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1 hour ago, MuirtownJaggy said:

Inverness CT manager, John Robertson: "We were horrendous, quite as simple and straightforward as that. From the first whistle we looked lacklustre, didn't have any energy, any zip, didn't move the ball about. It looked like the players thought it's only little old Arbroath - little old Arbroath showed exactly what it takes to be a professional football team."

Is it not Robbo's tactics and team selection?? Do we have faith in him to change it next week .... eh no! So glad i had visitors today and could not go sitting in the cold to watch that must of been horrendous 

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I'm finding it hard to understand that a team that has been playing pretty well recently, who could have increased the gap between 2nd & 3rd to 6 points and who should have felt they had a point to prove after a poor 3-0 defeat earlier in the season at Arbroath, can put in such a truly awful performance.  They should have been really up for this game.  Instead, it looked as if most of them simply couldn't be bothered.  And I don't think I can remember a game when possession has been given away so easily so often. It was like watching a 2nd rate pub side at times.  It was just dreadful.

Storey was probably the pick of the outfield players.  He at least put in some decent effort even if the end product left a lot to be desired.  The game was rather summed up for me by the incident in the first half when Storey got the ball wide right and ran virtually the width of the pitch with the ball at his feet but couldn't find a team mate to pass it to.  I thought taking Doran off was a mistake - not just because I had him down to score our first goal but because he also worked quite hard and was the one player who seemed most likely to unlock the Arbroath defence.

I can't criticise the team selection because it was the same players who did well against Dunfermline, but there must be some reason for such collective ineptitude.  The last time we had a couple of poor performances was when the sickness bug ran through the club.  As far as I know, there are no such problems just now.  Let's hope this is just a one off, because unless they get back on track we will quickly slip out of the play-off places.  We may be 2nd, but our points total is closer to Morton in the relegation play-off position than to Dundee Utd.  


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Absolute garbage. Looked lethargic and 2nd to almost every ball. Didn't deserve anything from that. 

Credit to Arbroath though who were dogged, organised and looked they actually wanted it. I think to the outsider you'd struggle to tell who the part-time team was. 

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Well, what a day of contrasts. 

I’ve had a great evening watching Tide Lines in the Ironworks after a very nice meal in Blackfriars. 

Pre match it was a couple of pints and great company in Wetherspoons. 

Sadly the time in between went totally pear shaped! 

What I had anticipated as an entertaining match with some decent play turned into a Sunday league kick about with no quality from us. We were deservedly beaten by the hungrier team and lucky to escape with a 1-0 loss.

We certainly had a Christmas hangover and I doubt I’ve seen so many misplaced passes in one game. 

The first half was poor. We came out firing in the second for all of 45 seconds then got caught on the counter attack and that was that. We never looked like getting back in it. 

Ridgers was deservedly man of the match. Of the others, only Rooney and Trafford in my opinion acquitted themselves well. The subs had no impact and, with apologies for singling him out, MacGregor seemed powder puff any time the ball went near him.

A bad day at the office hopefully rather than anything more troubling, but we have Dundee next so need to get a grip fast!

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13 hours ago, MuirtownJaggy said:

Inverness CT manager, John Robertson: "We were horrendous, quite as simple and straightforward as that. From the first whistle we looked lacklustre, didn't have any energy, any zip, didn't move the ball about. It looked like the players thought it's only little old Arbroath - little old Arbroath showed exactly what it takes to be a professional football team."

Not for the first time this season there seems to be a collective lack of motivation by the players selected.

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Robertson is also meant to have said that he thought Storey had a good (not sure of the exact word used) game. Pretty surprised at that. He did nothing and struggled to break free of his marker. As Hislop has said taking Doran off was a strange one especially given that Storey was a lot less effective on the opposite side.

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

Robertson is also meant to have said that he thought Storey had a good (not sure of the exact word used) game. Pretty surprised at that. He did nothing and struggled to break free of his marker. As Hislop has said taking Doran off was a strange one especially given that Storey was a lot less effective on the opposite side.

Robbo and his team seem to see things differently from most fans, He persists with Jordan 1/5 when the consensus is that maybe Todorov should get a run, Although he may see things during training that we don't see.

Also the complete lack of a plan B is a concern, there is no change of visible tactics to be noticed when we go a goal down!    

Also, there is no consistency to the team form, We just haven't a clue which team will turn up on game day???

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Hard comments to read this weekend and hard to understand the attitude and performance when we had a perfect opportunity to cement 2nd place and give some payback for the 0-3 at Gayfield. I'm watching the Canaries down here giving 100% every week but now firmly bottom of the league despite their efforts, yet there is a huge contrast in the feelings and reactions from the fans.

This is a helluva tough league, there are no easy points to be had. Stupidly, I had a 5 match accumulator for all home wins in the Championship this weekend and I couldn't have been more wrong, it sums up the division nicely.

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Robbo without Park is like chips without fish, uninspiring and f*cking boring.  It's little wonder the players don't listen when his plan b seems to consist of 'do more of what's not working'.

He talks about players thinking they can just turn up and win against teams like this, but that's exactly how he sounded in the press this week and his post match slavering told us that he felt that should have been the case.

He'll change nothing next week because he doesn't know how to play a system that suits the players and doesn't have players to suit this system.

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1 hour ago, Buster said:

Robbo without Park is like chips without fish, uninspiring and f*cking boring.  It's little wonder the players don't listen when his plan b seems to consist of 'do more of what's not working'.

He talks about players thinking they can just turn up and win against teams like this, but that's exactly how he sounded in the press this week and his post match slavering told us that he felt that should have been the case.

He'll change nothing next week because he doesn't know how to play a system that suits the players and doesn't have players to suit this system.

You are spot on we are going nowhere with his tactics

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WOW!  What a shock to read the result and  these few remarks!  Stunning actually.

Truly, one would think that an all-out effort today from both the players and the Management was not only called for but mandatory. If it's the fault of the players is it poor  preparation before the match (to include the Manager's instructions) or just ennui at the end of the season?

Are the players tired of the club,  or  has Mr. J. Robertson actually lost the place or lost the players who are supposed to play all-out for him? 

The bottom line may be :   do this group of players have  a really  professional approach to business.?   OR.... would a change of Manager have any effect?

With a set of new Directors in place then finding the right answer is imperative in order to expect them to stay in a longer term position or, indeed, the whole future of the club may be on the line.

Comments please.!!!! 'cos I am now very concerned..!!


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8 hours ago, Buster said:

Robbo without Park is like chips without fish, uninspiring and f*cking boring.  It's little wonder the players don't listen when his plan b seems to consist of 'do more of what's not working'.

He talks about players thinking they can just turn up and win against teams like this, but that's exactly how he sounded in the press this week and his post match slavering told us that he felt that should have been the case.

He'll change nothing next week because he doesn't know how to play a system that suits the players and doesn't have players to 


2 hours ago, Scarlet Pimple said:

WOW!  What a shock to read the result and  these few remarks!  Stunning actually.

Truly, one would think that an all-out effort today from both the players and the Management was not only called for but mandatory. If it's the fault of the players is it poor  preparation before the match (to include the Manager's instructions) or just ennui at the end of the season?

Are the players tired of the club,  or  has Mr. J. Robertson actually lost the place or lost the players who are supposed to play all-out for him? 

The bottom line may be :   do this group of players have  a really  professional approach to business.?   OR.... would a change of Manager have any effect?

With a set of new Directors in place then finding the right answer is imperative in order to expect them to stay in a longer term position or, indeed, the whole future of the club may be on the line.

Comments please.!!!! 'cos I am now very concerned..!!


Agree with Buster and SP

Ask yourself this question

Would you like your manager to talk in public about you in the manner Robbo has done in this interview?

This isnt the first time either. You would think he was Sir Alex the way he goes on.

Of course It was an awful performance but it was an equally awful interview. 

Does Robbo think his management style is going to achieve anything. .Dark ages management  and no idea how to change things.

What comes across is his lack of respect for his own players. He criticised the fans last week ,but maybe the fans could see that the win last week was only papering over cracks

Now this week the players are on the receiving end of his critiscm.Maybe its time for the manager  to look in the mirror and  ask some hard questions of himself.

Maybe even the directors should  have a closer look at how the manager is managing the team.

Team wasnt good enough on Saturday but neither was the manager.

Needs sorted pronto on both counts.








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I am usually classed as a Happy Clapper but......I totally agree with Gregors comments.   It’s now time for ICT to be sorted out,  from the Boardroom, to the Manager,  to the team.     It’s not working just now, so, get your thinking caps on or get someone in with a plan B.   Please.  ASAP.  


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On 12/29/2019 at 9:21 AM, RiG said:

Robertson is also meant to have said that he thought Storey had a good (not sure of the exact word used) game. Pretty surprised at that. He did nothing and struggled to break free of his marker. As Hislop has said taking Doran off was a strange one especially given that Storey was a lot less effective on the opposite side.

He also said that Storey would be the only outfield player of the starting 11 to be guaranteed a start v Dundee.

This shows the  complete ineptitude of our manager.

Surely he should wait until he watches the game over on video before coming to any such conclusions.Im assuming he does watch the game again.

What does he now do if upon rewatching the game comes the conclusion he got it wrong re Storey and comes to the same conclusionn as RIG and myself.

Does he admit that and leave him out after saying he will start or just carry on with his team selection and build from Storey.

Robbo is the manager and the buck stops with him, after that interview Im not sure he knows what he is doing.


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7 hours ago, Fraz said:

Let's be honest, Robbo only said what most were thinking. Performance was gash and only a blind donkey would think differently. 

For him to say different would be plain silly. 

Yes but he is the manager and has to take responsibility, if you know anything about how football works then then you would know that you dont get players onside by throwing them inder a bus as a manager.

By all means have a go in the dressing room but to have an interview like that is crazy.



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It seems that every time we have a poor performance these days, questions are asked about whether we have the right manager.  Personally, I have little doubt that we do.   Looking at the wider picture we are still 2nd in the division and above teams with significantly bigger budgets that ours.  Robbo took over when the club was in a real mess and with finance being used to pay off former managers and to pay the wages of players with premier division contracts but without the performance levels to match.  He's had to bring in new players at rock bottom wages and develop a team which was not only good enough to survive in a tough Championship but good enough to move forward again and challenge for promotion.  He's done that and we shouldn't under-estimate how good an achievement that is.

That's not to say there aren't problems and that the team couldn't do better still.  Let's face it, Saturday's performance was one of the poorest performances for many a long year.  As manager, he takes responsibility for results and performances on the park, but how much was he to blame for Saturday's fiasco?  Some may say that it is the manager's job to motivate the players, but how much motivating should they need?  Precious little in my book.  A win would have closed the gap on Utd, increased the gap between 2nd and 3rd to 6 points and avenged the 3-0 doing at Gayfield.  Added to that, there were no premier division games on so we were the highest ranked team playing in Scotland so there would be a bit more media focus on our game.  Also, the January transfer window is just round the corner, so if players are looking to catch the eye of a bigger club, Saturday was the perfect opportunity to impress.  If the players can't motivate themselves in those circumstances then frankly there is little the manager can do. I accept that Robbo does, at times seem not to have a plan B.  But sometimes when plan A is not working it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with plan A, it might mean that the players are failing to implement it properly.  

I don't like managers picking on individual players for public criticism (except for a specific incident like a rash challenge for a red card) but a general criticism of the team is fair enough.  They enjoy the public adulation when they do well, so they deserve some public criticism when their performance falls well below the level the paying public expect. Privately he will talk to individual players and explain to them the extent to which he feels the general criticism does or does not apply to them, and why.  There is a bit of work to do following Saturday and it will be a test of Robbo's man management skills, but I have absolutely no doubts that Robbo remains the man for the job. 

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29 minutes ago, Gregor said:

He also said that Storey would be the only outfield player of the starting 11 to be guaranteed a start v Dundee.

This shows the  complete ineptitude of our manager.

Surely he should wait until he watches the game over on video before coming to any such conclusions.Im assuming he does watch the game again.

What does he now do if upon rewatching the game comes the conclusion he got it wrong re Storey as I think he did.

Does he admit that and leave him out after saying he will start or just carry on with his team selection and build from Storey.

Something isnt quite right about all of this.

I think Storey was our best outfield player.  He put in a lot of effort even if the end result often left something to be desired.  It seems from the votes in the POTY poll so far that others agree.  If other players who let the club down on Saturday know that their place is at risk they will maybe heed the wake up call.  I actually felt Doran was OK too.  Far from his best but better than most, but as captain he should have done a lot more to drive his team on to great effort.

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9 hours ago, Fraz said:

Let's be honest, Robbo only said what most were thinking. Performance was gash and only a blind donkey would think differently. 

For him to say different would be plain silly. 

Maybe but there appeared a lack of self awareness? That is his part in what happened? Lack of plan B and players out of position and clearly lost? 

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1 hour ago, Gregor said:

Yes but he is the manager and has to take responsibility, if you know anything about how football works then then you would know that you dont get players onside by throwing them inder a bus as a manager.

By all means have a go in the dressing room but to have an interview like that is crazy.



No I have no idea about football.

I've never even watched a game it until this weekend, I definitely haven't been playering, watching or coaching it for years. However even I as a complete noob could tell the issue was that the players look like they couldn't be arsed and just expected to win the game.

I don't like managers singling out players for public criticism but that didn't happen here. I'd say though that while it's not his fault that the players looked lazy and disinterested (they are paid professional athletes) yes Robbo has to take some of the blame as he either has no change of plan if things aren't working or he hasn't communicated that properly to the players. 

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