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ICT V FALKIRK 19-09-06


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I'm sorry but it wasn't 'one of these nights'.

Why did we only look interested in scoring after we went one nil down? There is no point whatsoever in trying valiantly for the last 10 minutes when the previous 80 have been turgid pish showing no creativity whatsoever. A completely ghastly performance and I really can't see any postives to come from tonight. Even the pie I got was rubbish as well.

Not one ICT player can come out of that game (aside from Brown) and think they did a good job.

Our tactic of 'punt the ball to Bayne and see what happens' was woefully ineffective. Can we not pass it? Can we not retain posession? Why do we fell the need to leather the ball back to Falkirk at every given chance? And Falkirk were mince as well. We just happened to be about 10 times worse than they were.

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We never really looked capable of scoring if the truth be told. Once Falkirk scored it was game over.

There is no width in the side.

Plan A like RIG said is to pump it long. Plan B is a long throw in into the box and then that's us out of ideas.

Doesn't really inspire me to go &watch the next home game against Dunfermline  :007:

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Have to say that was a truly awful performance - not "one of these nights" because we never at any stage looked like scoring and were clueless from start to finish. Nothing remotely creative coming from the middle of the park...... Keogh?..... no, dont go there, unfair to single anyone out as they were collectively crap. Lack of enthusiasm from the bench area didnt help much either. Think we could be in trouble this season. :007: :007:           

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Highly disappointing performance from the team tonight, we lacked any sort of creativity and continued to throw long balls foward for the whole game despite having absolutely no joy from this tactic, i am not a fan of the long ball tactic at the best of times but tonight it was wrongy chosen and provided nothing for our team but gave the falkirk defence a relatively easy time.  The passing was atrocious and even a 5 yard pass to a team-mate in space rarely connected. Thought Hart did more in the short spell he was on than Keogh did in the whole game, that said Keogh didnt do much wrong just didnt have the creative spark we needed. Also thought Duncans passing was at best woeful, however he did make some good interceptions and important tackles. Collectively it was a poor performance and it needs to improve soon or we will be in trouble. Hopefully this poor spell we seem to be going through just now doesnt last and we can find our form once again.

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In the days when we went into the league we attacked all teams with a Braveheart thrust. We saw higher level teams playing dull football. We thought it was a malaise caused by their fear of losing or their arrogance at swatting the diddy team from Nessyland - we had no fear of losing. Football was fun and exciting and we were a great cup team. Now that we are 'better' we are in a cup malaise ourselves.

We seem to be demotivated. I hope this is temporary. Maybe in the minds of the players they want an Intertoto place and feel let down by UEFA this summer. The CIS Cup ends at Hampden so the carrot is not there.

Maybe we will be driven by the need to survive in this league at Kilmarnock this Saturday because a defeat and home defeat by Dunfermline and a few wins by Motherwell would put us well and truly where the sun don't shine. 

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After watching that dismal performance the question has to be asked is cc the right man. I watched hughes yelling at his boys where as cc just stood there arms folded. im a season ticket holder and this isthe first game i have made it to in weeks, but that really was utter crap. The only two players with any will last night was bazza & bayne. COME ON CC SORT IT OUT OR GET OUT. :008:

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Thought after a nights sleep you might have calmed down a tad James, but obviously not..

Barry didnt bother much last night, not untill the last 15 minutes that is, As i said in a previous post, Brown was good, Mcbain was solid and hardly gave the ball away, Bayne worked hard but to no avail.

The problem as i see it is the goals are not coming, this is having a knock-on effect, panic sets in and our game plan reverts to boot it up the park.

This is the same team that drew here with Celtic and had us all raving dont forget, once dargs gets the eye and a goal or two we will be back.

Starting this Saturday.

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We never really looked capable of scoring if the truth be told. Once Falkirk scored it was game over.

There is no width in the side.

Plan A like RIG said is to pump it long. Plan B is a long throw in into the box and then that's us out of ideas.

Doesn't really inspire me to go &watch the next home game against Dunfermline  :007:

We'll stuff Dunfermiline with lots of style and goals don't worry!

I couldn't make the game last night I had a snooker match to play which was most exicting and I won 2-1 in the final minute, pity my team couldn't have done the same....You were all at the wrong venue last night guys!

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We'll stuff Dunfermiline with lots of style and goals don't worry!

I couldn't make the game last night I had a snooker match to play which was most exicting and I won 2-1 in the final minute, pity my team couldn't have done the same....You were all at the wrong venue last night guys!

I wish i shared your optimism but having watched the performance last night its hard to see where the style or goals are gonna come from.

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Sadly, I absolutely agree.  We were also praying that it didn't go to extra time.

What an absolute load of cr@p to have to watch!  Paid for the privilege too!

I really don't know where the next goal is coming from, Wilson looks good, but he's too

busy tracking back, covering up for people.

What was the feckin point of making three subs with 10 minutes to go!

A very angry

Mrs PB

:008: :008: :008:

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The most worrying thing last night was that we were tactically inept.

The team had no shape whatsoever and players did not seem to have a role,

or to know what their role was.

Every midfielder seemed to be on a free rein, running about in whatever position they felt like - for 99% of the game, in the centre.

At one stage in the second half Mark Brown took a free kick from the edge of his area.

ICT had eight players in the centre circle.

When in possession in midfield we were unable to find any player to pass to, so the ball constantly went back or was lost.

This was the most poorly organised ICT Team I have ever seen.

I know I will be shot down in flames for it, because many people on here will not accept any criticism of the man - but Charlie Christie must shoulder the blame for last night.

We are on a downward spiral and he must address this now - or step aside.

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Every midfielder seemed to be on a free rein, running about in whatever position they felt like - for 99% of the game, in the centre.

When in possession in midfield we were unable to find any player to pass to, so the ball constantly went back or was lost.

This was the most poorly organised ICT Team I have ever seen.

Agree with those points. McBain and Wilson appeared to swap wings at one point and everyone knows Roy has no right foot so any time he got the ball wide right he had to turn around to get it back on his left and slowed the attack.

We were so poorly organised it was unbelievable. Falkirk on the other hand had 3 or 4 players right on our guys every time they had the ball.

And as I have said already - we only have one game plan. After that we are stuck. Long ball f'ck off!

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Guest ICtinAngus

Am a bit uneasy about the game this weekend against Killie, this will be the real test to see if we have progressed or taken a downward step. As killie have been our equals recently. 

However, if CC cannot manage to pick up the team then we must look to bringing someone else in quickly,  Levein would be a good choice. 

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>>>As for the Canadian F.F.S. we need a left back who see's further that 9 feet ahead of him, either that or someone who isnt colour blind, talk about poor passes.<<

that can be construed by some as a racist comment !!  :015: :015: :015: :015:

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Much hysteria as usual when we suffer a defeat. We have no divine right to win games and some of the comments posted are totally over the top. Better teams than us have suffered defeats like this/been relegated before.

Yes we were poor but so were Falkirk. They got a break of the ball for their goal as otherwise I think I would still be sitting waiting for a goal. As for comments made about lack of passion from the bench compared to John Hughes who was going ballistic every 5 seconds, it didn't make Falkirk play any better did it?.

Personally I think the problem is that the team and certain players have over achieved in the SPL so far but now some players are struggling to maintain that over achievement (Golly, Tokely perhaps unless he has a problem with an injury, Keogh and Hastings to name but a few).

As for Charlie, he has to learn from his mistakes and if the club really want to move on, he has to be given the time to learn his trade. Only then can a judgement be made on how good a manager he is. To sack him now, or call for his resignation is just pointless and typifies how short term some people think football is.

Rant over but some people need a reality check on their aspirations for the club.

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As for comments made about lack of passion from the bench compared to John Hughes who was going ballistic every 5 seconds, it didn't make Falkirk play any better did it?.

I absolutely do think it makes a difference, are you telling me it wouldn't have made an ounce of difference to Man Utd if Fergie just sat there doing his knitting?

It's too late to give them a b*llocking after the match - they need support during the game!

It's too early to call for Charlie's head, I agree with that.  But it was yet another disappointing home result.

When is our dismal home record going to get sorted out?  Not even the players themselves know why we are so poor at home!

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I don't think it's hysteria at all.

Nobody is suggesting we have a right to beat everyone, far from it. What annoyed me about last night(and Saturday) was the performance. If we'd played well and lost, fair enough, I'd have no gripes about that. The same in any game we play....play well, lose, no complaints.

Last night we were dire, Falkirk were too. They just happened to put away one of the few chances.

My aspirations for ICT involve no more than seeing us play some decent football, rather than that turgid ***** I paid to watch last night. I appreciate that we're going to have off days, everyone does....but there's been a few too many 'off days' for my liking just recently. Enough to raise concerns about our season anyway. If I come away from a game thinking 'ach, the better team won, but we did well ourselves', like I did at Hearts then I'm not going to criticise anyone.

As I posted last night, I don't put all the blame on CC, the players are capable of far more than they displayed last night.

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