategy of increasing the price of alcohol and placing more restricyions on its availability.  Complete non-story, typical of the pro-indy media bias.  :wink:

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Has there ever been a country BETTER prepared for independence than Scotland?


A stable, diversified economy, centuries-old legal, banking and commercial institutions, a highly-educated population, some of the best universities in the world, rich in oil and gas, incredible natural beauty, strong and diverse culture...


More than 60 countries have become independent from the UK, ALL of them have their own banks and shops, and NONE wish to return to being governed by the UK elite.


Stay strong Yessers, they will throw more lies our way, but we have the momentum and are on the verge of victory.

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More than 60 countries have become independent from the UK, ALL of them have their own banks


Serious question: after this week's announcements from RBS, Lloyds, Standard Life, TSB, Tesco Bank and Clydesdale, would Scotland be the only independent country in the world not have any registered banks?

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I frankly don't know and am not sure how important that would be. We will have banks and money and shops and food and cars and all the sh*t we have just now.


The "announcements" by the banks and businesses were little more than desperate scare stories orchestrated by Cameron et al and promoted by the BBC, which failed disgracefully in its duty to report impartially. RBS assured its staff that jobs would not be lost or relocated.


If you want to fall for this stuff, go ahead, we have all had enough time to think about it.


Personally, I would say it is madness to hand back the power to the Westminster elite.  :smile:

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When the nations of the former Soviet Union ceded did they prosper or did they become poorer ? When the former Yugoslavian Federation broke up did the newly formed states prosper or did they become poorer ?


There is objective evidence that each and every one of them grew their GDP and grew it quickly and that was while many were wrestling with ethnic conflict, coming to grips with democracy for the first time either in two generations or ever.


Why on earth would an independent Scotland, already with a higher GDP than the UK as a whole and blessed with a world profile and natural resources that most of those other newly independent nations could only dream of uniquely in a pan European context become worse off ?


Or do you share Mr Bannerman's poor view of his fellow countrymen that we are somehow too stupid or feckless to rule ourselves ?


For goodness sake, there are tenable positive arguments for the Union why not make them rather than talking ball@@cks about world wide financial meltown, plague and a visitation by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse....

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It's not me you need to convince, it's our banks and the world financial markets!


The examples you quote from eastern europe are as irrelevant and incomparable to our situation as if I were to point out how well East Germany has done since it gave up its sovereignty.

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Do you not question the banks' moral authority to lecture anyone on risks and economic meltdowns, given that they caused the disastrous recession we have had for the last 7 or so years?


At what point do you think for yourself and see that adhering to the dictates of the banks is rarely if ever the right thing for societies, communities, nations, and individual people?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Fz4siLZYvLA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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RBS has already squandered every penny of its £46bn bailout after continuing to rack up huge losses since the financial crash

The bank posted an £8.2bn loss for last year - its biggest since 2008





No wonder they don't want to stay in Scotland they are a joke!

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I just thought of two words that would have meant no finical uncertainty: Currency Union



I guess if the three party leaders did not flat out dismiss it we wouldn't have had all these scare stories about the banks....

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