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Well, is it really true--or not?

Clever man who has held some important posts in the past, in England.. Wrote a good letter but was not too good at replying to them..and, for me, I just don't like to be ignored without reason so that affected my judgement of him and my empathy towards him. The main reason that I contacted him in 2008 was over the question of broadcasts to overseas fans and eventually that matter simply petered out for a variety of reasons; lack of finance and lack of interest, whatever. So I suppose there was no particular reason for him to keep in contact with me thereafter .

When I and my older friend visited the stadium in August 2008 he was certainly very civil, showed us around and introduced us to several officials including George Fraser and Craig Brewster and Mr Cameron so, in this way, he definitely played a part in making our visit thoroughly refreshing and enjoyable.

He also appeared to be interested in our backgrounds and I formed the impression that he was genuinely interested in my friend and his past interesting career as the former Water (Civil Engineer) Engineer on Skye for many years and still living in Inverness. And, frankly, he evidently has a decent side to him.

IF the rumour is true, it probably is just down to the question of economics. so all I can say is "good Luck" and I hope you get a new position somewhere that works out for you and your employer.

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I'm still waiting for a reply from him about Tickets and season tickets.. i know for a fact he got it as i popped it in to the ticket office, then 2 weeks later popped in to pay for my season ticket and the ladys were well peeved that i hadnt had a reply... oh well

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Anyone care to say whats happened?

He's left the club so everyone involed with the club will be happy about this :lol: i sure am

I had a couple of people "involved with the club" take exception to this comment today, and I think it's only right that we don't make assumption as to how other people might view the departure of Mike Smith. Not everyone shares the view that his departure is a positive for ICT.


Moving on.............................

Given the number of false promises we've had in the past then some will be, understandably, sceptical about how things might change going forward. One thing I always try and do personally is not pre-judge a person based on the previous actions of others. It's also no secret that I have certain reservations about the way the club is run from the top.

Darren is a different person and he has his own ideas about how some things might be done differently. I speak with him regularly through my involvement with the matchday announcing etc. and having spoken with him briefly today he is keen to start building a relationship with people and groups he wasn't previously involved with on a direct basis. To date his role has been focused more around the corporate side of the business, so he doesn't, yet, have a regular working relationship with the other side of things. He has some ideas on things that might work that haven't been looked at too closely (by the club) in the past and is eager to implement those ideas.

I don't expect things to change overnight, I don't think Darren expects things to change overnight and the fans have to realise that things won't change overnight. What is important is that there's a chance here for new relationships between this part of the club and the fans and we should all do what we can to make the best of that. As I've said in the past, we also have to do our bit as fans. There's things that Darren can do, there's things that he can't do and there's things that can only be done with the support and help of the fans.

How things will pan out over the coming days, weeks & months I don't know. I'll be sitting down with Darren over the next couple of weeks to go over the "matchday experience" in terms of what I can influence as the Stadium Announcer. I will be sitting down to speak to him about getting online highlights of our matches and seeing what we (CTO) can do to assist in that, as well as anything we can do to assist with the transition as far as communication with the website is concerned. As Mike was the Supporters Trust point of contact then I'm sure they will be keen to get talking to Darren about ongoing and future items.

Also, can I point out to users that whilst expressing an opinion on anything is fine, we will not tolerate that spilling over in to abuse. Let's try keep comments civilised and constructive.....thanks.

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CC'll be taking over his part of the show i reccon....

My understaning, from my brief experience I have had with Mr. Smith is that he is general manager. He manages the various functions of the club and gets them running as a whole. (So, it's his fault etc etc) Think of him as a the manager of a business, a business manager if you will. I have found him to be accomodating, knowledgable and interested, though I understand that some folk have had issues with the way he sees efficient running of the club. Nonetheless, I suspect the club got great value out of him; working to a tight budget as he always has been; I mean, we are not Rangers, are we...on second thoughts.....

If he has walked out then, no problem, he can be replaced. However, I doubt the club can manage itself, and that Charlie, if he is called on to do so, will find the load quite onerous, on top of his other duties; drawing numbers out of a hat and posing for photos.

He wasn't supposed to be working to a tight budget. He was supposed to be bringing in the budget.

Its highly unlikely that CC will be taking over. I think that task will be given to Darren MacKintosh though probably not the title of Chief Executive.

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I had a couple of people "involved with the club" take exception to this comment today, and I think it's only right that we don't make assumption as to how other people might view the departure of Mike Smith. Not everyone shares the view that his departure is a positive for ICT.

Just the very high majority then.

Anyway I wish all the best to Darren in his new role!

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I think over the last few months hes been going to down hill to quick, his hands were tyed with the Gypogate, but he should have just binned the letters lol and not gone OTT with that, also a few other things he back tracked on after making a big stink over nothing, like the standing at the back of the stand... my boycot of the county game got him the sack!! power to the people!! :lol:

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I think over the last few months hes been going to down hill to quick, his hands were tyed with the Gypogate, but he should have just binned the letters lol and not gone OTT with that, also a few other things he back tracked on after making a big stink over nothing, like the standing at the back of the stand... my boycot of the county game got him the sack!! power to the people!! :lol:

Come on to fuk.

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See post 33 and yesterday's official announcement Alex!

Nightshift, stormy weather and being stuck out here all contribute to word blindness.

George, Mike Smith did not backtrack on standing in the stand. He said he'd look into it but the SPL were not going to change their stance and these were the rules even Mr Smith had to abide by.

There are a few rather uncalled for comments on Mikes departure, mainly from people who probably had no day to day dealings with him. There are people at the club who are disappointed to see him gone. There are people who wonder will they be next. I cant comment on how well, or badly, he done his job. I dont know how much new business he brought to the club, nor do I know the details surrounding his departure but I do think some of the comments are unfair and unjust

I would hope, however, that Darren is up to the task of leading a team of good people in achieving the additional finances required to run this club.

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