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Sit Down and Shut Up ICT


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Reading in the media the last few days on quotes from all sides of this at ICT, it is clearly visible we are a fecking joke! , and everyday the club is continuing to look and sound more clueless with every statement that comes out of it.

For instance in less than a week we have had the debate of whether we can or cannot afford Niculae -

19th April

Niculae Wages Secure

23rd April

We cant afford to keep Niculae

25th April

We dont have to sell Niculae we can afford him

MAKE UP YER FECKING MINDS  :crazy07: :crazy07: :crazy07:

Then we have the squabbling from Savage and Sutherland, Savage you walked out DO 1  :008: You've had your moment and you cant change anything you did'nt have the balls when you were here to say it, so DONT say it now like the coward who's ran away.

Sutherland while you may have the best interests for the club, do you seriously think squabbling in the press is good for us , Stop being an ersehole and biting back the bait no matter what has gone on or not gone on, its past, think about the fecking future of the club.

Mainly what I'm trying to say is, ICT sit down and shut up because your becoming a comical farce and its no way to attract new season ticket holders or to hope people with season tickets will renew. YOUR AMEATUR!  :008: :008: :008:  :33:

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I don't think Savage is the man in the wrong here.  The way I look at it, Savage has made this public to notify the fans that Sutherland (it appears anyway) is strangling the club.  Though I'm sure he has the best intentions of preserving what ICT have at the moment, he doesn't appear to realise that he is preventing the club from growing.

If Sutherland wants his say, he should be chairman.  If he doesn't want to be chairman, he should shut up and put up.  (Unless of course the idea's being put forward are genuinely stupid)

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The best one of the lot is still to come:

It will be revealed that Marius has been on just over 2K all season and the rumours of extra money will be denied.  :029:

A friend of mine wrongly and cynically suggested that it was "cooking the books" before the accounts of Orion and ICT are presented to the general public - i of course told him to watch his slanderous feckin gob.

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My stoopid Chief Accountant mate has told me that I am too loyal and too naieve  :017: :024:

He states that a "clever" accountant could hypothetically balance the books of both ICT and Orion by "showing" that Marius got paid a wage of say only 2-2.5 K a week from the club, declared from the books, but Orion could have doubled this but "hidden" it in their accounts in another expenditure. Therefore both organisations would look blameless and squeaky clean !!

I told him that I could not believe that ICT or Orion could ever be so deceitful and that he was talking utter garbage like Caley Berk or ymip.

And then he said that if it was him - he would save the day by getting Orion and ICT to come to an agreement and peace by Orion saying that next season that they WOULD sponsor Marius Niculae - fer the sake of the club.  :001:

Then the "warring parties" could make a truce - and maintain their favoured employees - put the past into the memory banks - look like the prodigal saviours and nobody would be none the wiser.


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My stoopid Chief Accountant mate has told me that I am too loyal and too naieve  :017: :024:

He states that a "clever" accountant could hypothetically balance the books of both ICT and Orion by "showing" that Marius got paid a wage of say only 2-2.5 K a week from the club, declared from the books, but Orion could have doubled this but "hidden" it in their accounts in another expenditure. Therefore both organisations would look blameless and squeaky clean !!

That is a scurrilous suggestion, IHE.... You of all people should surely realise that Messrs Savage and Sutherland are two of the most honest, straightforward and upfront businessmen, ever to ply their trade at ICT...

I'll be very surprised if you don't receive a letter of warning as to your future conduct in this matter from Inverness's top legal experts....

Sue, Grabbitt and Runne....   :018:

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