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The Stuart Golabek Appreciation Thread


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When Golly first signed, I wasn't particularly impressed. I thought he was too slow, too old and way past it. How times have changed, IMO Stuart Golabek has been ICT's unsung hero this season and has been one of the best players in blue and red this season. Well done Golly! :party01:

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would second that. When I heard he had been signed I was not very happy as when he left us he was way past his sell by date. However since his return he has been a revelation and his workrate has been superb. Hope he gets signed back up.

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I wasn't all that impressed with that signing either, (was anyone?) but I totally agree with all the other comments on this thread.

Credit where credit's due.... Big thanks to TB and MM for getting that one right. Well done guys.. :P

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After a run of games he was very much back to his old self, reliable and always gives 100%.

I will admit i also saw him coming back as a negative move but how he has proved wrong.

Hope he is given another year.

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I was very happy when we signed Golly, as I have always rated him VERY highly, IMHO he is our best ever left back (much better than Hastings). I played in the same team as both players (2 seasons with both), and believe it or not I played left back when I played in the same team as Golly.

I have said before that I think County made a massive mistake giving us Golly back, as we would have been left with Lionel for the whole season. If this was the case I truly believe we wouldn't have won the league.

Well done Golly, hope you stay another year!

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Good on you starting this thread, i think the exact same thing! Me and my brother were talking about this throughout the last few games...wins everything, his pace is fantastic (dont want to say 'for his age'), and hes always there on that wing when you need him.

I also think Dundee bring the best out of him....the last game at Dens and the last game of the season are the best ive seen him play. That tackle on Griffiths at Dens - owned!!

Well done Golly!!

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Golly is a good guy who has always given 100% for ICT (both times around). I am glad his performances have reached a good level and equally glad that supporters who may have thought he was past-it have been able to eat their words. Still a few miles left in the old dog yet I hope !

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Golly has really solidified the defence this half of the season, the difference was so noticeable, but is he good enough for the SPL? will he be signed for cover - probably, as i can see the gaffer getting new LB/ RB players.

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