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In no way can this be condoned as its bringing the whole of Scottish football into disrepute and I hope the perpetrator is treated how he deserves by the courts.

However is it time for the sake of the Scottish game that Lennon leaves Celtic & Scottish football? So far this season we have had - referee accusations and strikes, parcel bombs, bullets in the post, outrageous scenes at the OF games and now fan attacks and in all cases a common denominator is Lennon. Not saying he deserves any of the personal attacks or situations, but you have to wonder does he encite and entice this behaviour?

All this is blackening the Scottish football name worldwide - is it time he left for good?

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 3

It was a shocking attack yes and Hearts will be severely punished. Lennon should walk at the end of the season, I can't remember Scottish football being like this.


Not a fan of NL, but it would be a travesty if that assault was the catalyst for his departure from Celtic & Scottish football.

That said, I wouldn't miss him.

  • Agree 1

In no way can this be condoned as its bringing the whole of Scottish football into disrepute and I hope the perpetrator is treated how he deserves by the courts.

However is it time for the sake of the Scottish game that Lennon leaves Celtic & Scottish football? So far this season we have had - referee accusations and strikes, parcel bombs, bullets in the post, outrageous scenes at the OF games and now fan attacks and in all cases a common denominator is Lennon. Not saying he deserves any of the personal attacks or situations, but you have to wonder does he encite and entice this behaviour?

All this is blackening the Scottish football name worldwide - is it time he left for good?

Yes I agree NL is a serious pain in the a*se. But, its the people who send the bullets, send the parcel bombs, attack him on the pitch that need to be taken out of Scottish society. I am fairly certain he wouldn't entice anyone to send parcel bombs/bullets to himself or his family. The referee dispute all came about from an official lying, If it was ICT it happened too, I would expect Terry to create a stink about it. As for inciting this behaviour? Surely anyone with a wee bit of sense can see, the people he allegedly incites, are the petty bigots(from more than just the OF) who spend their time looking for things to be offended by. Something that is becoming increasingly widespread in football as well as society.

Lennon is no angel, but the people who are aiming the abuse, threats, and forcing him out of the game, are they not also a common denominator

  • Agree 4

i totally aggree with the OP

neil lennon comes and bigotery, racism, sectarianism, and terrorism rise in the scottish game. the sooner he leaves the better.

  • Disagree 1
Posted (edited)

Not a fan of NL, but it would be a travesty if that assault was the catalyst for his departure from Celtic & Scottish football.

That said, I wouldn't miss him.

Totally agree with this, behaviour of that kind can't be seen to affect anything or it will just become the norm.

Maybe Hearts get a points penalty and drop below us? :tongueincheek:

I wonder if it could affect their Euro ties?

i totally aggree with the OP

neil lennon comes and bigotery, racism, sectarianism, and terrorism rise in the scottish game. the sooner he leaves the better.

So what you're saying is it's all his fault? Bigotry, racism and sectarianism are in our society, the terrorism you refer to has it's roots in another country.

I think we should remember he is the victim here so why should he leave? I know he doesn't do himself any favours but he doesn't deserve attacks, threats or being targetted with bombs or bullets.

eta: No matter if Neil leaves Celtic & Scotland. We are still left with the problem, but just not so apparent.

Edited by PullMyFinger

This season has said more about Scottish society than any other.

A ref lies about a correct decision and all hell breaks lose. Accussations of bias, strikes, bullets, sendings off, penalties, letter bombs, anonimous statements, threats, more bombs, slagging off other teams, and Ive probably forgotten stuff.

Everyone, and I include myself, thinks its down to delluded Rangers fan/s regards the blame and finger pointing etc.

Cup final 25,000 Rangers fans really belt out a sectarian chant when they are beating Celtic in extra time. In many ways not a suprise, and I dont think that was a celebration, more a release of tension at Neil Lennon and Celtic but all wrong

Our 2nd and 3rd goals against Celtic recently were certainly greeted to a much louder volume than usual.

But tonight, when one of the worst incidents to have happened in Scottish football for years is met with a wall of cheering from Hearts fans, it tells you something.

A feeling of absolute hatred has returned to the Scottish game, but unfortunately its not derby rivalry, it seems to be all teams absolutely hate Celtic now. All the good they had done over many years seems to be almost destroyed in one season. It cannot go on, or someone is going to be really hurt.

Neil Lennon did his usual after the final whistle, going onto the field to congratulate his players, and Hearts season ticket holders in the main stand are going mental asking police to get him off the pitch. We have come so far since the dark days....


is it time for the sake of the Scottish game that Lennon leaves Celtic & Scottish football? So far this season we have had - referee accusations and strikes, parcel bombs, bullets in the post, outrageous scenes at the OF games and now fan attacks and in all cases a common denominator is Lennon. Not saying he deserves any of the personal attacks or situations, but you have to wonder does he encite and entice this behaviour? All this is blackening the Scottish football name worldwide - is it time he left for good?

Sorry, whilst Lennon is no angel and has had his own issues that need (or needed) to be addressed by the football governing body he does not deserve to have bullets or bombs sent to him through the post and certainly does not deserve to be attacked at his 'workplace'. By all means deal with any of the FOOTBALL mayhem he has caused through disciplinary measures (or what would hurt the OF more would be point sanctions) but to suggest that he should be hounded from Scottish Football because on quite a few occasions recently HE has been the victim of CRIMINAL ACTIVITY is ridiculous in the extreme. And lest we forget, it is not just Lennon who has been sent these things, others with a Celtic link, some of which were quite tenuous have been sent things too !

So far from getting rid of Lennon, we should be using this to do some housecleaning. So no, Lennon should not go .... It is the neanderthal pricks who think sending that sort of things through the post or making threats to him because of religion or the team he manages is acceptable behaviour that instead need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century or thrown in jail for terrorist activities. And before anyone thinks it ... I am not applying this to any one set of fans ... it applies equally if its Celtic fans doing the same to Rangers management or to fans of any other team engaged in this sort of activity.

Lennon is not the common denominator here - he is the lightning rod that these pricks feel they can use to get their jollies and somehow justify it because he doesnt always behave himself within the environs of a football stadium !!! Get rid of them, and any others like them.

Yes I agree NL is a serious pain in the a*se. But, its the people who send the bullets, send the parcel bombs, attack him on the pitch that need to be taken out of Scottish society. I am fairly certain he wouldn't entice anyone to send parcel bombs/bullets to himself or his family. The referee dispute all came about from an official lying, If it was ICT it happened too, I would expect Terry to create a stink about it. As for inciting this behaviour? Surely anyone with a wee bit of sense can see, the people he allegedly incites, are the petty bigots(from more than just the OF) who spend their time looking for things to be offended by. Something that is becoming increasingly widespread in football as well as society. Lennon is no angel, but the people who are aiming the abuse, threats, and forcing him out of the game, are they not also a common denominator

Agree with every word.

I can also add a little extra to this debate .... I have a friend over here who I know through going to Toronto FC games. He is Irish, supports Celtic, and gets along with fans of every team - even Rangers ! He also went to school with Neil Lennon and described him in exacly the same way as I have previously heard someone else in Inverness describe him .....

On the field (even at school), or in the stadium (ie. at work) he is so intense and focused on winning that he might come across the way he does to some - arrogant, annoying, whiny, a cheater (in the Juanjo incident), even a crazy nutjob... choose your own description. However, away from the stadium, he is supposedly a decent character and I do know he has done a few charity things up in the Highlands as he has family up there so there are definitely two sides to him and it is that 'normal' side that does not deserve any of the sh1t being thrown at him or his family.

  • Agree 1

One Hearts fan, kinda hits one guy, who does himslef absolutely no favours anyway (ie, brings it on himself), in a futile gesture that was always going to be snuffed out within a couple of seconds. Nothing to see here, move along........

P.S Interesting to see the soundest man in the world off the pitch (did a wear denim to work for a day fundraiser, well sound. Also signed some autographs for the kids and washed his hands before he had his dinner), managed to stay on his feet, even though it was a surprise punch from behind, but when Juanjo looked at him funny, his knees colapsed.

Think of the children.


Never realised there were so many Lennon fans, at no point do I condone the behaviour of the fans and also stated I dont believe anyone has the right to get bombs or anything else sent or personal attacks.

The issues in Scottish society have been around for decades yet when other men managed Celtic there were never this issue, are we saying that in the last 12 months there has been a marked change in society to increase sectarian behaviour? If so what?

So the fact that Lennon was instrumental in the Celtic witch hunt of officials which the man & club have not bothered to aplogise for? What about the last OF game walking off the picth taunting the Rangers fans - you dont see any other manager in Scotland doing that to the opposition.

Fact is much that is negative this season about Scottish football has involved Celtic & NL.

Sad times that comment cannot be made on a situation without people on here assuming its done with sectarian undertones - its not I just believe that the reputation of Scottish football is starting to suffer and its time to start getting the house in order that also includes the fans as well. But the SFA are to weak to do anything because of the OF size so unless they take action nobody else will (not even UEFA it seems).

  • Disagree 4

One positive bit of news amongst this disgraceful saga is that 2 Ayrshire men have been taken into custody this morning regarding the parcel bombs.

But that guy last night, what an absolute ****ing moron, his actions could lead to consequences that spoil things for all proper fans.

  • Agree 1
Posted (edited)

Some of the posts on here are incredible!

To suggest that Neil Lennon is, in any way, responsible for what he is now being constantly subjected to is, in my view, supporting the behaviour of his aggressors. Football has been full of guys like Lennon. Annoying, agressive, angry individuals who, when they wear the colours of the team you support, are idolised and hated by opposition in equal measure. Many have portrayed the same traits as Lennon but can anyone name any individual in our game (and it is a game) who has been subjected to the kind of abuse that Lennon has?

To play down last night's incident is nonsensical. You have an individual, already the subject of numerous death threats, gifts through the post and round the clock guard, doing his job at a place of work. From nowhere he is attacked by a yob who could have been in possession of any weapon and caused untold damage. The fact he didn't is down more to luck than planning. Thankfully it appears he was an idiot intent on making a name for himself rather than a more twisted bigot intent on serious injury. Is this cause for celebration or humour?

Another factor which totally destroys the arguement that some have promoted on this site i.e. this is not sectarian just good old fashioned hatred, is the location where the attack took place. Tynecastle and Heart of Midlothian have long been recognised as the bastion of east coast unionism. They fly the same flags and sing the same songs as their west coast counterparts, often in a more vicious manner than portrayed at Ibrox. It is clear to me (and any reasonable individual) that this incident would not have taken place at Pittodrie, Tannadice or TCS for example. Why? Because none of these grounds are full of sectarian bigots full of hatred.

The ramifications of this further incident are huge for both football and society. As police raid houses in Ayrshire this morning in pursuit of the parcel bombers, our newspapers are full of stories about a football manger being attacked at a game in Edinburgh. Don't let anyone kid you that this is a problem confined to Glasgow.

I am 100% behind any government or organisation that is willing to tackle this cancer that runs through our country. I suggest that if more people shared that few and spent less time justifying, understanding or being amused by such behaviour we might have a chance of success. Without it we're doomed.

The biggest target of hate, at the moment, happens to be an Irish catholic who manages Celtic. In the past it has been the Muslim shopkeeper running his business or the British soldier sent by his government to do a job. My view would remain the same no matter who the victim. There can be no justification and no support.

As my Celtic supporting cousin said last night: Today, We Are All Neil Lennon.

Edited by Sorted
  • Agree 3

Neil Lennon is annoying. He winds up other fans. Questions refereeing decisions. Suggests other teams won't try as hard against Rangers.

He should be booed by every supporter outside of Celtic in the country.

But that's it!

Guns? Bombs? Over a hobby? No way! Blameless when it comes down to that extremity.

  • Agree 1

Lennon; I just dont like. Purely becuase of his on the field behaviour as a player. And his behaviour on the sidelines hasn't helped

The fact that he had to retire from the N.Ireland squad due to death threats, had bullets sent to him, bombs and now attacked is disgusting and is because of being a N Irish Catholic; and i totally feel for him and his family.

Scottish Football is the lowest of the low at the moment ( except for ICT who are awsome). I must admit watching the game last night you could totally feel something was going to happen, However all the pundits were asking the same question " why is Lennon villified/demonised". Come on! every one within Scottish Football knows the reasons why some supporters dont like him. Be honest you cowards.

I hope Lennon doesnt leave, although i wouldnt be suprised if he did.


Contrary to what some on here seem to believe, Neil lennon did not invent sectarianism, and if he were to leave this country sectarianism would not disappear.

It is a measure of the extent to which the "petty bigotry" that Dewsburydude talks of has permeated the society that there are a good number on this very site who have a blind, irrational hatred for Neil Lennon. It shows us that this is far from being a solely OF problem.

The hate campaign against him started when he was issued death threats by Northern Ireland fans, and was first taken up in Scotland by fans of Rangers FC. It has since spread to virtually every club in the country. Anyone who says this is down to his "combative style" is deluded. It is because he has refused to apaologize for being who he is and has refused (so far) to back down or be intimidated by cowards and bigots.

Neil Lennon has done this country a favour in bringing to the surface the bigotry that apparently lies within fans of virtually any Scottish club.

Whether he leaves or not, the treatment handed out to him as a visitor to this country is an absolute disgrace, and reflects badly on the whole nation.

It is good to read some of the reasoned posts on this thread, but distressing to see so many wrapped up in petty bigotry and downright ignorance.

This is a sorry episode in the history of our game and our country, and those who support the irrational vilification of this man should take a long hard look at themselves.

  • Agree 4

Never realised there were so many Lennon fans, at no point do I condone the behaviour of the fans and also stated I dont believe anyone has the right to get bombs or anything else sent or personal attacks. The issues in Scottish society have been around for decades yet when other men managed Celtic there were never this issue, are we saying that in the last 12 months there has been a marked change in society to increase sectarian behaviour? If so what? So the fact that Lennon was instrumental in the Celtic witch hunt of officials which the man & club have not bothered to aplogise for? What about the last OF game walking off the picth taunting the Rangers fans - you dont see any other manager in Scotland doing that to the opposition. Fact is much that is negative this season about Scottish football has involved Celtic & NL. Sad times that comment cannot be made on a situation without people on here assuming its done with sectarian undertones - its not I just believe that the reputation of Scottish football is starting to suffer and its time to start getting the house in order that also includes the fans as well. But the SFA are to weak to do anything because of the OF size so unless they take action nobody else will (not even UEFA it seems).

It seems you are suggesting that those of us who actually sympathise with his situation or are outraged by it in any way shape or form must be Lennon fans ... you may not condone the attacks on him, but unless I am misreading your posts, the inference is that he deserved it in some way or brought it on himself. I have also read a similar type of retort on another Scottish football website. Quite frankly, I think that this line of thinking is bollocks and using his behaviour to excuse or justify criminal and potentially terrorist activity is a rather giant leap!

Personally, I am in no way a Lennon fan, but I would not say I hate him. I dislike him over the Juanjo incident and his constant whining about conspiracies from refs etc, but what he has been subjected to this season is for want of a word that will pass the swear filter ... disgusting. Yes, he does himself no favours with his 'style', and yes he has done things this season that have pissed off a lot of fans of quite a few teams for reasons other than sectarianism, but nothing he has done has warranted the campaign of harassment and terror he, his family, and some of his colleagues have been subjected to this season in both their personal and professional lives.

As for what other managers or anyone else does on the pitch or at the stadium - it doesnt matter! If it did I would have the perfect yang to the ying that is Neil Lennon ... it would be Graeme Souness! However, one set of actions do not justify or excuse any other set of actions and if any of them step out of line then the football authorities should deal with it not some individual(s) deciding to become a vigilante terrorist. Please bear in mind that our own manager - along with several other players - ended up with a criminal record for his part in an infamous OF derby, and that both Martin O'Neill and Gordon Strachan have also cited certain 'pressures' associated with the job they were in as being reasons for their departure.

One positive bit of news amongst this disgraceful saga is that 2 Ayrshire men have been taken into custody this morning regarding the parcel bombs. But that guy last night, what an absolute ****ing moron, his actions could lead to consequences that spoil things for all proper fans.

Happy to hear that arrests have been made. If proven guilty I hope they have the book thrown at them and come to realise the meaning of the words "religious hatred" and/or "terrorism" both of which can add a lot of years to any sentence. As for the dickhead at Hearts ... same for him, punished to the full extent of the law because that one action could, as you say, lead to more sanctions against fans of all teams.

Contrary to what some on here seem to believe, Neil lennon did not invent sectarianism, and if he were to leave this country sectarianism would not disappear. It is a measure of the extent to which the "petty bigotry" that Dewsburydude talks of has permeated the society that there are a good number on this very site who have a blind, irrational hatred for Neil Lennon. It shows us that this is far from being a solely OF problem. The hate campaign against him started when he was issued death threats by Northern Ireland fans, and was first taken up in Scotland by fans of Rangers FC. It has since spread to virtually every club in the country. Anyone who says this is down to his "combative style" is deluded. It is because he has refused to apaologize for being who he is and has refused (so far) to back down or be intimidated by cowards and bigots. Neil Lennon has done this country a favour in bringing to the surface the bigotry that apparently lies within fans of virtually any Scottish club. Whether he leaves or not, the treatment handed out to him as a visitor to this country is an absolute disgrace, and reflects badly on the whole nation. It is good to read some of the reasoned posts on this thread, but distressing to see so many wrapped up in petty bigotry and downright ignorance. This is a sorry episode in the history of our game and our country, and those who support the irrational vilification of this man should take a long hard look at themselves.

This is an excellent post IMHO and if we take Neil Lennon out of the debate as you suggest it does indeed show the cancer of bigotry that has affected our country for a long time is still there and far from being in remission as some would have had us believe in recent years, it seems to have spread somewhat. If this is what Scottish Society has become, and if this is what Scottish Football is prepared to accept then this morning I can easily say that I am embarrassed to be associated with either. Neil Lennon is no angel, but the fact that some people seek to justify the behaviour of others by shifting the entire load of blame onto the victim is cringeworthy.

  • Agree 1

I don't think there is a wider issue in Scottish society. None of this has very much to do with religion, it is to do with one person running onto the pitch, to launch an attack on Lennon, which was always going to fail. There must have been 14'000ish Hearts fans that could have done the same thing if they wanted, but they didn't. Just like at any other ground in Scotland, as there are no fences, because this is very rare. One guy did it, thats one. Hardly a mirror for society to look into.

Hearts a Unionist club? Who decides these things, is it in the Heart Of Midlothian charter? Some fans may have Union Jacks, but that's it.

Lennon is a ned, and enjoys winding people up. Some people get more wound up than others, and this is what happens. Why should there be no consequences for Lennon? He believes he can behave in any fasion he likes, and its going to be societies fault. It has nothing to do with religion, as not very many of these people strike me as the god fearing type.

Religion in Scotland

The guy that ran onto the pitch could have had ANYTHING in his hands eg a bazooka, a pistol, some Euros, rat poison, tactical advice, a water balloon, an Autograph Book, a Fart he had earlier captured, or, nothing. PHEW. It was nothing. It is pure luck that this religious crusader, had left his weapon of choice at his seat (blunder), but also a little bit admirable that he had continued his charge anyway.

I would say this is a much better example of fan rage (raaageeeeeen like)


Takes a while to build, but simmers nicely.

  • Disagree 4

"Truly shocking" as big Johan Mjallby said at the end of the Celtic game last night "we've never seen anything like that before, terrible".... well apart i suppose from the celtic fan who tried to attack Dallas on the pitch....and there was the celtic fan who attacked milan keeper Dida...and i suppose you might need to consider the celtic fan who tried to attack Ally Maxwell..... and well, thinking about it there was the celtic fan who attacked Strachan when he was a player......but johan is absolutely correct, apart from those we've certainly never seen anything like it before!!


Or the Hibs fas that attacked Goram......because I think Hibs are a Shi'te club and Goram was a born again new Sunni muslim. Society *ruffles societies hair*, you scally!

Posted (edited)

I don't think there is a wider issue in Scottish society. None of this has very much to do with religion, it is to do with one person running onto the pitch, to launch an attack on Lennon, which was always going to fail. There must have been 14'000ish Hearts fans that could have done the same thing if they wanted, but they didn't. Just like at any other ground in Scotland, as there are no fences, because this is very rare. One guy did it, thats one. Hardly a mirror for society to look into.

Hearts a Unionist club? Who decides these things, is it in the Heart Of Midlothian charter? Some fans may have Union Jacks, but that's it.

Lennon is a ned, and enjoys winding people up. Some people get more wound up than others, and this is what happens. Why should there be no consequences for Lennon? He believes he can behave in any fasion he likes, and its going to be societies fault. It has nothing to do with religion, as not very many of these people strike me as the god fearing type.

Religion in Scotland http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ksRMKsdF2do

The guy that ran onto the pitch could have had ANYTHING in his hands eg a bazooka, a pistol, some Euros, rat poison, tactical advice, a water balloon, an Autograph Book, a Fart he had earlier captured, or, nothing. PHEW. It was nothing. It is pure luck that this religious crusader, had left his weapon of choice at his seat (blunder), but also a little bit admirable that he had continued his charge anyway.

If none of this has anything to do with society, bigotry or religion why were other prominent Catholics and/or Celtic fans also sent bombs? And if this is all Neil Lennon's fault, why were bullets also sent to his players McCourt and McGinn, two self-effacing, inoffensive individuals?

And if you think it was only one Hearts fan that was full of anti-Lennon hatred last night, you are sadly mistaken.

And on the other point raised about Celtic fans' pitch incursions, these were unacceptable, one-off incidents, not the latest chapter in a 10-year campaign against an individual whose partner and child are forced to live in a safe house when he is doing his job.

People can deny all they like or plead ignorance, but the facts are there.

Sadly, going from the evidence on this thread and others, the reasonable people of ICT are at least matched in numbers by the petty bigots.

It is your choice what kind of club and what kind of country you want, just don't try to take the moral high ground over the OF when your own prejudices are but mirrors of theirs.

Edited by dougiedanger
  • Agree 3

Sorry but Lawwell has cheek "This is Scotland's shame and it is high time Scotland addressed it." erm correct me if i am wrong but are your club not a huge part of the secretaerian problem ? ~Start looking closer to home Mr Lawwell

Fact of the matter is Lennon is a Ned, if you go around winding people up then there will always be some nutter who will decide that they aint having it.

I in no way condone anything that has happened to Lennon but cant help think he has not helped himself with his cheating, moaning and complaining about other clubs, refs, the SFA etc etc etc

  • Agree 5

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